Why Colonizing The Solar System Will Remain Only A Dream

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Be sure to check it out my skeptical videos:
Believe Me, We Will Never Travel Among The Stars!
Believe Me, We Earthlings Will Never Colonize Mars!
Why I Believe In The Parallel Universes
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I live on astronomy. And that's perhaps why people are surprised when I say I'm not an enthusiastic supporter of space colonization.
I'm not at all, I just can't be.
And I am not just referring to exploring planetary systems of other stars, whose distances are and will forever be absolutely insurmountable regardless of our technological capability. No, gentlemen...I am also decidedly skeptical about the possibility of our species establishing bases or colonies on our home planets!
Follow me, I’ll tell you why!
The closest planet to the Sun. Minimum distance from Earth: 91 million kilometers. Diameter of 4880 km. No atmosphere, poor water ice reserves. Gravity: 38% of that of Earth. Surface temperature: -180 to 430°C. The local day lasts 88 Earth days.
Minimum distance from Earth: 42 million kilometers. Diameter: 12100 km. Gravity: 90% of Earth's.
Closest body. The average distance from Earth is 384,000 km. Diameter 3400 km. The atmosphere is absent. Gravity: 16.7% of Earth's. Surface temperature: -153 to 123°C. The local day lasts almost 30 of our days.
The largest object in the main asteroid belt. The minimum distance from Earth is 265 million kilometers. Diameter: 940 km. Gravity: 3% of Earth's. The atmosphere is absent. The average surface temperature of -106°C.
Fourth largest of Jupiter's moons. Minimum distance from Earth of 630 million kilometers. Diameter of 3120 km. Gravity: 13% of Earth's. Average surface temperature: -240 °C. Atmosphere virtually absent.
Saturn's largest satellite. Minimum distance from Earth of 1280 million kilometers. Diameter of 5150 km. Gravity: 14% of Earth's. Average temperature: -180°C. The atmosphere of nitrogen and methane. Ground atmospheric pressure: 1.5 times Earth's.
Dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Minimum distance from Earth: 5800 million kilometers. Diameter: 2380 km. Gravity: 6% of Earth's. The average temperature of -230°. Extremely rarefied methane atmosphere.
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Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr
Video Chapters:
00:00 Intro
3:50 Mercury
5:18 Venus
7:10 Moon
9:08 Mars
11:32 Ceres
13:25 Europa
14:50 Titan
16:35 Pluto
#insanecuriosity #solarsystem #colonization
Believe Me, We Will Never Travel Among The Stars!
Believe Me, We Earthlings Will Never Colonize Mars!
Why I Believe In The Parallel Universes
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I live on astronomy. And that's perhaps why people are surprised when I say I'm not an enthusiastic supporter of space colonization.
I'm not at all, I just can't be.
And I am not just referring to exploring planetary systems of other stars, whose distances are and will forever be absolutely insurmountable regardless of our technological capability. No, gentlemen...I am also decidedly skeptical about the possibility of our species establishing bases or colonies on our home planets!
Follow me, I’ll tell you why!
The closest planet to the Sun. Minimum distance from Earth: 91 million kilometers. Diameter of 4880 km. No atmosphere, poor water ice reserves. Gravity: 38% of that of Earth. Surface temperature: -180 to 430°C. The local day lasts 88 Earth days.
Minimum distance from Earth: 42 million kilometers. Diameter: 12100 km. Gravity: 90% of Earth's.
Closest body. The average distance from Earth is 384,000 km. Diameter 3400 km. The atmosphere is absent. Gravity: 16.7% of Earth's. Surface temperature: -153 to 123°C. The local day lasts almost 30 of our days.
The largest object in the main asteroid belt. The minimum distance from Earth is 265 million kilometers. Diameter: 940 km. Gravity: 3% of Earth's. The atmosphere is absent. The average surface temperature of -106°C.
Fourth largest of Jupiter's moons. Minimum distance from Earth of 630 million kilometers. Diameter of 3120 km. Gravity: 13% of Earth's. Average surface temperature: -240 °C. Atmosphere virtually absent.
Saturn's largest satellite. Minimum distance from Earth of 1280 million kilometers. Diameter of 5150 km. Gravity: 14% of Earth's. Average temperature: -180°C. The atmosphere of nitrogen and methane. Ground atmospheric pressure: 1.5 times Earth's.
Dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Minimum distance from Earth: 5800 million kilometers. Diameter: 2380 km. Gravity: 6% of Earth's. The average temperature of -230°. Extremely rarefied methane atmosphere.
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Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr
Video Chapters:
00:00 Intro
3:50 Mercury
5:18 Venus
7:10 Moon
9:08 Mars
11:32 Ceres
13:25 Europa
14:50 Titan
16:35 Pluto
#insanecuriosity #solarsystem #colonization