Raise A Hallelujah (Official Lyric Video) - Bethel Music, Jonathan & Melissa Helser | VICTORY

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"Raise A Hallelujah" by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser from our new album VICTORY.

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Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me

I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive

Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me

Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me

I raise a hallelujah

Raise a Hallelujah
Written by Jonathan David Helser / Melissa Helser / Molly Skaggs / Jake Stevens

#raiseahallelujah #victory #bethelmusic
Рекомендации по теме

I have stage 4 cancer. I have a 2 year old son. I'm still here fighting this for me and him. I raise a hallelujah.


I’m a 27 year old who suffers from depression, only those close to me know it because “I smile all the time”. This song truly makes me so happy though! God isn’t done with my story. Heaven comes to fight for me. In the presence of my enemies. My weapon is my melody. So comforting!


I have a cancerous brain tumor. 2 years ago I was sent home from the hospital on hospice with a few weeks to live. Here I am still living, breathing, walking, and talking, all to raise a Hallelujah! Praise God!


My mother had uterine cancer. Her colon ruptured as a result radiation therapy. The surgeon said it was one of the three worst cases he had ever seen. Didn’t expect her to live. I prayed… Jesus, it will be said that she’s elderly (she was 74) and lived a long life. She’s going to a better place. But I knew my mother wasn’t born again. She wasn’t going to a better place. 😢 I prayed and asked the Lord to give her more time on this earth. He gave her 14+ more years. 🙌🏻 During that time she was born again! I raise a Hallelujah! 🙌🏻


I was born with an illness called hydrocephalus and the doctors told my family there was no guarantee I would be able to walk talk or do anything independently, and that was assuming I even lived. They also said that at best I had 18 years to live. I'll be celebrating my 43rd birthday next month. Praise God!


My boyfriend has traumatic brain injury from a car accident and I know Jesus is going to give him a testimony to tell!! I raise a hallelujah 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️


I was crying in my room, with scars and bruises, and He heard my cry to Him, I got healed, I have a stable job and a healthy pregnant wife! And we're expecting a boy, and it's all because of Him. Praise the good ol' God


I was born in a Muslim family ...but the love that I have in my heart for Jesus Christ is huge ..I can proudly say that I am a Christian now and GOD has shown that he loves me too...


My son was born with Charcot Marie Toothe. He has been in pain since he was this week I was told that he is developing scoliosis, I raise a Hallelujah! I’m gonna sing in the middle of this storm, for my King is alive! I know He is my healer, and my sons healer!


I was on drugs really bad and God delivered me...thank you Jesus I raise Hallelujah been clean for five year's


My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and so I raise a Hallelujah for my brother. Lord please come and fight with him so his body will be cleansed and his health be restored.


He was born in a stable, yet the King of all kings..
No servants, yet they call Him Master..
No degree, yet I call Him my Teacher..
No medicines, yet they call Him Healer..
No army, yet He saved..
No sin in Him, yet He took all of mine..
No crime committed, yet they crucified Him..
They spat on Him, mocked Him, nailed Him to the cross, yet He says, Father please forgive them..
They buried Him in a tomb, yet He lives today !! Thank You Lord Jesus Christ!


My Daddy just died, my heart is shattered. I trust you with this Lord. I raise a hallelujah.


I was born a malnourished child and down with measles when I was 3 months old. During my 6th grade, I got admitted in the hospital and was advised by doctors that I have a serious problem with my spinal cord and I will die after a year or two. Today I am 37 years old, and still raise a hallelujah and praise God for the healing I received. The horrible reports never turn my faith down on Jesus. Now I am working as a Senior Policy Research Officer for Defence. Hellelujah, Praise God.


6 year old son is 3 years cancer free from eye cancer that spread to his brain and spine! I raise a HALLELUJAH! Thank you Jesus!


I'm 12 years old and I'm gonna be truthful I'm scared of the dark and scary stuff and when I feel scared I Always put this song to remind myself that GOD is still here in my side and that he never left my side so he can protect me from any evil and i always say to myself that he is an Almighty GOD and he is stronger than anybody including and he will defeat any evil that comes across all of his children


This song was placed in my heart deeply this morning . Today I rejoice ! Today I been free from prison 5 years I been out and free and serving Our Father 😭🙌 I am greatful and can't stop Praising you Father for molding me


I always raise a hallelujah… I am a registered general nurse in cardiology suffered from a hit and run but recovered, had brain surgery and fixed a titanium plate in me additionally during my training I had cancer in my jaw and had radiotherapy and consequently now awaiting jaw surgery. Currently deferred my entry for London Marathon 2023. Gods always got me.. always raise a hallelujah xx 🙏🙏🙏🎉


Breast cancer survivor..after 2 and half years of treatment...I raise a Halleluja..thank you God for giving me a second chance!!!


I have a six year old sister and she sleeps in my bed with me at night and I have to play this song every night or she won't go to bed and on the weekends when I go to my dad's house she will sleep with my mom and she always says when I'm not there it's not the same and me and my family call her a little missionary.I just thank God that my little sister at the age of six has accepted Christ in her life and she has whitness to people. I raise a hallelujah 🙌
