English Phrasal Verbs for Everyday Life

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Learn the meaning of lots of English phrasal verbs through this conversation which will help you improve your vocabulary and understanding.
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- Broke down (stop working).
- Ended up (do something unplanned).
- Picked up (collet).
- Hold up (remain strong).
- Gave out (stop working).
- Rely on (trust).
- Wears __ out (exhaust).
- Putting aside (save).
- Keep up with (keep pace with).
- Fall behind (not keep pace with).
- Catch up on (do extra studying to be at a certain level).
- Give up (stop doing).
- Focus on (concentrateon).
- Come along (go somewhere with someone).
- Flying out (leave for somewhere by plane).
- Freaking out (become anxious or afraid).
- Get over (overcome).
- Run away (avoid).
- Step out (do things that you don not feel comfortable with).
- Hold__ back (keep someone from doing something).
- Miss out (lose).
- Take on (accept).
- Go for (do it try it).
- Open ___ up (say yes to new experiences).
- Split up (broke up).
- Break __ off (broke up).
- Going out (have a romantic relationship).
- Get back together (go out again).
- Let __ down (disappoint).
- Keep way from (keep distance from someone).
- Fall apart (stop working).
- Turned out (prove to be).
- Revolving around (move around).
- Stand out (be very noticeable).
- Blend into (not be easily noticeable).
- Showing off (boast to attract attention).
- Look down on (think that you are better than others).
- Laugh at.
- Measure __ up to (be Good enough).
- Get into (become involved in).
- Fighting over (argue about).
- Getting down on (criticize).
- Give in (stop arguing).
- Put up with (continue to accept).
- Put on (wear).
- Grow apart (become distant).
- Brought __ together (connect).
- Win ___ over (get the support of).
- Fall for (fall in love).
- Asked __ out (invite someone to go out).
- Brought about (cause).
- Started out__ ended up (begin in a particular way).
- Sit around (waste time).
- Wait around (nothing and just expecting something to happen).
- Stand for (tolerate).
- Picking___ up (recover).
- Moving on (continue eith your life).
- Stick around (stay).
- Put __ down (make someone feel foolish).
- Goes against (oppose).
- Brought up (educate, teach).
- Grow up (stop being like a child).
- Knock __ down.
- Be in front of (lies ahead).
- Boosting __ up (give moral support).
- Opened up (talk about yourself).
- Blown __ away (surprise very much).

I hope it helps


The videos are not just good for learning English, it teaches social skills and the pictures & stories are great for learning too.


This Video is very helpful, Thank you so much.


