Microsoft Access Input Mask of Variable Length, Phone Numbers

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In this Microsoft Access TechHelp tutorial, I'll show you how to enter Input Masks of varying length.

Muhamad asks: "In my country our cell phone number is usually with 3 header and 7 following digits but now some of the of the country is using 3 digits header with 8 following digits. When I set the cell phone text box with input mask for 7 digit it wont allow the use to enter the 8 digit one. but when i set it for 8 digit it won't accept 7 digit either. how can i set the input mask to accept both 7 digit and 8 digit phone number?"

This video will show you how to handle that.


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Thank-you for being quick and to the point.! Thank-you for not having music! Thank-you for making it so easy!


Perhaps this can't be done with an input mask but only in code, but it would be helpful to understand if one can designate the first digit as optional. E.g., for a text box bound to a time field. Another way of thinking of this is to have user input begin in the rightmost spot and each subsequent keystroke moves what previously was entered, one spot to the left. Alternatively, of designating default values for each spot, e.g., a "0" (zero). E.g., where entering "645" would result in 6:45 AM; "1230" would result in 12:30 PM. Ideally also, where entering "11" would result in 11:00 AM, or "3", 3:00 AM, but this may be a bridge too far.


I genuinely wish I could block everyone else on youtube that does Access vids so that you would be the only thing to come up in my search results.


Dear Richard, I need to put an input mask for bank account #. All banks use a final verification digit, although the length of bank # is variable. Max length is 11 characters plus the verification digit, minimum is 4 plus verification code. I though about putting this mask . The issue with that is Access won´t accept filling the mask from right to left. Instead it creates the need to the user - which by the way is myself - to count how many spaces I will enter prior to put all the digits. Very upsetting. Is there any way around the issue, besides not using masks at all? Thanks for the attention.


How can I hide the rest and leave the last four digits (***) *** - 0000 ?


Thanks, that was very helpful. But what about international. US is +1 but by default I want +1 hidden. But for London I need +44 and the rest. How can I handle international numbers differently? Thanks again.


Thanks for the great videos. I have a question about input masks.
The input mask contains 10 digits and I want the user to enter the two digits from the left and the four digits from the right (000\0\2\0\0000) and I found out access will save 6 digits only. How can I let access save the 10 digits.



Another great video, however it doesn't make sense, I have !\(999") "000-0000;;_ as my input mask for phone number, it forces me to enter numbers only which sounds impossible according to your video. This is not a problem for me, just pointing out that 999 doesn't allow letters.
Anyway, what I'm trying to learn is how to set for "format" property of the phone number field because list boxes only show the formatting of the raw data. Even if I have formatting to show (###) ###-#### it looks great in the table view and form view, but listbox view shows because that's how the table stores the data. I know from importing raw data that had the raw data as (###) ###-####, the listbox shows exactly the same as (###) ###-####. So I know the listbox is capable of showing that format. I just need to figure out the correct code to put into the format field of the phone number properties of the table, and then the listbox will be looking good. I hope this makes sense.


Are people still using Access? Wow guess I need to brush back up on this relic
