Мультик ИГРА - Доктор ПЛЮШЕВА и Команда мечты Док.
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Какая девочка в детстве не играла в больничку, не хотела стать врачом. Вот и Дотти, которой только исполнилось шесть лет, мечтает стать доктором, а пока она лечит своих игрушек, ухаживает за ними, прямо как ее мама, которая работает настоящим врачом. Дочка берет с нее пример и учит своих зверушек и кукол соблюдать гигиену, укреплять свое здоровье, правильно питаться, а игрушки с ней общаются, потому что у Дотти есть волшебный стетоскоп. Ей помогают ее плюшевые друзья – Бегемотик Хэлли, овечка Лэмми и дракончик Стаффи.
What girl in her childhood has not played in the hospital, didn't want to be a doctor. Here is Dottie who has just turned six years old, dreams of becoming a doctor, and while she treats their toys, caring for them, just like her mother, who works as a real doctor. The daughter follows her example and teaches her animals and dolls to observe hygiene, improve your health, eat right, and the toys deal with it, because Dottie has a magic stethoscope. She helped her plush friends – Hippo Hallie, Lammy the lamb and the dragon, Stuffy.
What girl in her childhood has not played in the hospital, didn't want to be a doctor. Here is Dottie who has just turned six years old, dreams of becoming a doctor, and while she treats their toys, caring for them, just like her mother, who works as a real doctor. The daughter follows her example and teaches her animals and dolls to observe hygiene, improve your health, eat right, and the toys deal with it, because Dottie has a magic stethoscope. She helped her plush friends – Hippo Hallie, Lammy the lamb and the dragon, Stuffy.