Arnold Schwarzenegger has a warning for antisemites

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The "Terminator" star spoke directly to people "who might have already stumbled into the wrong direction, into the wrong path."
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"Screw your freedom!" Arnold Schvarzenegger.


*USS Liberty Attack by Israel (killed 34 US Sailors) - NSA Transcripts declassified in 2007 - Google Haaretz Article: When Israel Attacked USS Liberty*

Israeli pilot to the IDF war room: "This is an American Ship, do you still want us to attack?"

IDF war room: "Yes, follow orders".

Israeli Pilot: "But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!"

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: "Never mind; hit it."


"Arnold's father is rolling over in his grave." Said another person, I don't want to take credit for that.


Isn't he one of the celebrities that told us to " Vote like your life depends on it".? Right. How's that working for you folks?


If I had to guess there must be a video of Arnold being antisemitic somewhere. And hes trying to cover his ass


In a 50-100 hundred years, someone like Arnold will
make a video on how the Palestinians were treated by the apartheid state that is Israel.

The injustice they suffered and are suffering and how western nations supported Israel’s hubris and arrogance supplying weapons and political legitimacy.

How the Palestinians suffered due to the collective guilt of the Europeans mistreatment of their Jewish citizens by sending them to Palestine first as refugees and then as settlers.

For hundreds of years Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the creation of Israel.

History will realign to the truth and it will manifest in time.


Don’t twist it with an “antisemite” headline. Arnold is denouncing all forms of hate in the message. That goes for the weaklings that have been preemptively striking their neighbors and occupying their land due to Islamophobia.


It is so sad that we who love life are so few as to them who wish to take it! Remember: Bear one another's burdens, for it was said, I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. You are your brother’s keeper, Believe in, one another.