You seem a little under the weather. What’s wrong?
My car broke down (stop working) again…
And I ended up (do something unplanned) coming by bus.
I had just picked (collect) it up from the mechanic a few days ago…
But the repair didn’t hold up (remain strong), can you believe it?
The car engine gave out (stop working) again.
I can’t rely on my car any longer to get me where I need to go.
It just wears (exhaust) me out.
Sorry to hear that.
I really need to buy a new car.
I started putting aside (save) money every week.
I earn money freelancing online in my free time.
Wow… that sounds great!
But I can’t keep up with my (keep pace with) studies this way and I always fall behind (not keep pace).
I have to catch up on (do extra studying to be at a certain level) my classes all the time.
As soon as I buy the car, I’ll give up (stop doing) the job and focus on (concentrate on) my studies.
Hey, Lisa and I are going to a concert next weekend and I have an extra ticket.
Would you like to come along (go somewhere with someone)?
I’m afraid I can’t. I’m flying out (leave for somewhere by plane) to Canada next weekend for a cousin’s wedding.
Really? You’re not afraid of flying anymore?
Of course I am. I’m freaking out (become anxious or afraid) just thinking about flying!
But I’m trying to get over (overcome) my fear.
I’m not going to run away (avoid an unpleasant problem) from it any longer.
I’ve decided to step out (do things that you don’t feel comfortable with doing) w of my comfort zone.
Fear is not going to hold me back (keep someone from doing something) from now on, not anymore.
I don’t want to miss out (lose) on the chance to do so many wonderful things just because of my fears.
I’m now ready to take on (accept) a new challenge.
That’s a great idea! Yes, go for (do it! Try it!) it!
Open yourself up (say yes to new experiences) to new experiences!
You’re going with Brian, right?
I’m going with my sister.
Brian and I split up (end a relationship) a while ago.
I am the one who decided to break things off (end a relationship) with him.
I really didn’t know that!
But you had been going out (have a romantic relationship) with him for so long.
Isn’t there any chance for you to get back together (go out again)?
No it’s over between us.
He let me (disappoint) down.
I used to think he was my soul mate.
We couldn’t keep away from (keep distance from someone) each other.
But our relationship started to fall apart (stop working) gradually.
He turned out (prove to be) to be very selfish and rude.
He began to think that the world was revolving around (move around) him.
He was obsessed to stand out (be very noticeable) wherever he want.
I am exactly the opposite: I prefer to blend into (not be easily noticeable) the crowd.
He was showing off (boast to attract attention) most of the time, trying to make a really big impression on everyone.
He began to look down on (think that you are better than others) people
and laugh at them easily.
Not even I could ever measure up to (be good enough) his expextations.
That’s how he made me feel.
We started to get into (become involved in) fights pretty often.
We were fighting over (argue about) small things.
He was getting down on (criticize) me more and more for the way I dress or talk.
Usually, I was the one to give in (stop arguing).
I couldn’t put up with (continue to accept) his behavior any more.
I felt so unhappy.
Most days, I would just put on (wear) a happy face, pretending everything was fine.
We didn’t seem to have as much in common anymore and we began to grow apart (become distant) slowly.
What originally brought us together (connect) was our love for music.
He was playing the guitar in a band.
He used to be so charming and he could win everyone over (get the support of).
So it was easy for me to fall for (fall in love) him.
When he asked me out (invite someone to go out) for a date, I was on cloud nine.
But he became very successful and that brought about (cause) this change.
So our love story started out (begin in a particular way) great, but ended up (finished) horrible.
I couldn’t just sit around (waste time) and wait for him to come to his senses.
I couldn’t wait around (do nothing and just expecting something to happen) forever.
Enough is enough and I’m not going to stand for (tolerate) it.
So it’s all over. Now I’m picking myself up (recover) and I’m moving on (continue with your life).
You did the right thing.
It isn’t fair to yourself to stick around (stay) in a relationship that makes you unhappy.
You should never let anyone put you down ( make someone feel foolish) and disrespect you.
This goes against (oppose) everything I’ve been brought to (educate, teach) believe it.
Brian should grow up (stop behaving like a child) and learn to respect people.
Nothing can knock you down (make you fall). You are a strong girl.
And exiting future lies ahead (be in front of) of you!
You’re such a wonderful friend. Thanks for boosting me up (give moral support).
It’s great to know I can always rely on (trust) you.
I’m glad you opened up (talk about yourself) to me about your problems.
Anyway, you’re blown me away (surprise very mush) with this news.
I thought you were the perfect couple.
Well, things aren’t always what they seem.


The best video ever, but i think it needs to have material about the lesson, i mean PDF, it could be greater


I’ve been using youtube videos for my English studying and your channel is one of a kind!!!! I’m now living in the States and contents you offer is real English that I can hear everywhere. Thank you so much for providing this valuable study materials!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I applied for a job yesterday, I hope to measure up to their expectations, I always rely on my skills, I think an exciting future lies ahead of me.


This video is blowing me away again and again😏! It is so well done and you put so many phrasal verbs in every dentence. And yet, it is such an easy tool to use👏 Hats off😎❤️


You took in consideration our advices about the phrasal verbs meaning.
That’s great, thank you so much.


Your videos are so creative and useful. I haven’t had any chances to use English since I started working. But I don’t want to forget it so I will learn English by myself with your videos. Thank you so much for your great help and look forward to other interesting videos.


This channel is so amazing, You are the bestttt 🎉


It hard to learn this thanks for this video ti help a lot thank you thi video relay it help


Hey from Russia !Thanks a lot for your great help in teaching us phrasal verbs in a way that we hardly realize we are learning them. I just thoroughly enjoy watching the videos over and over memorizing phrasal verbs and words combinations effectively and effortlessly.


what a kind person you are.
in the previous video, we hope that you post other video about phrasal verb because we extremely need it.
and today you make another one. I am so grateful to find these chanell.
This channel deserve more than 500k subs.


Very useful and understanding video thanks for this video great channel


This is amazing channel to learn English, I adore it


I really like it your video that is make me improve of my english phrase; vocabulary and conversation.


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I've watched these video recently and feel very excited to watch it. I will try to improve my English in the future.
