Transformers: The Last Knight - Cast Robots 'OFFICIAL Cast'

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Transformers 5 The Last Knight Cast Robots confirmed & official. What's up Transformers enthusiasts? This is your boy RandomBlackGamer hitting you guys up with a Transformers The Last Knight update video. As you may recall I did a video giving you guys my wishlist of characters I wanted to see in this film. I even gave you guys a list of characters he were officially confirmed to make a return. For today's video I wanna give you a list of confirmed characters, new and old. And I also wanna give speculations on characters that haven't been confirmed but many viewers assume will be in based on the recently released trailer we got last week. 1st off lemme just clarify that this is not a clickbait video. This is 100% legit and I'll be going out of my way to use some reliable sources to further prove my points. All the info I've gathered comes from the official Transformers Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat. I'll also use a little info from Wikipedia. With that said lets get on with the video. Coming in 1st we have the obvious robot cast member, Bumblebee. It was a given that he would be in considering he's been 1 of the most consistent in appearances besides Optimus. He's pretty much become the mascott of the movie universe and is instantly partnered up with the protagonist of each film. Bumblebee may not be the strongest or efficient in battle but he more than makes up for it with his bravery and determination. This somewhat hinders him and puts him in bad predicaments as we've seen many times like in Dark of the Moon where he almost bit the bullet at the hands of Soundwave. And he looks like history could be repeating itself as we see in the newest trailer of The Last Knight were looks like he could potentially die at the hands of Big Buhda AKA Optimus Prime. But I'm optimistic he won't die in this film. Because when it comes to Bumblebee, he's like a bottomless well of luck. Is also rumored that he has a spin-off movie coming out so I don't think Michael Bay plans on scrapping this Autobot anytime soon.

Up next is the Decepticon formally known as Galvatron, Lord Megatron. Now I had mentioned in my previous Robot cast video that it was rumored that Megatron would be returning in place of Megatron. And that rumored turned out to be true. As to how he got a new body back and now refers back to himself as Megatron still remains a mystery. The last time we saw Megatron in action and this is excluding "Galvatron, was in Dark of the Moon. He was somewhat weakened from a previous battle he had with Optimus Prime in his Jet Convoy mode. In my honest opinion Megatron has gotten the worst treatment out of all the Transformers in the Bay films. He went from being a badass savage in part 1, to a constant lacky in all the other films. No matter how many times we think he's gonna redeem himself he fails us by getting owned in a matter of seconds. He's gotten his ass beat by Optimus on more than 1 occasion and was smacked around by Sentinel Prime TF3. Megatron has been 1 of the most consistent Decepticons in movie attendence. He was also the 1st triple changer we saw in Revenge of the Fallen, where he could either turn into a Cybertronian Jet or Tank. If he's able to still do this in The Last Knight remains a mystery. This time around he seems to have taken on a more medieval look similar to Optimus Prime. He sports sort of dual tipped claymore sword with a shield, instead of his signature arm blaster and ball & chain which he barely used to begin with. You can spot him twice in the newest trailer.
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If you want more TF content be sure to check out my newer vids like my Top Super Modes of Optimus Prime


Ratchet, Jazz, and Ironhide all died.


Why would people want transformers to have human faces? we want them to look like robots!!! I think hotride has the best design.


Megatron "He got smacked around by sentinel prime"
Tbh I mean he is fighting primes so bit obvious he might get his ass kicked


Who else do you think we'll see in TF5 The Last Knight? Could the giant planet we saw in the trailer turn out to be "you know who?"


I just saw another 'teaser trailer', and I noticed Optimus/Nemesis Prime says "forgive me" (but in a slightly altered voice) right before you see him (almost) stab Bumblebee in the face. Him saying "forgive me" shows there is some semblance of the good Optimus Prime's personality inside him somewhere, it's just that the dark energon has taken over his body and corrupted it somehow (that would explain his purple [no longer blue] eyes) and that would also explain why they might kill him off in this one (though I'm sure he'll be brought back somehow) to 'purge' his body of the dark energon.


I actually loved hound, he was hilarious as hell!


Bumblebee could still "die" but gets repaired into a new body


They Should Bring Mirage BACK I LOVE HIM :'(


Hot Rod is my favorite Transformer out of all of them. I loved him in every series he was in. It's such a joy to see him finally make an appearance.


I just truly want iron hide ratchet jazz and starscream


I hate how the transformers all look too much like humans now


I wish Micheal bay didn't kill
Jazz, Sideways, Sideswipe ironhide, Starscream ( I Want them back, specially Jazz or Sideways )
but hey At least barricade back ( but His old form was better :| )


Anyone like how he introduced Optimus, ROBO JESUS LOL


i hate that always US army are in the entire movie saving the World. and Just 10 minutes of transformers fighting transformers in a movie about transformers


"Mr. Robo-Jesus" My dude you earned a sub with that line alone, the rest was great as well


From what I've seen and watched I think its good enough to say that Optimus Prime is being controlled by Unicron. Its already known that Unicron can take over a body not to mention Primes eyes are now purple much like Unicron. Just a thought.


I don't care if hot rod isn't g1 looking I'm just happy he's in this movie


It's seems like Optimus maybe following a similar destiny to when he defeated Megatron in the animated movie and was tossed into space, only to be picked up by Unicron and transformed into Galvatron.



