Fall Ending Explained

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Fall Ending Explained
#fall #fall2022

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When Hunter said: you can't have my shoe, because I'm not here... Down there....I bled out, remember.... ' that bit undid me. That is where it turned from a thriller to horror....


I think with the combination of whatever medication she was taking, likely PTSD from grief, mixing alcoholism into that, along with dehydration and heat exhaustion...you have the perfect storm for a mental block (denial of the situation) to create a hallucination in order for the psyche to protect itself from further trauma. Quite the genius little scenario they whipped up here. The best part is that, you are left to wonder--- if it weren't for this perfect mix causing her to hallucinate and therefore cope through the situation with just enough clarity to make it through and survive...would she have still made it?


Let's go climb a rusty and abandoned 2, 000 foot radio tower out in the middle of the desert without notifying anyone or having contingency plans just in case.
What could possibly go wrong?
Hunter is a shitty friend to Becky through-and-through.


My disappointment with the ending is that the movie doesn't show some key parts. Considering where she was, how do they get her down? How long does that process take? Her leg has gangrene, the smell is mentioned more than once. Yet she walks away with her dad like she's just had a rough day and wants to go home and have a shower and get some sleep. It looked to me like the filmmakers wanted a happy ending and so they forced one by leaving out anything that got in the way of her and her dad walking off together.


The reason Hunter died because she was unable to reach the ladder. She can survive and reach the ladder if becky moved the rope way around, right infront of the ladder. Notice that the rope was far from the ladder.


I watched this movie yesterday night in theater. I think it’s a great movie and very realistically shot. Thought there were a couple of thing where I was like : ‘why didn’t she just do….”. For example when they tried to deliver the note by drone but the battery run out. Why didn’t they attach the cellphone to the drone and fly that thing down for internet reception i order to deliver their messages?


Fall was very well put together. My heart raced through it all, as well as sweaty palms. Definitely a "must" see!! 💯💯


Hunters death scene hit me and make everything super creepy.


This movie unlocked fears I didn't know I had


I would have liked to see Becky get rescued. It just shows her on the ground lol


Let me talk to Hunter…..sometimes your strength is your weakness….girl!!! You was way to strong and fearless….sometimes, you gotta torn it down and have a little paranoia to help you hear every noise around u.


I think it was her mind creating a block so that she can push through it all to survive. Her husband died the same way (falling to their death) and our mind does weird things to push through trauma and survive. Oddly enough I was waiting for the end credits to show some twist that her rescue was all made up in her mind.


I don’t know if it was mentioned, but remember when Becky dropped the bag when she was charging the drone and when she came back down she asked hunter why she did not catch the bag, hunter was trying to find something to say but then just started helping Becky because she was weak… that’s when I started feeling like she died because if you noticed hunter hand was the reason why from that point on after getting hurt that becky had to do everything, but the real reason was because she was never there as we now know so that’s why she did not grab the bag when it was falling because she was already dead at that point so she could not catch it if she was never really right there(not alive)…her hand being injured was one of the best ways to only make Becky do all the work from that point because when hunter was really alive she was the most brave and was doing the risky thing… so In Becky mind hunter hurting her hand made her have to do the work from there but in reality it’s because she was not alive anymore so Becky had to do the work anyway, while hunter or Becky hallucinations(hunter voice) told her what to do… HOPE I made since


Hunter wasn't sorry for having an affair with Becky's husband. She was only sorry Becky found out. Girl bye


I honestly think the movie intentionally leaves the ending ambiguous to keep the audience engaged with it even after it finishes. For example: the theories about whether Becky is actually dead or not.


Becky to Hunter ----
Why didn't you catch the bag?'' now you understand why


Ending explained?
1. How did Becky get to the ground?
The dish was about to come off. She would have fallen and died.
2. Who got the message?
A random person somewhere or did her father get it. It would have taken a full day for anyone on a rescue mission. Becky would have died by then
3. When her dad found her, Becky just got up and went to him. Given her state, wouldn't she be lying down with life support and IV drips and not able to talk. So how exactly did she get to the ground.
4. If she had the binoculars and was controlling the drone in a desert setting, she must have seen the truck. There's no way the drone would have been hit without her seeing the truck.

But a great movie nonetheless.


Movie catchphrase: Life is short. Make the best of it.

Methinks: Life is shorter now.


The soul of hunter stayed to help


Don't even explain the ending, that shit was FUCKED UP. I understood it completely. One of them wanted to die and lost her lust for life, so she was cast into the elements to find herself and find a new meaning to life. The other one-hungry for validation and attention-uses the premise as an instrument for her own personal gain. Two whole different scenarios and goals. Hence why the "right one" survives.
