She Came Back After Two Years Of No Contact

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She Came Back After Two Years Of No Contact. Sometimes exes come back after years of being in no contact. This happens a lot more often than you would think. In this video, Coach Craig breaks down a situation where the dumpee had not worked on their attachment issues and when his ex reaches out, becomes very anxious and scared.

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Exes that come back after years probably realized that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
They must have got dumped by their current partner otherwise they will not think of you.
Sad but true.


My ex did return after a few years apart. Then left again after 18 months. Just beware. If they left you once, they’ll do it again.


I had an ex who came back after 5 years. If you listen and learn, eventually everything coach says come true.


Have a similar situation going on right now but we were together for about a year. Keep calm and take it slow. Keep doing the work on those anxious tendencies. Several women that I have dated during the last year have commented that I am very calm about things. As a former anxious person It's great to hear that and it probably shows how many that struggle with anxiety. You can do it and have a great relationship, with your ex or someone even better.


My boyfriend came back after 2 years too.
I think he suffers from avoidance. I listened and took comfort from you Craig, Coach Margaret, and Coach Victoria.
I.loved him all the way through. He seems calmer, and we communicate possibly well because I've learned a lot and understood a lot.


After 1 or 2 years Why would you want them back??


The truth is… she won’t come if you stay the same version of yourself, that she rejected


8 weeks of no contact (my current situation) is hard enough, but two years?! That's just ridiculous. I wouldn't waste my time and energy on someone who needed that amount of time to remember my existence.


She's an opportunist. Do not take her back.


One of my ex who dumped me wanted to reconnect and ask me out after 7 years of no contact (yes, 7 years!) Well, I have told her to come over so we can catch up. Ended up in bed. We met 3 times, had sex, and then poooof she disappeared. Then 2 weeks later I got a text "Sorry I was dating a few guys at the same time, and at the end I had to make a decision between you and someone else, so I went with the other guy. Take care! I guess we will never speak again!" I did not even respond to that...

2 years went by, and then out of the blue "Hey how are you?". Okay, asked her to come over again. Again in bed. We met 3 more times, she was chasing me, but I was just not feeling it. So I blew it off. This was ~1.5 years ago. 3 weeks ago: "Hope you are doing well, do you want to meet up?" LOL.


Cause the other guy dropped her that's why she went back to him after dumping him


My ex came back after 3.5 months and we are together again but It was hard for me because I had so much resentment that I almost didn't want him back. I still have doubts because he hasn't changed much... I guess time will tell. I know now that I don't need him and I'm with him because I want to.


My friend, the ex came back after 18 months of no contact. They recently got married last fall.


I have not been allowing myself to date new girls or move on, I can see many women are interested in me for once in my life but I am probably afraid to move on in case the ex comes back even though I realize by now that if the ex did come back I probably wouldn't even feel the attraction for her


This is going to be me. 😂
I know she’s coming back eventually. I’ll probably be married to someone else by then.


Now I wanna know what Can you follow up with this guy?? I feel invested in this story now. 🤣


I was on a date last night and got a phone call after 3 years from my ex. I was for sure surprised. The only contact Ive had is I still see his parents around our community. His parents adore me and from time to time check in on me.


Hi coach craig. I've been watching your videos for a month now. Im working on being the best version of me. I want to be ready if my ex comes back but if not, im 100% sure that Im ready for the next relationship. I want to be comfortable of being alone that having a companion is just an added bonus. I havent finished all the videos but I have them playing even while Im sleeping. Hoping that my subconcious will pick up your wisdom. Wishing you more power.


Is it really healthy though, to want your ex back? It sounds like a romantic idea however the reality is there were reasons why you broke up. Keep this in mind always before wasting more of your life on someone that probably has very different values and/ or life goals than yourself.


There is this girl I got to know almost 20 years ago in high school. She was my first real crush and we had a situationship for a while before she left me for someone else. We've had contact on and off through the years. At the begining of 2018 we stopped contact after a really bad argument. I wanted to give us another shot at what we had bit she just wanted a friend. We stopped contact and I went on with my life. Almost 2 years later I am commuting from work, I am at the train station and I get a text from her. She saw me at the train station when her train stopped by.
We texted for a while and agreed to meet up the same evening, just to get in bed together. I went home the same night and we talked over the phone a few times after but now we haven't had contact for 3 years. I hear she is engaged now but I don't hold any romantic feelings for her.
Life can really get you to some really wierd places. All you can do is enjoy the ride
