Senate GOP On Verge Of Passing Massive Tax Bill | MTP Daily | MSNBC

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Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) says the proof “is in the pudding” on how the GOP’s tax plan will benefit Americans.

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Senate GOP On Verge Of Passing Massive Tax Bill | MTP Daily | MSNBC
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The poor and the aging are going to suffer. The GOP's total disregard for it's own citizens must not be ignored.


Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota seems to think the family of four earning $73, 000 per year are representative of the lowest income tax brackets. He referred to this hypothetical family of four as people in the bottom end. WOW, he is so out of touch with reality. There are hundreds of thousands of people who earn much less than this whose taxes will go from 10% to 12%. These people who can NOT afford this INCREASE in taxes will suffer the most, but at least he can sleep well at night knowing that his richest donors will receive a SUBSTANTIAL tax cut!

This Administration and this Republican Congress is government gone wrong!


cut taxes for the rich, cut services for everybody else


Do any of these Republican Congessmen and Senators really think they will survive this either way?


Someone should tell the GOP that sometimes winning in the short run is losing in the long run. Passing a bad bill for their wealthy donors is worse than doing nothing. I believe they'll find that out in November, 2018. I would say that it's the end of the GOP majority if they pass this horrible tax gift to their billionaire donors while destroying social security and medicare. Not to mention that this tax bill will tank the economy.


STOP giving proven liars a platform to just lie, lie, and lie.


Wow, what a talented Republican!
He's one of the best liars I've seen in quite a while!


Tax cuts for the rich are always followed by service cuts to the poor


they are desperately desperate to push this through. This will hurt their base the most!!! too bad, guys, you insisted on it!


Our government Has a dismal track record of doing anything right. I am sick and tired of them doing senseless and stupid things with my hard earned money. It’s not the government’s job to care for you, while steeling from me to do it. I want my accomplishments back, I want my hard work back, and I want my money back.


You go to the bad place for lying... 5 different budget committees say for the first year there is only 1% tax cut for $75, 000 a year. Under that, taxes raise. At first the "middle class" making $75, 000 or more would get a credit from $300 - $500 a year. That's $25.00 a month to $43.00 a month. FOR A FAMILY! Don't go crazy and spend all that in one place, now. If you are single, you are screwed. But! What! For an added bonus you will not have deductions for state taxes, local taxes, tuition or books for college or trade schools. No deduction for uniforms. No deductions for medical expenses under $12, 000. Yeah! You feel like you are winning, now?


Up next: Social Security & Medicare...."We just can't afford it". Get big money out of politics!


Glad to see that Chuck asked about investigating Trump.


Can we get some fact-checking on this guy? And what about the sunset on the individual tax cuts in three years? There may be a temporary cut, but then a major hike on everybody who can't afford one.


Ohhh, Chuck went for the throat. Investigate Moore and trumpy!


Rounds disrespects his South Dakota constituents.


It is about the Donors which apparently have strings attached.
as defined by
1. money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.:
2. anything given or serving to persuade or induce:
if there are no Donor strings attached then what is being proposed would actually match the Politico-babble. They're just talking their walk. Diversionary nonsense.
The Great Kansas Experiment which implemented these GOP theories starting in 2012-2013 just reversed themselves in 2017 because it didn't produce the growth and businesses became expert in creating pass through corporations so as not to pay taxes. Their projected growth and revenues never manifested. Cutting services meant they actually didn't have some services which they ultimately liked having. They decided it was worth paying the taxes after all. The end of the Great Kansas Experiment.
Go Figure.


😢😢😢don't take my insurance away damnit


2300 saved health care lost. No win. Yep, a few bucks more to take home. More health care cists lower standard of care and education. And we'll get around to infrastructure after we privatize it all because we dont have the tax income to pay for it.


I think he meant, "proof is in the kool-aid"
