Watch this video before english literature paper 1 | last minute tips

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How have you guys found exams so far??

I hope this video was helpful, it’s really important to focus on the questions and type of questions you don’t want to come up.

Remember that you can buy my 40/40 english language story (link in the description) for £2 :)


'think about which questions are the most difficult' ALL OF THEM I'M FINISHED


Those people who are revising a day before the exam literally 12 hours and 20 minutes before it, good luck to all!!!


Thanks Henry for helping us out with our GCSEs, best of luck for your A levels

I would also just put out there that mental mindset is vital right now as a lot of people tend to spiral down being negative and if you keep your mind positive then best believe you will feel better and do better.


english lit is my 2nd best subject (1st is lang) and i use mr salles essay plans because they cover almost all questions likely to come up, and give you the best versatile quotes. i make notes from his videos and use them to write my essays out, i do this till i have the whole thing memorised.
I'm predicted a 9 and my memory of quotes is actually so bad so its ver helpful.

one thing which is really important and often overlooked is having a good pen. i struggled sm in my sociology exam because i was using a ballpoint pen i found on the floor the day before the exam lol. would 100% recommend a more inky pen to write faster.


Have my first test on this in an hour!! Really helpful vid, and I'm glad it's one from this year, understands the current situations rather than vids from 2, 3, 4 years ago.


My teachers predictions were surprisingly accurate for the GCSE- They betted on food tests and enzymes : both were EVERYWHERE and wer the 6 markers! I think i fluffed up the biology maths by converting ine thing i shouldnt of, but i wrote out clearly so nethod marks. I actually needed additional paper which was painful, cause the head invigilator stopped in the middle if the hall during collection so they could fill it in - hands literally dhaking when i was wrotng out the additional oage form lol


I think bio (triple) went well but im scared for the grade boundaries...


Bio commied higher was calm for the most part except for a question about flocose and a 5 marker magnification question lol. I don't think anyone got more than 2 marks, I just wrote the formula to gain a mark and my answer was 1200 MAG, and glucose I wrote it was healthy bc I said not to refer to pricing.


Thanks for the vid. Bio was great the questions were pretty straightforward. Good luck for your a-levels


Im predicting miss Maudie for TKMB, HOPE IT COMES


Great video, the tip about writing the timing down is so useful


Henry, if you’re curious, here’s a bit more info about what was in Bio Paper 1:
- Firstly, the most high mark questions I’ve seen to this point, even after doing an addition 3 practice papers for paper 1. There were 4 6 markers, 2 5s, and a four - With one of the 5s and a 6 being very specific and tricky. The 6 was about why a person with Cystic Fibrosis will find it hard to put on weight (with very little help given in the Q. Also, this was question 1, so I bet a lot of people got worried straight away haha!), and the 5 being about how cells are adapted for cell sap exchange between them and the Phloem tubes.
- It should be noted the 6 mark maths question (and only maths question) was very simple, with very few steps, for the 6 marks we were given!
- Overall I suspect AQA are trying to reduce further the percentage of people getting grade 8s and 9s, even from last year.

To any others who sat it, lemme know what you think!!!


Guys I really recommend watching mr everything English he has all the quotes that are key and analysed very good


Biology was great thanks! I thought I was quite prepared which made it easy in a way


thankyou so much im literally terrified


thank you for the vid, biology was a dream, there were only a couple of bad questions (aqa combined)


How to handle stress, especially when faces with a difficult question


so cooked for monday jekyll will be the death of me


I do foundation science and bever passed and to be honest I was so scared but i think it went very well i answered all the questions and i felt confident but the 6 marker was so hard but i still tried it
