CLAAS Lexion 8900 VS Fendt IDEAL 10T Size/Power/Capacity comparison (Largest Claas vs Largest Fendt)

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The largest ever #CLAAS grain #combine, the #8900 on a comparison with #largest ever #FENDT grain combine #10T here at #Monster_Tracks_Studios....
Both are #titans with nearly 800 HP.... see the differences in video and #like #share #subscribe, also make a comment about what would you prefere for your harvest....
Personally i like the black, but i grew up among 450 and 480 #Lexions
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We ran Claas in the 70’s and 80’s when they were sold as Fords . They were ahead of everything made in US then . More cleaning area equals cleaner grain ! Our old 642 in one field and a John Deere 6600 beside us in another field . JD had a 4 row corn header and the 642 had a 6 row corn header. We caught more grain that was cleaner with less loss all the day long !


The AGCO/Fendt is really just one of those machines that start out great but slowly get more complex and expensive, I'd reckon that most of, if not all of it's 'futuristic appeal' was thought up on the fly by guys in suits at company conferences. The joystick is so sensitive that it could cause a major accident on the road if you don't hold it in an 'incorrect way' (clamping the bottom of the stick arm with your fingers and using your thumb or wrist to gently move the very bottom of the stick base) or have the precision of a neurosurgeon. Not to mention the terrible reliability of the AGCO/Fendt in relation to the CLAAS. I've seen and heard of guys running these CLAAS machines for decades and decades and only having to replace one or two small parts (besides obvious usual maintenance). CLAAS isn't innocent when it comes to making things complex but at least they properly test their machines and make sure they don't fall apart after two or three seasons.

And before you get me wrong; I love both companies, I think AGCO and CLAAS have great machines on their lines and both offer great combines. I just think that CLAAS was obviously trying to create something for the farmer here and that AGCO really only wanted to make something cool but not necessarily care about it's operation.

Feel free to add to my argument or debate my point in the comments. I'd be glad to hear from people who actually use these machines, my operation is just too small scale for these ones, haha.


CLAAS for reliability also because Claas is my favourite


I would pick the FENDT anyday. FENDT is the right way to go. Of course I know CLAAS are good, but FENDT is the top of the list.


CLAAS is way in front in reliability. Automation is way ahead in CLAAS as well. I’d go CLAAS 👏🏻🇦🇺


I don’t know what the price difference is, but I’ve worked on both and the lexion is very well thought out, the ideal isn’t ideal.


Beide sind Aus Deutschland 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪👍👍👍😎😎😎 Ich find den Claas aber besser trotzdem sind beide gut


If I had to choose, I like the Fendt, one reason is the design


I get angry when I see someone calling AGCO Ideal Fendt/Masey Ferguson It's a company that owns both 😡


If you account for reliability, fendt is the worst. I've been running a claas Lexion 480 for 25 years now, nothing but regular maintenance and a couple of bearings and belts. We bought a fendt 8410p to run along with our claas machine, the thing doesn't have 150 hours on it and the hydro transmission failed.


Hell I'm 51 an been a john deere man but couple yrs ago I started to like fendts an now I'm pretty impressed with fendt need a bigger head .. keep it up an put a hurting on jd


Claas can harvest max 120 tonnes per hour, don’t lie to people if you don’t know.


I look at who can provide the best backup service no matter what time of day so for me it's the Class.


Technically quite an interesting comparison, fascinating machines, but greatest, biggest, highest, heaviest...
Who needs the greatest, the heaviest, the biggest combines? What's about efficiency (tons per hour), degree of complexity (maintanance fee) and fuel economy (CO2 per bushel)? What's the eco-balance (from Exploration of the RAW materials to the waste disposal) ? Especially to answer those question, i would be interested in the comparative figure of a Gleaner S98 or New Holland CR10.90 ?
A general question in the face of limited resources: what will the development steps for the next generation of combine harvesters look like? even bigger? even heavier? Where is the future family farm in this competition?
1972 Dennis Meadows: The Limits to Growth...
Pleased don't get me wrong, i only ask questions...


Best Combine = Claas
Best Tractor = Fendt (only 300-1050 series, 1100 series is american fake)


If it comes to a decission i will stick to the manufacturer who has tradition so class the fend combines arent known for their reliability


8900 for me. In the Claas of its own. You may Fendt for yourself in the black combine 😂😂


Both of them are amazing! GERMAN POWER!


Claas lexion all day long far superior machine in every way


Its all nonsence. Cant compare "rotors" of the hybrid and axial machine.
