OECD Webinar: Skills across jobs - Addressing local labour shortages
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20th meeting of the Spatial Productivity Lab at the OECD Trento Centre on "Skills across jobs - Addressing local labour shortages", held in virtual format on 20 June 2023.
Employers across cities and regions throughout the OECD are experiencing severe difficulties in hiring workers with the necessary skills. This webinar looked at the latest evidence and discussed how labour and skills shortages can affect firm productivity. It also considered how a skills-based approach can improve the matching of workers more flexibly across jobs, as compared to educational background and work experience, and better address needs for up-skilling, reskilling and adult learning.
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Employers across cities and regions throughout the OECD are experiencing severe difficulties in hiring workers with the necessary skills. This webinar looked at the latest evidence and discussed how labour and skills shortages can affect firm productivity. It also considered how a skills-based approach can improve the matching of workers more flexibly across jobs, as compared to educational background and work experience, and better address needs for up-skilling, reskilling and adult learning.
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