I Might Get Canceled for This…

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Video edited by Troy Young

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This video may ruffle some feathers, but data feelings


Before two years I used to work at a beach bar during summer because of this I was under the sun for many hours. In October I tested my blood and the results were very good except for my Vitamin D level, which was 12 nmol/L very very low. My doctor recommended supplementation of 2000 iu per day. Two months later I did a blood test and my level was 13, then he told me to take 5000 iu. After 2 months I got tested again my level was 17 my doctor said ok continue like this. Five months later I did again the test, and my level was 16. Then I said to myself, f this I will take 40000 iu for four months and see how will go. When I did the test again after four months my levels were 65.
Plus after that, my asthma decreased a lot.


I just checked my vitamin d levels and I am deficient while taking 5000iu. I have dark skin and I now work from home. The recommendation is not for everyone.


I live in the caribbean and I have been taking vitamin D3 10.000IU every day, and I haven't gotten sick in about 2 and a half years and I'm 60 years old.


I have been taking 10k ius per day for over a year now along with k2 and magnesium. I do not go out in sunlight. I get d3 tested every 2 months, I prefer to maintain a range of 70-100 ng/dl . I spoke to a doctor who deals with cardiovascular issues, who treated lakhs of people for over an decade, he mentioned that d3 helped clearing calcium plaques from the arteries and there is no need to worry about calcification at all, as calcification is observed beyond 300ng/dl, which I realistically can never hit at the dosage I am on.

Despite the conservative approach from endocrine society, I would still prefer to continue my dosage as there is no downside. And, in future the same scientists might say that they found that there are benefits. So, objectively looking at it, as there is no downside to maintain a higher range, I don’t find any fault with taking more dosage, as it could potentially have an upside which we might not be aware of at the moment.


One quibble with what the good doctor said, many influencers such as Rhonda Patrick, that recommends higher levels of vitamin d, don't in fact sell vitamin d. so there is no financial gain to recommending higher doses. They may simply be in error, haven't integrated new research or read the data, differently. Also, if we were going to discredit educators and influencers primarily based on a financial motive, we would need to question the integrity of Dr. Brad who does sell a product vs Rhonda Patrick who does not. Of course I fully trust Dr. Brad's motives, I just want to make sure we don't use financial motives a simplistic heuristic for either affirming or criticizing the source of information.


Just because we don't have conclusive proof of benefit, doesn't mean there's not evidence of benefit. And, medical policy is very much concerned about saving every penny. I don't need to worry about that. I can spend a little bit for tests and supplements with questionable benefit as long as it's unquestionably safe. I think up to 50ng/ml is unquestionably safe, and might have benefits, so that's what I target. The penny pinchers can disregard my opinions.


Regarding safety, a 2019 study shows adults with 22% uncovered skin produce 1000 IU of Vitamin D per 10-15 minutes of direct sun exposure. It seems odd the human body would produce such amounts if 5000 IU per day was dangerous, especially in individuals who stay out of the sun and apply UV blockers daily.


I think the study cited here showed there was no reduction in cardiovascular events or cancer rates when supplementing above 800 IU. It did not examine effects on other endpoints, so it is inconclusive regarding other health concerns. More studies are required before doc can say there are "no benefits" to >800 IU doses.


10.000iu with MK2/MK7 is awesome! - just take a blood test to figure out your blood levels and adjust accordingly. 10.000iu puts me near the top of the health range, not above it.

If you are above the range after a blood test, adjust accordingly until you're in range for YOUR body!

It's not that hard people.


I don't belive Berg or the Endocrine Society. Berg is too high and I and many of my colleagues believe the Endocrine Society is too low. Measure your Vitamin D. I aim for for 40 to 60. Supplementation without measurement is foolish as the required dose varies a great deal among patients.


My mom in the nursing home tested positive for Covid multiple times and was quarantined (she wasn’t vaccinated.) Thankfully, I had gotten her a vitamin D shot the month before.
She never showed any symptoms at all, and no one could figure out why.


The simple question of: How can the endocrine society recommend ANY dose when they don’t know the correct serum level, was not answered!!


As a 30 year old male, I’ve been supplementing 2000UI D3 daily with my biggest meal for 6 years. Despite the guidelines I decided to get my levels tested and to my surprise I was severely deficient.

It took me 3000UI D3 daily to reach clinically normal levels of Vitamin D.

I think individuals’ absorption ability and supplement form (pill vs liquid) plays a role here. I get that routine testing is not recommended but if I didn’t get tested, I was going to stay severely deficient despite my daily supplementation.


I took 10000IU during a year and took a D vitamin test. My lever was 73ng/ml.
Now I take 50000IU. I also need a lot of magnesium. If I do not take it I get headache. So I also take 300mg magnesium malat 3-4 times day. The body use up alot of magnesium with high D3. I also take K2 5mg mk4 and 200ug mk7. K2 lover calcium by puting it in the bones. I feel great and my pain in the elbows and my 20 year old foot damage is now healed by vitamin D. I have more energy and the skin does not feel dry. My health test looks great. But the doctors say I must cut of my D3. But why? I feel great. I do not recommend this to anyone. I just say that with the right co vitamins, it looks safe to me.


Taking 10, 000 IU of D3 a day for a year and my blood test in the US was only 36 when it is recommended that 50 is considered ideal. I am 69 yo. I also have a problem with low blood iron due to not absorbing some things from diet. So a test is really needed since you never really know how much you absorb from diet unless you get tested.


Dr. Stanfield your voice is so distinctive in a way if find difficult to describe but like! More importantly, i value your integrity - grateful for you bringing science and sensiblity to an arena with no shortage of snake oil sales doc's and the non qualified. I'mma sticking with you!!


All I can say is that I have avoided MS relapses by taking 5, 000 IUs of Vitamin D3 for the last 20+ years.


Recommending x IU per day is a fools quest. Vitamin d levels are hugely dependent on individual sun exposure, duration and intensity, skin type, as well as on body volume (think dilation of vitamin d). There may be more factors that influence how much vitamin d gets produced as well. We should talk about what serum levels are healthy, routine test our vit d levels, and change dosage on that primarily. And, if sun exposure levels or intensity change, recheck to adjust vitamin d levels.
The truth is that in the future, N=1 medicine is the way to go, meaning highly individualized medical care, instead of what we did for too long now: Get an average value, and assume that everyone is average so it'll be fine...


If you have a normal conversion ability for vitamin D and you get no sun, you need at least 2000 IU per day to maintain healthy levels. If you have trouble converting vitamin D into the active form, which many of us do, due to our current environment, then you'll need at least 5000 IU per day to maintain healthy levels. Having said that, if you have no trouble converting into the active form, and you get 30 minutes a day of sun exposure, then you only need the amount Dr. Brad stated to maintain healthy levels. You'll need more if you have trouble converting it from the sun. Your blood levels should be between 50-80ng/ml.
