SuperPick – Soft Robotics’ Bin Picking Solution for eCommerce Order Fulfillment and Logistics

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Despite rising e-commerce, grocery and retail sales, a lack of labor continues to drive companies to automate their fulfillment needs in order to meet customer demands. In response, FANUC America Authorized System Integrator Soft Robotics has developed SuperPick, a robotic bin picking solution that uses FANUC robots to autonomously fill orders without the need for complex SKU programming. Using SuperPick for order fulfillment frees up human labor from tedious tasks and ensures that manufacturers can meet consumer demands.
SuperPick uses a flexible Soft Robotics gripper which conforms to the object being picked, just like the human hand. The gripper adapts to unstructured items that vary in size, shape and weight in real time. This means the system can adapt to the growing SKU count of any retail, e-commerce or grocery company. WMS integration shows incoming and pending orders, providing SuperPick with direction for what to pick. SuperPick integrates software, vision and a customizable Soft Robotics gripping solution to enable operational efficiency, improved order accuracy and high speed throughput.