How to Solo EVERY *Purgatory* Elemental Cavern in Anime Last Stand!

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How to Solo EVERY *Purgatory* Elemental Cavern in Anime Last Stand!
0:00 - Introduction
0:26 - Water Cavern
6:11 - Fire Cavern
11:28 - Nature Cavern
17:58 - Dark Cavern
23:56 - Light Cavern
29:57 - Outro
► Discord: radinal_
Quite a few people seemed to wonder how I solo purgatory caverns, so in this video I'll show you how I clear every elemental in Anime Last Stand completely solo on the hardest difficulty. Because this is currently some of the hardest content in the game, I will be using some pretty strong units. If you don't have the same units as me, I'd recommend just experimenting with whatever you have as long as your main damage dealers have the elemental advantage. Otherwise you can also just farm these on nightmare until you build a stronger team. Regardless, here's how I solo every purgatory cavern. I hope you enjoy the video!
The content uploaded to this channel is intended for 13+ audiences.
Be sure to let me know what you want me to upload or if you have any questions in the comments or my Discord server.
Thanks for watching!
Music provided by Epidemic Sound.
How to Solo EVERY *Purgatory* Elemental Cavern in Anime Last Stand!
0:00 - Introduction
0:26 - Water Cavern
6:11 - Fire Cavern
11:28 - Nature Cavern
17:58 - Dark Cavern
23:56 - Light Cavern
29:57 - Outro
► Discord: radinal_
Quite a few people seemed to wonder how I solo purgatory caverns, so in this video I'll show you how I clear every elemental in Anime Last Stand completely solo on the hardest difficulty. Because this is currently some of the hardest content in the game, I will be using some pretty strong units. If you don't have the same units as me, I'd recommend just experimenting with whatever you have as long as your main damage dealers have the elemental advantage. Otherwise you can also just farm these on nightmare until you build a stronger team. Regardless, here's how I solo every purgatory cavern. I hope you enjoy the video!
The content uploaded to this channel is intended for 13+ audiences.
Be sure to let me know what you want me to upload or if you have any questions in the comments or my Discord server.
Thanks for watching!
Music provided by Epidemic Sound.