Footprints in my heart

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Your kindness continues to be evident to all Dr Sanjay. I extend my deepest heartfelt sympathy to you in this huge loss.


You have honoured your friend with your words and your generous offer. Saying his name out loud creates a powerful energetic link. Your relationship with this inspirational human being has not ended, it has just changed. His influence on the world continues in your work and in the way you interact with others💕


Your tribute to your friend was beautiful. Like the many lives you have touched, I am grateful you had someone who made such a profound difference in yours. God bless you, sir.


Oh Dr Gupta, we all come here on this earth with a mission to fulfil, a path to walk and a time to leave. It is rare to see so much emotion in a member of the medical profession that when I see it, I must stop and pay attention. Your kindness that comes through in your videos has been a source of education and solace for me especially after I lost my husband. You are a good person and I clasp my hands and bow my head to you in recognition of your humanity. May God bless you and all with whom you come into contact.


I know how you feel. My mother died a few weeks ago. You are a very good doctor and we all love you because of the way you react, the way you speak, and the way you help us all. I am sorry for your loss.


Your comments are an amazing tribute to your friend. I lost my husband from a heart attack at the age of 56, then lost my son and two grandchildren. The loss of loved ones is a hurt that never goes away. I often feel that I'm not really living, just existing. "Footprints on my heart" is a beautiful sentiment and so very true.


Many years ago my young cousin 6 years old passed, I was probably 14-15. I felt as you. How could the world just keep going as if nothing had happened. Your kind heart speaks volumes upon volumes. You are the kind of person that the world needs. We need many more with a heart to love and have compassion like you Sir. Thank you, for choosing to be the man you are…


Dr Gupta I'm so sorry for your loss. I found your channel after my kids watched me have a cardiac arrest in the hospital and be resuscitated several years ago. The kindness that comes through in your videos is so apparent. You have helped me so much. Thank you for all that you do. Please be well.


Dr. Gupta you are an angel in disguise, offering care, compassion, and superb medical and people skills and the desire to take care of the whole person. I feel that your compassion and truly caring for your patients will make them want to earnestly get well and follow your advice. Thank you for all you do!


What a perfect eulogy - a reflection of both your friend and you.


Oh gosh. 😢. Unfortunately, I know exactly how you feel. My Mother had gone into an ER with chest pains. They told her it was indigestion and sent her home. Seven days later she was dead from a heart attack. She was only 46. When my Mother died, I observed strangers around me going on with life as if nothing catastrophic had just happened. They were laughing and talking. I wanted to stand up and scream at them, “ Please stop! Please! Don’t you realize what I have just lost?” I wanted them to just acknowledge Her existence and Her passing….if only for a minute. It’s a horrible, cold and lonely feeling. I’m very sorry for your loss. Thank you for being able to see the need to help others in his memory. You are appreciated.


Dr. Gupta, you have my deepest sympathy. God bless you for honoring your friend by reaching out to help others.


Dr Gupta
So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend that you are finding so so hard to absorb! You have such a lovely kind heart in gifting your services freely to a number of people while you are in practice in memory of your friend.
You are a very good man with an extraordinary heart ♥️
You are held in such high esteem here on your channel. It’s a privilege to follow you!


Our late Queen once said, "Grief is the price we pay for love." Those we loved who have died never really leave us. We mourn their physical absence, but they live in our hearts and minds so hear them in a bird's song or a whisper of wind and honour their memory by doing good in their name, as you have done. Thank you for the help your videos have given me in helping me deal with ectopics. Your calm, quiet presence also helps on bad ME days, so thank you for that, too.


I am so sorry for your loss. I found your channel because my father died unexpectedly in November of a stroke and had no symptoms except high blood pressure prior to his rapid decline over three days.

Your videos and holistic perspective regarding cardiology are so necessary to cut through the noise and give people some perspective, sanity, and grounding when it comes to blood pressure as the very nature of this condition can make one stressed out due to its invisibility. (I went through weeks of wondering about my own blood pressure because of my father.)

Please look at the comments from around the world and remember that YOU and vicariously your friend have left footprints on the hearts (literally!) of hundreds of thousands of people with your work. We pray to Shiva to give us strength to let go of what might be dissolving away, and new creation will come on its own. Nevertheless, it won't erase the good energy you and your friend had.



So sorry for your loss Dr Sanjay. What a wonderful tribute to your cherished friend's memory. I lost my mother in 2023... all the ways our loved ones touched us become more evident in our reflections of their influence on our lives. Wishing peace and comfort to you and your friend's family and friends during this difficult time. 💚


I’m so sorry 😢 for your loss. I remember when you lost your father and the heartbreak 💔 I felt for you then. I had also booked an appointment with you in the past regarding my cardiac issues. You are very comforting, reassuring, and helpful regarding my scary symptoms. Since my appointment with you, I often hear your reassuring, calm voice, so I don’t worry about my cardiac issues as much. Thank you 🙏 for being you. ♥️


Sincerely sorry for your loss. No matter how much we remind ourselves that these events are going to happen, we can never truly be prepared. If it's any consolation, like your friend, you have been a wonderful addition to my life, and I'm sure the lives of many others with your soft, empathetic advice, and I hope you are always there because you have a gift of making the fear go away, and that is an absolutely wonderful gift to have.


Your channel is, by orders of magnitude, the best channel on this, or any platform. I seemingly had serious and persistent heart palpitations which have now subsided and am sure will go into complete remission, thanks, firstly, to your very effective and believable reassurance as well as your dietary recommendations.

Another impressive feature of your channel is in its absence of gratuitous background musac and cutaways. I could not possibly be more impressed.


you bought tears to my eyes with your kindness and gentleness. you are not just a doctor of our physical hearts, but a doctor of our emotional spiritual hearts and a great teacher of what it means to be a loving human being. god bless you always..xxoo
