Zhongli is NOT a DPS

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Don't get angry, he does a lot of damage and you can run him as a DPS. However, he does not do a lot of damage compared to other characters. He has a lot of utility with a petrify, shielding, and a sentry. I just wanted to point out that he will not do as much damage as real DPS characters.
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I run him as DPS and he's not only capable of being a DPS, he's very amazing at it too.


Too be honest i see zhongli being played like a burst spammer like venti or noelle to do massive dmg since his q alone can reach 100k. Too bad i wont be pulling since i dont know what will be his role.i already have a main dps in my first party noelle and being supported by fischl xiangling and bennett. Im planning on making a second team for xiao but zhongli is not the best support for xiao since theres no elemental reaction that can trigger swirl.
