Private Investigators Hired by Insurance Company Hoping to Catch You

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Would you feel violated to learn that your employer has hired a private investigator to follow you around, taking photos and video, all in an effort to deny your workers’ compensation claim?

In Georgia, workers’ compensation insurance companies are allowed to conduct secret surveillance of injured workers. They hope to catch you on film or video lifting more than you say you can, walking without a limp, climbing stairs or climbing on a bleacher to cheer your child at a sporting event.

As I discuss in this video, the reality of private eye surveillance does not mean that you need to be paranoid, but you do need to be smart. What are the lifting, carrying, standing and bending restrictions your doctor has put on you? Resist the temptation to exceed these limitations when you are having a good day because the investigator’s camera won’t see you suffering in bed for two days after you overdid your limitations.

Selective editing and misleading photos can paint a harmful and inaccurate picture of your injury status. Follow your doctor’s restrictions 24 hours a day.
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Jodi Brenner Ginsberg Ginsberg
Georgia Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Telephone: 770-351-0801
Рекомендации по теме

I work for a spinal surgeon who does QME/PQME exams on patients for attorneys and insurance companies. We received a video and a bunch of still photos supposedly of one of our patients. They wanted our doc to comment on what the person was doing in the video and was he as hurt as was claimed. Turned out the bonehead person who followed the patient and filmed him was filming the patient's brother! That explained the patient's seemingly miraculous recovery.


It's a disgusting, unethical, and dehumanizing practice. Following an injured and/or disabled person, taking pictures through the windows of their home, pictures of their children, spouses, and friends is absolutely invasive and is very violating. It's meant to harass and intimidate, and should be illegal unless authorized by a judge in cases where there are discrepancies and fraud is suspected.

Being legal, doesn't make it moral.


I actually had a roommate years ago who was a Private investigator .He was following someone around who was in a case claiming a bad back injury. It didn't take long before he had photos of him carrying big boxes out of an office and putting them in his van. The dude realized what was going on and started chasing him down the road like he was gonna kill him .Other than that my roommate said it was the most boring job he ever had .


A lot of people pretend injury but actually they are not.


This is something that needs to be done at the VA clinics....All the veterans who claim what they dont have just to get more money.


If I ever get hurt im just staying inside.


Can I ask you a question if they are going to present video evidence of you from following you they have to tell you and show you the video that they are going to show the judge? I’m waiting on getting surgery I’m gonna get 2 artificial disc put in my neck and I can’t believe I have to worry about if I’m bringing groceries into my house


Judi, I have to say this is one of the best and most fair videos I have seen on this topic. As the owner of an investigation firm that works for insurance companies and their attorneys I can say this is spot on.


The surveillance lol So if you b are putting a roof on your neighbor's house, or adding a room to your house you may be asked to explain your boost of strength and energy.


Has anybody on this website been followed?


Judi, even though I am a seasoned private investigator that has serviced thousands of WC claims, I really like your presentation. You are very right about the PI techniques used. Everyone (professionals) in the process of a claim has a job to do to mitigate cost. Claimant's should beware that someone is likely to be monitoring, and perhaps video documenting, everywhere you go and every bodily movement you make. I completely understand and agree that it feels like a violation of privacy. Filing a claim for benefits waves certain rights and it is important that a claimant be reminded of that. Thank you for your service to the industry.


Is the insurance company hired to stage and accident?


I am their to document their daily activities. I still get paid whether I get video of them or not. I have to personal interest in the case.


coz too many people are full of false claims


I was involved in a hit n run. I was really stressful. One day I decided to go to a strip club. Will that harm my case?
