Physics 101 Chapter 1 Introduction to Physics, Units and Measurements Lesson 1

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Introduction to Physics, Units and Measurements
Accuracy vs. Precision
Main sources of uncertainty (errors)
percent uncertainty
*Chapter1*Introduction to Physics, Units and Measurements*
-NO measurement is absolutely precise OR accurate
-When giving the result of a measurement, it is important to state the estimated uncertainty in measurement.
-Accuracy is how close a measurement comes to the true value.
-Precision is the repeatability of the measurement using the same instrument. That is, Precision is how close the measured values are to each other
*Main sources of uncertainty (errors):*
*Human errors: (difficulty reading results between the smallest divisions)
*Limited Instrument accuracy (systematic error)
جامعة طيبة
السنة المشتركة
فيزياء 101 (Physics 101)
علم الفيزياء (Physics Science)
مقدمة في الفيزياء (Introduction to Physics)
مفاهيم أساسية في الفيزياء (Basic Concepts in Physics)
دراسات في الفيزياء العامة (General Physics Studies) Physics 101
Introduction to Physics
Basic Physics
General Physics
Physics Fundamentals
Accuracy vs. Precision
Main sources of uncertainty (errors)
percent uncertainty
*Chapter1*Introduction to Physics, Units and Measurements*
-NO measurement is absolutely precise OR accurate
-When giving the result of a measurement, it is important to state the estimated uncertainty in measurement.
-Accuracy is how close a measurement comes to the true value.
-Precision is the repeatability of the measurement using the same instrument. That is, Precision is how close the measured values are to each other
*Main sources of uncertainty (errors):*
*Human errors: (difficulty reading results between the smallest divisions)
*Limited Instrument accuracy (systematic error)
جامعة طيبة
السنة المشتركة
فيزياء 101 (Physics 101)
علم الفيزياء (Physics Science)
مقدمة في الفيزياء (Introduction to Physics)
مفاهيم أساسية في الفيزياء (Basic Concepts in Physics)
دراسات في الفيزياء العامة (General Physics Studies) Physics 101
Introduction to Physics
Basic Physics
General Physics
Physics Fundamentals
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