You’re Paying Too Much Tax! What You Need to Know for 2024 | James Johnson

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How are you paying for your taxes? You may be doing it all wrong like many people I see frequently. They are paying more tax than they need to and are paying taxes out of the bad accounts!

Check out this short video and see how you can grow your money in a more tax-efficient manner. It’s not bad to pay taxes... it’s bad to pay more than your fair share!

#taxes #taxfree #investing #retirement


⚠ If everything you believed to be true about money, wealth building and retirement turned out to not be true, how soon would you want to know?

The reality is there are so many myths and misconceptions around the subject and our goal is to provide you with the FACTS and teach you why it's more important to learn "how to invest" versus "what to invest in."

If I were to send you out to play in a pro golf tournament tomorrow... would you want your favorite golfers clubs or their swing? You see most people out there are selling "clubs" or an investment product without fully educating you on the "swing" of how money works. If you know anything about golf, the SWING is what makes the golfer.

If you believe like most financially educated people that taxes will be higher in the future, what is your plan?

There are only 3 ways to grow your money:

If TAX-FREE sounds like a good options there are ONLY a few ways to grow your money TAX-FREE.

Are you going to be proactive or reactive? It's really is your choice.

👇 Use the links below to connect with us further or to set up a 1 on 1 no-cost strategy session with James where he can review your current plan, answer all questions and give you more clarity, balance and focus going forward.


📞 (949) 632-9483

Are You Paying Too Much Tax? What You Need to Know for 2024

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#jamesjohnson #jamesjohnsonyoursafemoneypeople
#taxadvice #personalfinance #saveontaxes
#financialplanning #irsupdates2024
#taxable #taxdeferred
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What do you think is the best way to grow money? Taxable, tax-deferred or TAX-FREE? 👇👇


The video should have been about the life insurance that you recommend but didn't properly describe
