Ep 1: 'Making the Cut' - Guards Conversion Course

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Taking 15,000 quick steps in full battle order that weighs almost 30kg is anything but easy. This is just one of the key tasks every trainee must pass to go to the next level of training in this intensive and tough 3-week Guards Conversion Course. Making the Cut looks at 122 full-time national servicemen and regulars from various SAF units, coming together for a single purpose, to attain the coveted khaki beret and to be part of the Guards family.

In this first episode, watch how the Guardsmen trainees adapt to the high standards of discipline and training required of every Guardsman and their introduction to the dreaded 12km fast march. And watch how some try and overcome their fear of heights when they're introduced to cliff rappelling, every Guardsmen's staple of operations.

Narrated by Mano Mahendran
Filmed and edited by LCP Jake Nam, with Mano Mahendran
Additional filming by Alvin Fung, James Teh, Peter Cho, Alexander Koh, and Kevin Tan.

A MINDEF Public Affairs production, with The Rock Communication Group.

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I salute you all! No one ever thanked me for doing my military National Service in the SAF.


Imagine surviving 9 months of OCS and then you kena Guards.


Thank you for releasing episode 1. Good job Guardsmen and thank you for being always ready to strike whenever our country needs you. You don't need affirmation from anybody. You just do the job and you get it done. Good job in New Zealand, in Sumatra and wherever you were called to go in times of need.


I heard Guardsmen are given the privilege to train with Navy SEALS, seriously awesome!

"The only easy day, was yesterday."


3WO Johan! My CSM in Pegasus BMT. great guy. RESPECT.


Training in hot humid tropical environment is a challenge every soldier in all unit must overcome. If the bullets don't kill you on the outside, the weather will - from the inside.


@sidestep1984 Compared to other infantry types, these guys have a slightly different job scope. They are heliborne infantry with amphibious capability, trained to exploit the vertical dimension of the battlefield. Air mobile operations are designed to surprise the enemy where they are the weakest, reinforce where we are under pressure and envelope the enemy without the need for extensive ground travel. There are many kinds of infantry and they all play different roles.


Johan was a 3rd wo in the video lol I remember him as a siao on 3rd Sargent. Same conversion course as him in 1 guards 10th mono after sispec. He was in alpha I was in Charlie. And please lah everyone passes the course. Saf course cannot fail one. I chao geng try to fall out report sick also still pass. I was hoping to fail!


Ain't nobody got time for this .., ORD LO


i was in the british guards and it was hard for me but it was all worth it.


"More sweat during peace time, during training, will equal to less blood during war time." Well said!!


How do you choose them...during this period...how do you select the trainees to go the Infantry, or to go training school. I believe and Hats off to the trainees and their responsible for making and moulding them. I hope the team all the ropes needed to survive, train and give confidence to their men. As Long as the soldiers are free in the mind and thoughts and any physical challenge...they are sure to go, When the Going Gets The Tough, gets going...I truly respect them for training our Singapore sons to be elite....do understand spend time with them you have the precious moments to speak to them as their seniors, guarding and guiding those recruits lives who have been entrusted to great officers like you. Well done for instilling discipline love for our country, and emulate them when they are in the Number 4...too many numbered uniforms to remember. Take care soldiers and Sergeants...word of advice...please listen to your soldiers, whenever time permits..the bond salvaged and the camaraderie, may make your soldiers to become like You. Thank you once again 💐🙏🏼may this little forces be your greatest Force you, the Army as time unfolds 👍🏼


u guys are lucky. GCC in the 80s/90s will make grown man cry.


Takes me back to my BMT at Nee Soon Camp 1994 intake.


3WO Johan my CSM in BMT, strict during training, nice man when training is over


These guys are always READY TO STRIKE!


miss those days repelling down those cliffs/heli etc! Guardsman! Guardsman! Guardsman!


Respect to the Guards. Even though we may be crap in the eyes of some, you guys are still awesome! Keep it up Guardsmen (and women)! :D


I believe Singapore has built a good foundations as a non battle tested infantry. It should move on to the next phase.
The trainer need to be battle tested to bring the standard to the higher level.
I understand there will have death and injuries before the person become a trainer. But that is onky way currently to transfer combat skills to the unit.
I have great respect toward Singapore military institutions in term of it checks and accountabilities. And she has proven herself as a reliable partners to her militaries alliance.


@TheIofProvidence For your information, the USMC trained with our Guardsmen more than a few times and they regarded our Guardsmen as elite troopers and both sides treated each other with great respect and honor. You need to show some respect as well. If you don't, then just move on and perhaps one day, when you or your loved ones do require the protection of soldiers, you might then understand what is respect and what is honor.
