Evgeny Morozov, who owns the Internet? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

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Belarusian journalist Evgeny Morozov is one of the first and most influential critics of the Internet giants Google, Facebook and Co. He even calls for a recapture of our data. Yves Bossart talks to him about the entanglements of technology, money and politics - and asks: What can be done?

00:00 What is the main problem with the business model of Internet giants Google, Amazon & Co.?
16:40: How can we fight hate and targeted advertising on the Internet?
22:28: What is "surveillance capitalism"?
36:09: What would a different way of handling our data look like?
39:30: Why not nationalize all internet giants and use the data socially?

Billions of people use millions of apps and websites on the Internet. A few corporations are grabbing user data and market share: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. These companies know a lot about each and every one of us. Our data, which we provide to them for free, is a pure goldmine for them.

These big Internet corporations make money from our data by selling advertising. But this business model has no future, says publicist Evgeny Morozov. Rather, the corporations should be paying us - not us paying them. More than ten years ago, the Belarusian Internet critic pointed out the dark side of digital corporations, their power and ideology and uncovered the complicit role of politics. By now, we all know what's going on: surveillance, fake news, power monopolies, polarization. The only question is: what to do? Yves Bossart talks to the thought leader about ways out of our captivity on the net.

In this version, the questions are in German, but with English answers.

Sternstunde Philosophie from 25.09.2022
Programme managers:
Director: Christine Rauschmeier, Editors: Claudia Zeltner, Daniel Dubach, Susanne Herresthal, Producer: Christine Schulthess, Head: Judith Hardegger
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«Sternstunde Philosophie» cultivates an in-depth and critical exchange of ideas and gets to the bottom of the burning questions of our time.

«Sternstunde Philosophie» ridges the gap between current socio-political issues and the fundamental questions of philosophy: Who is responsible for what, what is human freedom, what determines the meaning of our lives? Guests are personalities from science, culture, politics and business - voices that stimulate thought and reflect and classify our current events.

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genial liebes SRF dass ihr nun auch eine Version im O-Ton hochlädt, hab ich mir immer gewünscht!


Liebe Community, was haltet Ihr von der Idee, dass Ihr von den Internetgiganten für Eure Daten bezahlt werdet? Wir freuen uns auf eure Antworten!


Großartiger Beitrag, ein ganz wichtiges Thema über das leider zu wenig wahre kritische und konstruktive Diskussion gibt.


Von Internetgiganten bezahlt werden für eine spezifische Nutzung meiner Daten, gefällt mir.
Habe ich vor über drei Jahren bereits immer gesagt gehabt :)!
Gefällt mir, dass ich nicht die einzige Person bin, die darüber nachdenkt.


Ein sehr wichtiger Beitrag zu einem Thema, das leider vill zu selten derartig prägnant auf den Punkt gebracht wird wie das Herr Morozov getan hat. Zu ähnlichen Themen liesse sich übrigens z.B. auch mit Prof. Monika Dommann von der UZH sprechen.
