Making finance and insurance inclusive

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193 member states that adopted the 2030 Agenda committed to “leave no one behind” in their implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This means ensuring sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and social progress. Financial inclusion is positioned as an enabler of the SDGS, and features as a target in eight of the 17 goals.

UN Environment’s Insurance Development Goals for Cities launched with ICLEI in June 2018 aim to contribute to achieving SDG 11 to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Insurance Development Goal 3 is to develop solutions for unserved people and enterprises. Possible actions include offering risk assessment and risk management services and developing insurance solutions for unserved people and enterprises; and investing in companies that promote social and financial inclusion, such as those that provide inclusive financial services—including loans, insurance, savings and pensions for low-income people and micro, small and medium enterprises—and companies that generate positive social impact.

• Arif Khan - CEO, IDLC Finance
• Amy Clarke - Partner & Co-Founder, Tribe Impact Capital
• Ekhosuehi Iyahen - Secretary General, Insurance Development Forum (IDF)
• Sasja Beslik - Head of Group Sustainable Finance, Nordea
• Ana Lilian Vega Trejo - President, Banco de Fomento Agropecuario

• Moderator: Nick Robins - Professor of Practice in Sustainable Finance, LSE
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