Can We Stop Climate Change?

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What is currently being done to tackle climate change?

The 2010s has been declared the warmest decade in recorded history, and global heat is only ticking up. 2023 was the hottest year on record as we witnessed global average near-surface temperatures hit 1.45 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial baseline. Things are not looking good. Can We Actually Stop Climate Change?

Today we want to look at the positive developments regarding climate change and what is actually being done.

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0:00 Can We Stop Climate Change?
1:20 Ocean-based Renewable Energy
2:34 Hornsea Wind Farm
3:40 International Agreements
4:25 Ecocide
5:50 Green Construction Standards
6:45 270 Park Avenue Project
7:42 Reforestation - Trees for the Future
8:33 Great Green Wall
9:21 Carbon Capture - Mammoth
11:40 A Conclusion

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This upload is a little bit different as we also want to cover topics like these with more detail. Next week we will have another Weekly Dose of Good News for you💚

Thanks for watching! What do you think, is there still hope?


I cannot control politicians, industry or billionaires. But I have chipped away at my own 30 tons of CO2. Gardening, planting trees, dramatically reducing the energy I use, and heating with a rocket mass heater. No sacrifice - everything is about making a better life AND it happens to chip away at my CO2. I think I am now in the space of chipping away CO2 for others.


I'm a rare optimist, I think we'll find a way, but things will no doubt get worse before we hit a tipping point in a good direction. Then it will take decades to turn back the damage done.


Where there is life, there is hope. Don't give up. Look harder for ways you can help.
As Obama said, "The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something."


I get climate anxiety pretty bad but what has helped me is remembering the taoist ways that everything is vastly interconnected in ways we will never fully understand. The earth has gone through multiple events were the climate has changed, even rapidly, and yet the earth is still here and alive with life. Humans dont like change and will only change when they are forced to. Mother Nature has tried being nice and is now forcing humanity to change. We will get there.


I think it's important to remember that most media goes negative because as a species we are wired to look for threats. They exploit this by overstating the negative. One way to feel optimistic is to stop partaking of media in general. I am an optimist! Things aren't great in terms of the environment but I have faith that we will conquer climate change!! I suggest sharing this video and other positive stories with those you love, better that than fear and conspiracy theories!!


But....but think of the shareholders 😢


I believe that if we didn't have the progress we have today, it would feel much worse today.


still waiting for the world to recognize microplastics as a real problem so we can get legislature mandating plastic filters on all plumbing and encourage food packaging to use more traditional materials.

edit: and have clothing made of natural fibers again


Climate change is now both a symptom & cause of widespread degradation, damage & collapse of various ecological systems, processes, services & goods, awa biodoversity losd (over exploitation).

The "secret" to climate restoration (in a nutshell)
- eliminate GHG emissions
- restore ecological systems, processes, services & ecosystems to increase GHG drawdown
- keep human system activities within ecological limits

The main areas of concern include
- agriculture (aka food- water- energy- land nexus)
- electricity generation
- transport
- buildings (construction, heating & cooling)
- solid & human waste
- industry & manufacturing (especially those requiring heay such as steel, aluminium, cement, ammonia, paper etc)

Solutions have been found for each of these sectors - refer Project Drawdown.

At the heart of the ecological crisis, incl climate breakdown, is our attitude towards nature. If it does not vote, have legal standing or even a voice (no sanctions for pollution or ecological damage & destruction) then its open season on exploitation & abuse (nature has no intrinsic value to humans). This needs to change (nature must have legal standing & there must be serious consequences for ecocide). What also doesn't have a voice are the lives of future generations.

Unfortunately there's too much money invested in ecocide. Change is happening... hopefully fast enough to avoid cascading tipping points.


all well and good but unfortunately won't make a significant enough dent against the limitless capitalistic consumerist mindset of the global west and its manufacturing hubs in asia


Think carefully about "positivity" regarding carbon capture. It is a technology fossil fuel companies will lean on to justify their continued pollution. Putting the focus on renewables and reduction of emissions in the first place is a much better use of our time, energy, and focus. This is not even to mention the insignificance of the amount of carbon that capture technology can pull out of the atmosphere.


11:07 literally all you need to see. Wake up people the situation is the worst it has ever been by far…


7:42 | Were talking about planting trees! Perfect right? Not exactly, just planting trees is good, but it needs to be done in a way where it will last. A good forest is a forest with multiple different species of trees and room for under growth (plants that grow on forest floors) at the same time. That is a healthy forest, which can sustain so much different types of life. A “forest” with densely packed oak trees, for example, would not be healthy at all. I’ll give you an example, let’s say there’s a “forest” that has spruce trees packed together super tightly, with no biodiversity whatsoever, now comes a disease that spreads through spruce trees, what happens now? The entire forest starts to die, because it’s just spruce trees. All in all, what I’m trying to say is *When people reforest a chunk of land, it must be proper. The proper way is to plant multiple native tree species from the area, and giving them room to grow, (not densely packed) which also allows for undergrowth. Another thing people tend to forget to do, is leave space for prairies. In those prairies find native prairie grasses to grow there, which will help the insect population, which will lead to the forest thriving as well.*


I like this channel. Too many Bad News everywhere.

It's just sad this channel doesn't get many views


The very fact that we have the ability to change the climate for the worse also means we have the ability to change it for the better. The gears of progress are already spinning, now we just need to make them go faster!


Vote for your mayor, vote for you province or state rep, vote for your presidant or prime minister. In most places the state, province and municipality actually have a lot more control over energy, transportation and housing than the federal does


carbon capture is such an interesting thing to me. they definitely need to invest further into that type of thing


“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
- Edward Hale

As a congenital pessimist I don't much like the term "hope" - I prefer "determination." Even better, cussedness. I am too damned stubborn to give up on human civilization.

(Also, taking action tends to be better for one's mental health, even from a purely selfish perspective.)

On a long enough timescale, everything is hopeless. The sun will die. Entropy will eventually win. That's no reason not to spit in the eye of ecocide. "Not today! Not while I draw breath."


One of the best pieces of thought I've had is that we need to stop holding 'companies' solely responsible like we have since the 80's. We, along with court proceedings, need to hold the company AND the people who approved it, accountable. Too much of the accountability is being accepted as on the shoulders of the company. But we, as the people, don't have to accept that. Personally, I want to know what A-hole approved the water diversion from local streams and rivers into a god damn bottling plant that then takes it halfway across the world. THAT person needs to be held up in ridicule. Bad people used to destroy locally, now they destroy globally and they need to be stopped.
