Every Christian Denomination Explained in 9 Minutes

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I made a mistake regarding the catholics and orthodox. Neither side believes the son proceeds from the Holy Spirit. Sorry guys.


I feel like I just watched a presentation about Christianity from a middle schooler who looked up everything on Wikipedia


Non Trinitarianism is not Christian it's blasphemy


Catholicism is a denomination.
Eastern Orthodoxy is a denomination.
Oriental Orthodoxy is a group of denominations, not a singular one.
Non-Trinitarianism is a theology shared by very few Protestant churches, and it's usually seen as incorrect.
Protestantism is a group of denominations, not a singular one.
Calvinism is a theology shared by some Protestant churches.

Along with that, you missed Anglicanism/ Episcopalian, Methodism, Presbytarian, Baptist, Non-Denominational, and much much more

Be careful to do your research.


some corrections: nontrinitarians arent christian, as they reject one of the most important if not the most important core belief in christianity, all ACTUAL denominations of christianity believe that salvation is only BY FAITH through GRACE, for God gifted us salvation even though we don't deserve it and all christian denominations believe that jesus died for our sins and is the SOLE redeemer for our sins, not just lutherans.

you can't say a nonchristian is christian, that is like saying this mormon is mormon even though they reject the belief that we can become Gods with our own planets and spiritual family.

also, calvinism isn't christian too.


how tf does this guy only have 2k subs, i aint even religious and i watched every vid just because i find em so entertaining


Filioque: The holy spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son
Orthodoxy: The holy spirit proceeds from the Father *exclusively* and it's sent by both the Father and the Son.

If anyone is wondering which is more Biblical, orthodoxy is. Based on the roles of each person of the trinity, the holy spirit cannot proceed from both the Father and His eternally begotten Son. Filioque is a thing because the pope back in the day was like "i believe im more equal than ther rest of the clergy, therefore i alone can change whatever i like in the Nicene creed". That's also how the supreme authority of the pope became a thing in the western church.


What you mean by One God it is Numerically One or United ?


There were several things wrong in this video but I think the biggest one to note is that Calvinists (as the name implies) follow the theology of John Calvin. Not Zwingli. They both were important figures in the Protestant reformation but that’s about the end of it. Zwingli and Calvin were at odds with each other especially over Communion. Calvin taught that Christ is Spiritually present in the Eucharist and Zwingli taught a Remembrance only view. Reformed churchs such as the Dutch reformed or Presbyterian denominations follow Calvin’s teaching.

Though it should be noted that many people in baptist and nondenominational church’s take “Calvinism” to simply mean the 5 points of Calvinism (aka T.U.L.I.P) or predestination today. In which case, you can follow Zwingli’s view on communion and still call yourself a Calvinist. But, yeah it just objectively wrong to claim that being a Calvinist means following Zwingli or imply in any way that the Dutch reformed or Presbyterian church follow Zwingli.


Dude. Your channel is so fucking awesome.

If only everyone just gone to the point.

Every educator on YouTube:
Blah blah info blah blah

You: info


You made an error regarding The Catholic/orthodox split, neither of us believe that the Son proceeds from the Holy spirit, our biggest theological disagreement is the filioque.


5:44 This is not true, at least for Catholics, we believe that Scripture and the Church both have equal authority, the Church cannot contradict the Bible and the Bible cannot contradict the Church because both are infallible.


I think you made a mistake. What Orthodox Church don’t believe is that The Holy Spirit doesn’t come from The Son, not the other way around.✝️✝️✝️


can you explain about the Assyrian church of the east


How you find the symbols for thumbnail


Did not expect to see a Rainbow Six Siege map here :D


1 Corinthians 13 spoke it said love from God is an agreement to do some things all the time and some things so long as it's not provoked which is not easily accomplished, while unprovoked Love is a kindness that enacts to preserve and protect you and it never lies to you.
I remember one time I had a dream out of the 8, 000+ times I've been asleep a dream that has not happened before it has not happened since, and I've had the recipe to make it hundred a days before it happened and hundreds of days after it happened.
I could have dreamed about anything, I dreamed about a dog, which is a symbol of unbelief in the Bible and Jesus part of Matthew 7:6 give not that which is holy unto the dogs, a dog could have done anything it dug a hole, it could have dug any kind of hole, it dug a very deep hole and anything could have been at the bottom of that hole but a few verses in the Bible come to mind and anything could have happened when I climbed out of that hole but part of Romans 10 said that you must believe that Jesus has been raised from the dead to be saved.
In the beginning was the word and the Word was God in the word was with God John 1:1
the word" or the message of God" was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld the glory of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
Anytime I've been in trouble with in a dream the name Jehovah has failed me making things immediately worse but the name of Jesus never has: because that no man cometh to the father but by the son.
When I humble myself and prayed never have I been LED or felt the need to try to be saved by any other name no Joseph Smith no Muhammad, no Buddha, no hindu.
For is the way to truth to abundant Life, for God resist the proud he giveth Grace and to the humble.
Seek you the living God while he may be found.
Pray for wisdom.


I found this clip fascinating as it shed light on the diverse and mesmerizing world of marine predators. Learning about the majestic great white sharks, the agile mako sharks, and other awe-inspiring creatures reminded me of the incredible beauty and complexity of our oceans.


Not only is most of this info wrong, its also a direct rip off of redeemed zoomers video.


So many wrong things in this video. You need to learn christianity better.
