I'm Stuck In A Solar Panel Contract!

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I'm Stuck In A Solar Panel Contract!

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You are better off buying solar panels than leasing them. I compare these solar panel companies to timeshare companies, more headache than they are worth.


Yes, whoever sold them the solar panels were slime balls, but the homeowners were irresponsible by not reading the contract.


Yup, “If it’s not in writing it doesn’t exist. “That was my very first lesson as a young real estate agent. All agreements must be in writing, don’t take someone’s word on it.


I’m a Realtor and this is a catastrophic issue that we deal with everyday


My parents always told me don’t lease anything....


I watch these shows and realize I am doing so much better than I previously thought.


When an environmentally friendly choice goes horribly wrong


Continued a solar lease on our home because we didn't take the time to look into the solar contract more and wanted to move-in asap, Solar fleeces are the biggest scam out there right now next to time-shares and cash advances

Can't wait to run out the lease so we can pull them off our house and have to fix our roof


Not happy with my Solaroo pannels plan. They overestimated the savings and underestimated the cost. Break even point is more than 20 years ☹. Expensive lesson.


Thank you for the warning. I won’t be getting solar panels ever.


V3 came to my house and started spewing lies about how great their power purchase agreement was. Thank goodness we already knew how bad a deal it was, including the 30% rebate they take instead of you, and the 25 year contract.


Nice caller-she was so professional...


I always read the documents I am signing and constantly get told that I am the only person who has read it.


This was almost me but I questioned the phone rep for 30 minutes and his real attitude began to show. When I said I'd pass, he got really rude. Then I knew my instincts were right


Solar panel guy called me like a few months ago. Dave had a video about not going into debt. He was trying to convince me that it's just part of the electric bill. I said Dave Ramsey said no. He said yeah I watched Dave Ramsey and this is part of your bill to own though. Finally I said I'm not doing it. He finally said ok ty for your time.😅


I was in business about 15 years ago. One valuable lesson I learned is to avoid contracts if there is an alternative. Why lock yourself down when you can’t predict the future? I bought a house 6y agi and bought solar panels. Cost me about $14k after rebate and tax break and it helped sell the house. Why would anyone ever lease solar panels? Payments are more than the bill and reduces hoje value and deters buyers.


Future tip: read contract in full, highlight confusing parts, bring to lawyers for further explanation


Just one more example of why you **fully read and understand any document or contract before signing. esp one’s involving money**. Also think about future what-if scenarios (ie what if we sell?) They’re legally binding contracts with consequences you AGREE to when you sign. Sadly an expensive life lesson for caller.


We assumed the solar lease buying our house. Our roof leaked under the panels. The company dropped it in our lap to fix. End of story $37, 000 to fix the roof. Never lease solar.


I need a new central air system so I contacted a company that has a very good reputation in the area. Sales guy took measurements, told me verbally what they would do and said the system could be installed within 1 week of contract signing. Got the contract via email; it omitted several items that he agreed to provide and had a blank space for the installation date. I told him that I needed a new contract with ALL of the items listed and the 1 week install commitment. He made the corrections but the install date was still a blank space. He said I should return the contract with the blank and the scheduler would fill that in later. I told him I wouldn't sign it that way so he needed to give me a date. He said soonest date was 6 weeks out. 6 weeks was not unreasonable given the time of the year, but he outright lied to me and I caught him. Shredded the contract and got a better deal from a different contractor.
