The Last Days of Freddie Mercury

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Queen singer Freddie Mercury was fiercely protective of his privacy, and he continued to guard it jealously even as his health succumbed to the ravages of AIDS — but as guitarist Brian May recently revealed, Mercury's bandmates were privileged with glimpses of their frontman's grueling final struggle. May looked back on Mercury's final days in a recent interview with the Sunday Times (via the Daily Telegraph), revealing that before the disease claimed Mercury, it started taking pieces of his body -- including most of his foot, which had to be amputated.

"The problem was actually his foot," May told the Times. "Tragically there was very little left of it. Once, he showed it to us at dinner. And he said, 'Oh Brian, I'm sorry I've upset you by showing you that.' And I said, 'I'm not upset, Freddie, except to realize you have to put up with all this terrible pain.'"

As May went on to point out, Mercury's death occurred shortly before major advancements in AIDS research led to the introduction of drug cocktails that help stave off the disease, allowing the diagnosed the possibility of long-term management — and helping prevent further agony for patients. Admitting it's difficult to know how close Mercury came to seeing those medications become available, May stressed that he stays focused on the legacy he left behind. "He missed by just a few months. If it had been a bit later he would still have been with us, I'm sure," said May. "You can't do 'what if,' can you? You can't go there because therein lies madness."

It's worth noting that May has publicly expressed his unhappiness with the overall tone of the interview, which focused on the sensationalistic aspects of Queen and Mercury's story rather than the project May sat down with the Times to discuss — the Queen in 3-D retrospective book he painstakingly assembled for release this year. "This woman came into my house, pretended she was a fan and was going to write a nice piece about the book, as agreed; then went away and wrote this pathetic sensationalistic drivel. I'm angry and disgusted," wrote May, pointing out that he'd agreed to give the Times the exclusive on the book, including any photos they wanted to run — and they "used just two of them, one of them reproduced not much bigger than a postage stamp; the rest of the piece illustrated with recycled ordinary snaps from God knows where."

While May didn't single out the earlier quotes as a reason for his ire, he did take umbrage with the piece's focus on what the headline described as "the debauchery of the Freddie Mercury years." Vowing never to give the Times "the time of day" from here on out, he assured fans that the book has nothing to do with the story presented by the article. "I spent over two years fashioning this into the first book of its kind — EVER — a biography of a band from the inside illustrated with my own photographs — and in 3-D, with a fabulous viewer to bring them to life in three dimensions," May insisted. "It's honest, goes deep and is tasteful and dignified (I have been told!) but nobody reading this awful amateurish piece of journalistic opportunism would know it."

Freddie Mercury spent his last days at his house, Garden Lodge 1 Logan Place in Kensington, London. The singer who died from bronchial pneumonia from AIDS, spent his last days with his former partner, Mary Austin, who continues to live at the home. Mercury was diagnosed with HIV in 1987 but kept his condition private until he released a public statement just a little over 24 hours before he passed away on November 24, 1991. Mercury was just 45 years old. The outer walls of Garden Lodge in 1 Logan Place have become a shrine to Mercury, with fans paying tribute by covering the walls with messages for the legendary late singer.

#FreddieMercury #Queen #Mercury
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Such a strange feeling to miss someone you never met

Edit: Oh wow, 4.1K likes


I remember that morning my brother opened my bedroom door and announced: "Freddie is dead". Now he's gone too, my brother.


Freddie is one of those artists whose memory will never fade, even after his death over 30 years ago he is still as important in the music world as he was when he was alive. A very brave man who carried on working for as long as he possibly could, a unique performer who will never be replicated.


Сейчас бы ему было 76. Покойся с миром Фредди. Ты легенда всех поколений.


I hope people remember Freddie, not for his looks in his last days, but his beautiful music.


I am a 53 yr old grandma and to see all these young people keeping Freddie's spirit alive gives me such hope for our future. Bless you all.


Такие как Фредди не умирают, такие как Фредди живут в наших сердцах, и остаются в нашей душе, и в нашей памяти на всю жизнь. Покойся с миром Фредди. 🕊️💐🙏


Фредди, ты такое чертовское искушение!!! Острая страсть, дерзость, несоизмеримая харизма, завораживающая красота такая ослепительная, яркая, чувственная, страстная и такая неповторимая словно первый луч солнца на занимающимся рассвете, а его образ в навсегда отпечатался в душе и шлейф его, как короля- остаётся на всех органах чувств. Представляя его, закрыв глаза, осязаешь драгоценнейший шёлк его кожи и жадно вдыхаешь запах его чудных волос пропуская каждую прядь через пальцы вдыхать аромат и наслаждаться как каждый волосок стуится сквозь пальцы переливаясь немыслимым, прекрасным водопадом... Глаза его- словно два чистейших и искрящихся бликами родника в самый солнечный день, два бездонных омута в которых до безумия хочется утонуть.
Величайшая, чувственная и такая сексуальная -- королева умов и сердец!
И это всё Он-- восхитительный, великолепный, неповторимый, гордый, безмерно талантливый и прекрасный ставший давно легендой --- Фредди!!! Это ставшее уже бесконечным настоящее волшебство, оно в каждом его взгляде, в каждом вижении.... его губы манят и происходит просто нереальная химия со зрителем!!!
Люблю, люблю, люблю бесконечно!!!
Браво, фредди!!!
Твоя звезда / в честь Фредди названа звезда действительно/ никогда не повернётся!


Legends never die. He is still in our hearts. He will never forgottan.


“I won’t be a rockstar, I will be a legend” -Freddie

Edit: tf is you guy’s problem, it’s a quote 💀


I've never seen any other artist dominate a stadium gig with so much such style & charisma.


Какая сила воли была у нашего кумира! До последних сил он писал музыку, чтоб нам её оставить! Вечная память, МАЭСТРО!❤


Brian May said "Freddie was sometimes in great pain but never once complained" ❤😢


Какой худющий стал, аж щеки ввалились, и все равно свет в глазах, яркий, притягивающий, немеркнущий. Вечная тебе память, звездочка Фредди! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Other artists :I'm sick I can't sing
Freddie mercury:I have AIDs but Let's perform .


28 years gone.
Still love.
Still Remembered.
Still the greatest showman who walked the planet ❤.



He was the rock hero of my youth. I don’t care about his politics or sexual orientation… he was simply the best. Rest in peace my brother. You are a legend.


Freddie was a living jukebox. He had a song for every emotion. You Take My Breath Away was not only a song, but what he did to all of us. There will never be another like him.


"A man only dies when he's forgotten"


I love that Freddie chose to wear his cat vest for his last video, it’s very special. It symbolized his furry loved ones. His cats were very dear to him.
