Elden Ring: Which RUNE FARM Is Better?! (COMPLETE GUIDE)

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ALL of the BEST Elden Ring Rune Farms in Elden Ring and in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree! You can make millions of runes easily doing these


00:00 INTRO
00:16 FARM 1
03:02 FARM 2
07:12 FARM 3
09:49 FARM 4
11:55 FARM 5

5 of the Fastest way to get millions of runes in Elden Ring and the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree!

#eldenring #shadowoftheerdtree #eldenringfarm
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I dont know where the trend started but yall really gotta start showing map locations cause these sped up runs are just silly to follow


Yo you went to the dlc. There is the bridge farm. Where the golem burns everything on the bridge. Basically you sit at the grace, walk over till the golem starts his animation, once it kneels down run back to the grace and rest, the flame attack hit box will kill everything after the reset, so you kill everything on the bridge twice. With rune acquisition gear it's like 45k in 20s in NG.


At the end of the day, the Palace Approach is still the best place to farm. If you're on NG+, I don't think farming the spider hands in the Hinterlands for Runes and Smithing stones isn't as efficient as it seems. You gain more runes now in NG+ so buying them from the The Twin Husk wouldn't be too much for you anymore.


There's another at Deeproot Depths.

Make your way to the grace site just before the Lich Dragon arena. Go back down the root west towards the ground, taking any opportunity to take out the stationary gargoyles. There's 4-5 you can easily kill and they yield quite a bit.


Regarding the Greyoll farm (#4), everybody says get on Torrent as soon as the death animation triggers. The best you can do is take her health down in chunks (bleed, frostbite), so if you're paying attention to how big the chunks are, you can get on Torrent BEFORE the last chunk of health; stand parallel to Greyoll's body, positioning your camera to face the Site of Grace; and finish Greyoll off with mounted attacks. As soon as she twitches, ride back to the Site of Grace; I'd almost guarantee you'll make it every time. I've found that using the Poison Mist incantation paired with the Mace's Spinning Chain AoW, buffed with Bloodflame Blade, is the fastest way to whittle down Greyoll's health; once you have Torrent, you can ride down to Weeping Peninsula for the incantation and up to Liurnia to the Rose Church without fighting anything. And if you lack the stats to wield everything, use the Silver Ball farm at Lenne's Rise to get the necessary runes to level up.


There are only two good farms. Mohg area for mid to late game and the big ass dragon for early.


Don't see how anything is better than Albinauric spot... You can reach it in like 4-5 hours after starting the game. So you get to farm the bird early or the albis with the aow. You also did it wrong... if you only do one aow and reset it is way more effective. You get at least 60k every 10 seconds. Skip the bird and use all the rune boosters and you will get 1.3 mil within 3 minutes.


i did the math between the Palace and the Hinterlands. so far without the bird you get a total of 123, 015 runes per go while in hinterlands you go 116, 815 runes per go after killing all the enemies in the video. it was hard at first for the hinterlands because the person started off with runes already so i the end value of 904, 333 runs minus the beginning amount of 787, 518 runs and got 116, 815 runes. so in the end of the day the Palace is overall the best rune farm in elden ring beating the Hinterlands rune farm by 6, 200 runes. if anyone in the comment section want to ask questions to me about my math then i would love to talk and answer your question. Now go fourth tarnished and become Elden lord!


The true best rune farms are:

Rolling Stones, into hidden hand Sleeping Dragon, into edging Big Bird, into (once you've acquired the weapons to do it) Genocide.

This is the way. Anything else is pointless really. So if you're a new player, don't take this video all too seriously.


P.A.L is my go-to so I can just watch videos or shows/movies or whatever while I do it. In 5-10 minutes, I have 1 mil runes (with golden scarab and gold pickled fowl foot). The DLC farm at the Hinterlands is hard for some reason because those larger finger creepers are so aggressive, I've died multiple times.


A much better rune farm for before renala is behind the storm hill shack where you can find a field of trolls that give about 1000 runes each and they’re just far enough apart to take on one at a time (just be careful at night because a death bird is near there)


I found out in the dlc from the first rise sight of grace all there is is a bunch of flies and candle guys with the golden scarab it's usually right around 99k and with a golden horn tender added a minimum of 120k and the candle people can all drop the golden horn tender while the flies will sometimes drop the silver horn tender making very self sustaining ice gotten over 2 mil in under a single hour


Two things of note for the palace ledge, it is faster to sprint up and throw one gold wave and sprint back to the SoG, On a first run with a golden scarab talisman, you are looking and 30k in like 10 seconds. Second, the Bird up there, if you don't want to waste runes on arrows, even though they are cheap you can use Rock Sling. From the SoG, run to the cliff edge, lock on to the bird, cast Rock Sling twice. First will make noise the bird will check out, second will hit, and like the arrow method, the bird only has around a 90% to 95% chance of running off.


Probably the most efficient way to do the Palace Approach Ledge, especially with the fowl foot, is to run to the left where the first albinauric is near the edge, use the wave of gold slightly at an angle to the right, and then quickly turn to the left while switching to your bow in the other hand, and then aim and fire at the bird, which will always be in a really easy position to hit from there, and then you can quickly run back to the grace not needing to worry about the bird, as you'll always get it's runes (though every once in a while it doesn't go off the edge for some reason). It's really quick, and with the fowl foot, even better, since you don't go far from the grace site.


Zamor Ruins can get you a quick 60k runes. The only place I heavily rune farm is the Mogwhyn Mausoleum, most of the time I'm just trying to top off before a difficult area so I won't lose 70% of a level's worth of runes.


In Mohg Palace, I do the Full run. I go down the cliff and use the sacred Blade twice. Turn to the Left and shoot the Bird. Then I continue down the cliff and kill everybody that area. There’s another 30 enemies down there. I get $300K with gold beetle in 4-5 minutes. And I use my mimic Spirit. Equip the Blasphemy Sword on Left hand to get healing bonus.

There’s also another Farm area in Caelid. Far south near the Bridge towards the Castle. There’s Dogs Fighting the soldiers. You can find a spot and hang out and they’ll kill each other and afterwards just finish them off if you are low level. You can use your Spirit Ash. Killing the Birds, soldiers, and dogs you can get $50-60k.


The best rune farm in every souls game is trading with friends/other players. There are subreddits where you can easily find people willing to give runes up for free. And they don't lose anything because they just restore their save backup, which is also something you can do in every souls game. But yes, the drawback of that method is having to interact with other people, the horror! xD


Im glad there is someone else firing off that extra wave at the alb's. Those extra 2-3 missed kills add up. An extra 2-3 seconds never hurt anyone. 😊


Best early game afk ruin farm is the impassable greatbridge sight of grace. Radahn soliders fight mutated dogs. You can kite more dogs, a mutated crow, and a mounted redmane knight into the melee. Just ride out to trigger the fight, go and lure surrounding enemies into the fight and then double back to take the tower (5 mobs) to have a safe perch for a few moments of afk before going out to pick off survivors and pillage corpses.


Might not be the absolute fastest runes, but in the DLC if you have a build that can one-shot wolves from torrent, if you start at the Bridge Leading to the Village sight of grace and travel north, clearing all the wolves in the area before the furnace golum gives around 100k runes, and spooking the owl and running away for a bit will cause about 40k runes worth of wolves to bunch up at the location where the owl was. If you continue past the furnace golum there's another 100k runes worth of wolves split between the area around the Church District Highroad sight of grace and the cliffs west of Cathedral of Manus Metyr. Each run around the entire area takes a several minutes, but doing both areas back to back gives about 200k runes. You just have to live with the guilt of farming dogs/wolves.
