Why Colonizing The Solar System Will Remain Only A Dream

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Be sure to check it out my skeptical videos:

Believe Me, We Will Never Travel Among The Stars!

Believe Me, We Earthlings Will Never Colonize Mars!

Why I Believe In The Parallel Universes
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I live on astronomy. And that's perhaps why people are surprised when I say I'm not an enthusiastic supporter of space colonization.
I'm not at all, I just can't be.
And I am not just referring to exploring planetary systems of other stars, whose distances are and will forever be absolutely insurmountable regardless of our technological capability. No, gentlemen...I am also decidedly skeptical about the possibility of our species establishing bases or colonies on our home planets!
Follow me, I’ll tell you why!

The closest planet to the Sun. Minimum distance from Earth: 91 million kilometers. Diameter of 4880 km. No atmosphere, poor water ice reserves. Gravity: 38% of that of Earth. Surface temperature: -180 to 430°C. The local day lasts 88 Earth days.
Minimum distance from Earth: 42 million kilometers. Diameter: 12100 km. Gravity: 90% of Earth's.
Closest body. The average distance from Earth is 384,000 km. Diameter 3400 km. The atmosphere is absent. Gravity: 16.7% of Earth's. Surface temperature: -153 to 123°C. The local day lasts almost 30 of our days.
The largest object in the main asteroid belt. The minimum distance from Earth is 265 million kilometers. Diameter: 940 km. Gravity: 3% of Earth's. The atmosphere is absent. The average surface temperature of -106°C.
Fourth largest of Jupiter's moons. Minimum distance from Earth of 630 million kilometers. Diameter of 3120 km. Gravity: 13% of Earth's. Average surface temperature: -240 °C. Atmosphere virtually absent.
Saturn's largest satellite. Minimum distance from Earth of 1280 million kilometers. Diameter of 5150 km. Gravity: 14% of Earth's. Average temperature: -180°C. The atmosphere of nitrogen and methane. Ground atmospheric pressure: 1.5 times Earth's.
Dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Minimum distance from Earth: 5800 million kilometers. Diameter: 2380 km. Gravity: 6% of Earth's. The average temperature of -230°. Extremely rarefied methane atmosphere.
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Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr

Video Chapters:
00:00 Intro
3:50 Mercury
5:18 Venus
7:10 Moon
9:08 Mars
11:32 Ceres
13:25 Europa
14:50 Titan
16:35 Pluto

#insanecuriosity #solarsystem #colonization
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if you Insanely Curious liked this skeptical video, be sure to check it out:

Believe Me, We Will Never Travel Among The Stars!

Believe Me, We Earthlings Will Never Colonize Mars!

Why I Believe In The Parallel Universes


I remember this guy's ancestor from way back. He said we'd never tame fire or leave the cave.


People easily forget that "never" is an infinite amount of time.


Colonizing Antarctica, the oceans surface and the deep sea on earth is so much easier than colonizing any planet or moon in our solar system and yet we don’t do that either because it’s either too expensive or nobody wants live permanently inside a station. And now imagine living underground because of a lack of a magnetic field or always having to wear a space suit once you step outside. And even mining operations don’t make any sense as it’s just too expensive and a lot cheaper to dig on good old earth.


1900s, somewhere in the British countryside.
"A human will never learn to fly faster than the wind, and transport cargo through the air! It will always be just a dream!"


Humans have only ventured into space for the past 60 years or so. Give "us" another 1000 years and who knows what may happen? In the near term, I can easily see the moon becoming much like the current ISS ... that is, a permanently manned outpost that grows in size and complexity over time.


I disagree in trying to remove human emotion as a reason to colonize and explore the solar system. Adventure, greed, desperation, war, etc, could lead humans into space. It is why the entire Earth is nearly settled by people.


There are so many reasons that humans will never colonize space that are solid and measurable. I can see in the comments that there are so many dreamers that do not like this, but I think the video is spot on, . Not only that, people think we are going to continue to improve our technology, which I agree with, up to a point. However, I think there will come a time that we will start going backwards because of war and societal breakdown, which has started already.


"Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids.
In fact, it's cold as hell."
Rocket man


A thousand years ago humankind couldnt even imagine leaving the planet. Yet here we are.


