Are You Downloading the new CHEAT MOD?

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A discussion about the new aim improving mod. And some fantastic gameplay by the VZ-55.

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Many different opinions in the comments today. Many of you will use the mod and many will not it seems.


This aim circle should be standard in WoT.


i dont think this isnt about vannila vs modded WOT, its about WG not giving players enough information ingame so they can make informed decision every moment in the this like any other previous mods that were added should be in game in first place


I’m quite clear on this mod. It counters one of WG’s deliberate attempts to mask the realities of the game mechanics, along the same lines as hidden stats. On that basis I am generally in support. It falls into the ‘some fun for you category’ 🍻


I'm a player of the first hours (it's more than 10 years that i quit playing) and WoT was better at the beginning, with the premium ammo making less damage with higher pen and stuff. In my opinion they took the wrong direction, but the economic success is speking another language.


I immediately knew "how" he did it before the Question was asked:A Tier X farming Tier 8s....simple Answer.


It truly gives you an advantage. The good move here will be to incorporate it into the game it's also not fair WG decide to give a so off reticle


There is an old saying "Win if you can, lose if you must but always cheat"


Don't apologize for making the video MUCH more interesting Claus! We can all see how the battle is going, you're commentary enhances it for me. Thanks, as always, Claus.


I mean, i was very curious, so i downloaded the mod and it feels so much more rewarding to actually shoot where you are aiming. This should totally be implemented into the game and i think players are being robbed. Like cmon 70% of reticle is useless.


Hell Yes I did. Anyone not using it is at a negative. And Wg made the rec bigger so we would miss more shots and spend more money


I love Claus, he even features games that other CC’s feature


This MOD calculates all the hidden stats and applies them to your reticle. This then help you make the decision of pulling the trigger.... When I was in the Army, I was a tanker for 8 years (19E & 19K) we had devices on the tank that would adjust our reticle helping us make a better shot. We had a laser (for range and leading a moving vehicle), wind sensor, stabilization, and a computer to calculate all this information. Once the target was identified the gunner pushes the "lase" button. The reticle would then make an adjustment (move) giving us the best chance of hitting the target. My point being: Even in RL tanking, we have "Mods" to help us make better choices before pulling the trigger. my 2 cents worth. Rock on tankers 🤘😎


I've noticed that in some of my non-premium tanks, the flyer shots will go OUTSIDE the circle, even when fully aimed.


The Tank Whisperer takes the time in this installment to describe how the difference in North American culture and Russian culture explains the contrasting popularity of the game in each place. My experience having grown up in the US, but spent much of my life overseas is that American's expectation of fairness and hard work paying off is anything but universal. For example, during my time in East Africa it was clear that people assumed that if they worked hard the fruits of their labor would be taken from them by those in power, and due to colonialism that is their history. I spent time in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan(former Soviet States). Based on that experience, I found the same mindset is true there, but for a different historical reason. They also expect people to lie and cheat, so they don't believe the things we say anymore than they do their neighbors. Just my experience, but I think my soldiers who served there with me would agree.


I love the Ace analogy! Great way of looking at the game. Also that difference in mentality explaining the difference in game popularity. Great stuff Sir !


I want a Mod that invalidates everyone else's Mods.


I just love WW2 armoured vehicles, which explains why I'm still playing WoT. Otherwise, I should've erased it from my hard drive by now. It started way back when I realised that whatever tank that was hotshot and which I picked inexorably got nerfed beyond recognition. The first that pops to mind is the Russian T28 way back in the days! Everything about it was changed soon after I got it and it became the whipping boy of the maps. That syndrome has trailed me right down to the tier-X T110E3 which I wore my fingers to the bones to get. Now WG is turning it into a ladybird bug in a battle of bees. So, like I said, it's a good thing I just love the battle wagons of the WW2 era so I keep playing with no concern any longer about stats and stuff. To hell with all of that. Even better, I get to keep my money for other things.


Clause if wg is removing forums about game boosting then they are involved in it.


Most features currently in the game were mods in the past. Like being able to zoom in and out further nowadays than in the past. That used to be a mod.
The circles on our minimap? Used to be a mod. The damage log on the bottom left? Mod.
- spotted indicator on team list
- damage direction indicator
- total team health
