Introduction to Environmental Studies

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Introduction to Environmental Studies
What do we mean by Environment?
Environment is what surrounds us !!
It is the sum total of all social, economical, biological, physical and chemical factors which constitute the surroundings of humans, who are both the creators and moulders of the environment.
Natural Environment
Components such as air, water, soil, land, forest, wildlife, flora, fauna, etc constitute the Natural Environment.
Anthropogenic Environment
Alternation of the natural environment to serve specific uses by the human beings is termed as Anthropogenic Environment. e.g. Agricultural field, Gardens and Aquaculture farms.
Biotic Components
Living components of the system such as microbes, plants, animals and human beings.
Autotrophs or Producers like Green Plants and Bacterias
Heterotrophs or Consumers like Animals, Fungi, etc
Abiotic Components
Non-living components. e.g. Air, Water, Soil, Rocks etc
Segments of Environment
Programs Under Environmental Studies
Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies
Scope of Environmental Studies
Importance of Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies
It is a broad interdisciplinary field of study which studies the interaction of human beings with the environment.
Environmental Science
It is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences to address the environmental problems.
Environmental Engineering
It is the application of science and engineering principles to improve the quality of environment to provide healthy living conditions.
Ecosystem structure and function
Natural resource conservation
Environmental pollution control
Environmental management
Research and development
Social development
Environmental journalism
Green advocacy
Green marketing
Provide us basic knowledge of Environment
To understand current environmental problem
Helps in maintaining ecological balance
Helps in sustainable development
Educate people regarding their duties toward Environment
Helpful in Environmental Management
Aims to protect biodiversity
To study the agricultural and design of sustainable production
Gives information related to population explosion, growth and development, impact of population growth on the natural resources and national economy.
Ecology Greek word: Okologie; meaning: “place to live”
“Physical, biological and socio cultural adaptations”
Branch of science that deals with the scientific study of the interrelationship between living organisms with respect to each other and to their surroundings.
To Know about the local and Geographical distribution and abundance of organisms
To record the temporal changes in the occurrence, abundance and activities of organisms
to understand the interrelationship between organisms in population and community
To understand the behaviour of organisms under natural conditions
To understand the biological productivity.
Biomass living
Standing State Inorganic substances
Factor External Force
Objectives of Ecology
Common Terms in Ecology
Classification of Ecology
Based on Taxonomic Affinities
Plant Ecology and Animal Ecology.
Based on Habitat
Freshwater ecology, grassland ecology, riverine ecology, Desert ecology, etc.
Based on the level of organization
autecology individual organism and synecology group of organisms
Ecosystem: Flow of Energy and the cycling of Nutrients. surrounds us.
Factors Affecting Man - Environment Relationship
Growing Human Population
Economic Development
Consumption of Natural Resources
Health Hazards