"I can't imagine anyone would want to live there." There is the main problem with this video. Sorry, I spent my childhood dreaming of living on the Moon, and if the opportunity to live the rest of my life there, I would jump at the opportunity. I am not the only one.

The script also said about Mars that eventually no one would want to live there anymore than living in the Australian desert. This is such an ignorant statement, because it shows total ignorance of the large numbers of people who live in the Australian desert. There are many towns, and plenty of people love the isolation and the beauty of desolate landscapes. Most interesting is Coober Pedy, a desert town, where people live underground to escape the desert heat, and water has to be extracted from deep underground, and so full of minerals that it is essentially poisonous that it has to be purified by an expensive osmosis process, and every liter is treated like gold.

There is also a town in Antarctica called Villa Las Estrellas administered by Chile, and babies have been born there. There is the huge American base at the South Pole, and one of the Australian Antarctic bases has a brewery brewing Antarctic beer. Humans have a proven record of wanting to live in the most inhospitable places on Earth, and somehow making it work. Just because the channel owner here wants to live where he can have a nice life with all the comforts, he ignores the millions of us who love adventure and going to dangerous places. There are plenty of people who love risking all. These are the people who will colonize the Solar System.

The Australian deserts were initially found by scientific expeditions. It was science that took Captain Cook to the Pacific. Adventurers followed, politics and conquest took advantage, poor people wanting to find gold, and freedom from oppressive governments were happy to endure hardships. This is how a new country grew. The Moon and Mars will take longer, but the same human drives will be at work, finding ways to make it happen, despite the unsuitability of humans for many of these places. We will do it because we are inventors who like to solve problems. Science starts the process of colonization, but normal human desires will drive the rest.

Sign me up, I want to go.


This video is correct
If God wanted human to travel and live on other planets than God would have given us the resources.
Columbus didn't have to carry oxygen with him.
He didn't have a lifejacket on him when he sailed across the Atlantic ocean


Humanity will never call another rock home, ever. Period. The whole idea of even remotely effective space travel is the real pipe dream.


I can't imagine anyone not wanting to live alone in space after having met other people...


I agree! I've always thought that the idea of terraforming was ridiculous. If Earth was to become an inhospitable planet, why would we travel to another inhospitable planet and try to terraform it? Wouldn't we just stay and terraform Earth?


No one ever listens to the guy who says "it can't be done." Personally, I think after we get over the Mars hype, colonizing the atmosphere of Venus with airships will be almost inevitable.


The more you know about space and the Solar System, the more you realize that space travel is insanely difficult and deadly


I never understand how anyone can indefinitely say that something will or won’t happen, you can’t see into the future. You make YouTube videos


Us as humans used the same tools for hundreds of thousands of years, and yet in just the last few centuries our technological capabilities have grown exponentially. The colonization of our solar system is not the solution to all our problems, rather it is a question, and the answer is yes. It will be done provided we have the chance to continue developing. People have been saying this or that is impossible since the beginning of recorded history, and yet here we are today having mastered flight, doing things people would have thought were just fairy tales hundreds of years ago. The reasons for space travel are endless, ambition, resources, fostering national pride, the list goes on as far as the very void we will conquer. Even if we don't go into space out of curiosity, but rather for greed, it will be exploration none the less. Doubt is the enemy of progress, don't let it stop us before we've even begun.


People advocating for the colonization of Mars very often present an argument that seems logical and on point - if we want to ensure our survival, we need to colonize other planets, so that if something happens with Earth, we can still survive elsewhere. All sounds good so far. However, once we look into Mars more closely, I think anyone with a lick of sense can say that Mars is simply not viable as a second or backup Earth without being terraformed first - an environment in which you can't even spend too much time on the surface even in a pressure suit, because no magnetic field means the radiation will pose a significant health hazard isn't viable for anything but temporary visits of science teams. Therefore, the only viable way of colonizing Mars is to terraform it - as in, turn it's environment into one where we can walk on it's surface without a protective suit, breathe the air, grow crops, build cities, and survive for generations and generations. Here is where we get to a slight irony of it all: if we possess the technology to terraform Mars, we possess the technology to fix the Earth, which at it's worst is still a much more hospitable environment. I don't think Elon Musk's stories about self sustaining colonies there within our lifetimes are anything but hot air, unfortunately - I'm all for this to happen eventually, but we are a long way off and it's simply not something that can or should be rushed within the next few decades.
