Edgar Cayce What We Think We Become

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“What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.” Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (/ˈkeɪsiː/; 18 March 1877 – 3 January 1945) was an American clairvoyant who claimed, uniquely, to channel his own higher self. Cayce's channeling sessions happened in a trance state that he would induce with help from his friend Al Layne or his wife until later in life, when he became accustomed enough to do so on his own. During these sessions, Cayce would answer questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, dreams, the afterlife, past-life, nutrition, Atlantis and future events. As a devout Christian and Sunday school teacher, his channelling claims were a source of trouble for him because channelling was typically criticized by practitioners of his faith as being demonic. Cayce, in contrast, believed that it was his subconscious mind exploring the dream realm, where he believed minds were timelessly connected. Cayce founded a nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, to store and facilitate the study of his channelings, as well as run a hospital. A biographer gave him the nickname The Sleeping Prophet.

Some consider him the true founder and a principal source of the most characteristic beliefs of the New Age movement.

Until September 1923, his readings were not systematically recorded or preserved. However, an article published in the Birmingham Post-Herald on October 10, 1922, quotes Cayce as saying that he had given 8,056 readings as of that date and it is known that he gave approximately 13,000–14,000 readings after that date. A total of 14,306 are available at the A.R.E. Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach and on an online, member-only section along with background information, correspondence, and follow-up documentation.

Other abilities that have been attributed to Cayce include astral projection, prophesying, mediumship, viewing the Akashic records or "Book of Life", and seeing auras. Cayce said he became interested in learning more about these subjects after he was informed about the content of his readings, which he reported that he never actually heard himself.
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Eggar Cayce had this idea called the mind as the builder, and really explained why what we think we become, let's dive in.

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule


This channel is filled with love and everyone here is giver and receiver of love. If only everyone in the world were like this, no war no hate no crime. God bless everyone


You all are much appreciated and very loved family


I return to this channel several times a week, always refreshed by the focus on spiritual schooling. Being “in the world” is exhausting, I’m always reminded here that we are not “of the world”, but merely interacting in this classroom of the cosmos. Thank you, Brian 🙏


I have a hard time reading thank you for sharing in a way easy for me to follow alone. Hearts and flowers


When I was twelve years old
I can never focus on a book
For some reason, I started reading Edgar casey Ralph Waldo Emerson Emmett fox Ernest Holmes, cyber cebernetics
And yet my whole life was a nightmare
I'm 74 years old and I would have thought some of that would have paid off. In Commonsense
My life is getting better with all these wonderful podcasts. Thank God for that.


Any time I would complain about my life’s circumstances, my mom would always say, “You know what Edgar Cayce says, mind is the builder”. A nice reminder that I control this ride.


When I was 10 I was introduced to Edgar Cayce


Ideas and Ideals. Ties in beautifully with Neville’s Consigned to Disobedience where he talks about us having no option but to “disobey” the “law” in order for us to find ourselves again. Our true natures. We are forever looking for “relief” from whatever state of consciousness we are in. Even if it is a high flying, happy one- something is always pushing us onwards towards more. Which to me, seems to be Cayce’s interpretation of the “ideal”. And that is why Neville emphasises why we don’t need to judge ourselves for wherever we are- it is the God within, pushing us on to reach that ideal. Even if we have to transcend/ascend through this reality to get to it.
It also ties in beautifully with what Sara Landon’s the council of light teach... that we will find, that even after achieving our “hearts desires” we will feel like there is more, so much more than that... that these things are transient because we are here in this form to “realize” who we truly are. Our “ideal” selves. The money and relationships and things are awesome and amazing... but we will find we are looking for more than that once those things have been attained- they are transient- just the ideas of what we consider the best of the best.
And it ties in with Larson’s Imagination and the Mastermind where he talks about transforming your perceptions of your reality into something better and better and better. Even when the “superior” positive, happiest of your perceptions are available to you... that you can make them even better. You can find even more to appreciate from your environment because you are the operant power conscious of it, and thereby creating more and more and better and better. In other words- what you perceive is the tip of the iceberg- even when it’s amazing... there’s always more to appreciate. And that is the nature of All That Is continually expanding into more and more. And we are part of that consciousness. We are all as One, reaching towards an ever expanding Ideal.
I believe Abraham has said something similar about sexual energy being the most powerful kind of energy we can conjure. Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone :)
It makes sense if you think about it... When you feel it- with another or with yourself and it is anchored in honest to goodness love- the kind that just unfurls you like a flower... and you feel that sensual, erotic energy wash through you. It has a powerful momentum that you just cannot stop. It’s like a vortex of energy in and of itself moving through you and taking you with it. I think human eroticism at its highest form of expression is one of the most sacred aspects of our beings.
And... isn’t it kind of funny what things we call the “little things”? :) There seems to be nothing whatsoever little about them...


You see brian, , , you are an amazing gift to humanity and especially to those who are awakening, , , to seeking self.


amazing man mr. glad i knew of him in the 60s and 70s.love is a verb...thank you!


Brian, you rock for a lot of things ~ getting Edgar to a whole new generation is one of them. 🌟

He was an inspiring human. Even the first Remote Viewer. (Got that from Stephan Schwartz.)


This is the most amazing channel. Edgar Casey is absolutely profund writer, I read his work 20 years ago and and still find the info amazing and timeless.


The part where you said you could blow up the world cos our energy, you have helped me control and create my own life through imagination and love and I literally live by that how we’re in a dream every single thing around us is proving to us some kind of thing about us from the universe, my mom was really drunk she was not in a good mood and it doesn’t bother me at all when she’s drunk like that, I was in her room and we were talking for a min I left my phone in there, she was yelling at my sister for doing something small and she was crying I know drunk people have no idea wat there doing but i was controlling how i was feeling realizing I don’t want that in my reality, I was sitting with my sister brushing her face and hair I don’t usually think and I was thinking about how being her kid I never got any kind of affection and how much that hurts my sisters I felt it so intensely I was about to have a tear fall down my face and my mom yelled for me freaked out like so freaked out, she grabbed my phone and the light went out and I really got the epiphany from that to start a business and it’s literally happening, sincere thank you, you have helped me through more than u can imagine


I am fascinated with Edgar. I SO ENJOY & appreciate your work and for introducing me to his work. He has a fascinating field!! ❤❤❤


Hello friends. Another amazing podcast. Thank you Brian. 🙏


"Thoughts are currents" made me think about Bruce Lipton...brain is a transmitter/receiver. Consciousness is somewhere outside of us.


I’ve never looked at it this way. Brilliant


You’re the best Brian. I recommend you to all I love. :)


You are a blessing, beyond measure, Brian Scott 🙏🌎💯🎁
