182 Trump is paying attention to 'key to world peace {Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha’s teachings}

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#buddha #용화미륵부처님 #Trump #자기계발 #music
대표 전화번호 031-444-9985/6
주소: 안양동 389-9 공평빌딩 6층 수리산 용화사
저서: 한용운 채근담
죽은 감나무에는 꽃이 피지 않는다 윤회는 없다
매주 일요일마다 안양 수리산 용화사에서 오전 11시 30분에
용화미륵부처님 법문 1부
1)미륵부처님의 사바세계 강림 이유
인간은 죽으면 다시 올 수 없지만, 한 가지 방법으로 돌아올 수 있다. 이를 알리기 위해 미륵부처가 사바세계에 오셨다.
인간의 생명과 죽음은 가장 소중하며, 깨우침을 통해 죽음 이후에도 다시 오는 길을 제시한다
2)죽은 나무와 살아있는 나무의 비유
죽은 나무는 과일을 맺지도, 꽃을 피우지도 않는다.
인간도 살아있을 때만 무엇인가를 이룰 수 있다.
부처도 살아있어야 중생을 제도할 수 있다.
죽은 부처에게 빌거나 기도하는 것은 무의미하다.
3)윤회에 대한 새로운 관점
기존 불교의 육도윤회 사상은 잘못된 것이다.
사람이 죽으면 축생이 되지 않으며, 사람은 사람이 될 뿐이다.
윤회란 죽은 감나무 옆에 새 감나무가 자라는 것처럼,
사람이 자식을 낳는 것이 윤회의 실체다.
4)광명의 빛과 깨우침
인간은 미륵부처님의 광명의 빛을 받아야만 깨끗한 영체로 환생할 수 있다.
죽은 사람이 부활할 수 없다면 그 종교는 의미가 없다.
모든 인간은 미륵부처에게 배워 깨우침을 얻어야 한다.
4)공(空) 사상
공사상은 "살아 있어야 모든 것이 가능하다"는 깨우침을 뜻한다.
공사상은 텅 빈 것이 아니라, 존재하며 눈으로 확인할 수 있는 실체다.
종교는 눈으로 보고 확인할 수 있어야 의미가 있다.
5)기존 불교와의 차별점
석가모니 부처는 깨우침을 완전하게 이루지 못했으며, 죽어서 귀신으로 있었다.
미륵부처님이 석가모니부처님을 천도하여 용화세계로 보내줌으로써 성불시켰다.
(6핵심 메시지)
"죽은 감나무에는 꽃도 피지 않고 열매도 맺지 않는다."
살아있을 때 깨우침을 통해 모든 것을 이루고, 광명의 빛으로 다시 태어나는 길을 찾아야 한다.
공사상을 통해 현실에서 눈으로 확인 가능한 종교와 깨우침을 추구해야 한다.

전화: 안양 수리산 용화사 태명혜우스님 대표전화 031-444-9985

*용화사 법당 인등 연등·영가등 및 유튜브 법광보살 온라인 연등관 신청 양식
안양 수리산 용화사 유튜브 채널의 온라인 연등관 연등 접수 양식입니다.

인등 연등 영가등 천도재 생전예수재 영험 도량 (안양 수리산 용화사)광고

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그러니까 사람이 한번 떠나버리면 다시는 못와요, 못오기 때문에 인생을 내가 잘 살아야 해요 조절하면서, 한번 떠나버리면 못와요, 석가모니도 떠났는데 돌아옵니까? 못와요, 온다는거 자체가 거짓말이요, 왜그러냐? 연기사상은 죽은건 안되는거야, 그러니까 살아서 간 사람은 돌아와서 만날 수가 있는데 죽어서 떠난 사람은 돌아오질 못해요, 그러니까 만날수가 없기 때문에 연기가 안되는거에요. 그래서 여러분들이 그런걸 잘 배워서 인생 사는데 가장 소중한 도움이 되야되요. 알았죠? 그래서 내가 살았을 때 인생을 잘 살아야된다 그뜻으로 내가 말하는거지요.


그러니까 여러분들이 새해에는 창조되는 기분으로 한해를 잘 살아가야 된다 그얘기요, 알았죠? 그런데 비행기 사고가 나가지고, 가족이 모두 다 죽어버리고 이러니까 참 가슴이 아프고 그래요, 여러분들 마음속에라도 명복을 빌어주고 알았죠? 그래야되요, 남은 가족들도 어떻게 심신은 안좋지 어떻게 해, 한번 떠난 사람 다시는 돌아오질 못하니까 가족들도 편안하게 잘 살아야되고 많이 무겁고 마음이 아파요 생각하면, 그렇죠?


The light of Maitreya Buddha's light is a miracle light that cures incurable diseases.
You have healed numerous incurable diseases.
I respect and praise the merciful Maitreya Buddha, who enlightens me with public works and acting methods that the world does not know.
Thank you, Master Tae Myung Hye-woo, for guiding me to Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha 😊


The other day, I told Hojé—since he has been coming for so long, he knows everything about me. He has been with me for years.
But last time, fewer people came than usual. So I told him, "Pick out the names of those who didn’t come today."
I already knew who wasn’t there. And those who didn’t come—none of them had anything good happen to them.
So I told Hojé to select them, and when he gave me the names, I looked at them and immediately thought, "These people are in trouble."
And look, those who follow Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha have precious bodies. If they end up in trouble somewhere else, wouldn’t that be a problem?
The people who didn’t come that day—I already knew they were all going through something bad.
Have I ever asked to select people before? Think about it.
Last week, I asked, "Anyone who is going through something bad, raise your hand." And I saw someone sitting still, so I asked, "Why are you just sitting there?"
I had already seen that things were not going well for them the previous week.
"Hey, younger one, don’t stutter when you speak! What nonsense is this?"
When I call someone, they hesitate, but I already know. That’s why I asked Hojé to pick them out.
Think about it. If something bad happens somewhere else, it’s a serious issue.
That is why I had good intentions. Do you understand?
People say, "A tree with many branches is bound to face challenges." That is true.
If only four or five people came to Yonghwa Temple, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.
But many people come. Many people register as faithful followers of Yonghwa Temple.
There are thousands—thousands of people. Even those who are too busy to visit still light individual lanterns and lotus lanterns, and the monk remembers all of them.
Even though our monk is old, he is a genius. How does he know so much?
He immediately understands when someone speaks. Even those who are too busy to come but still light individual lanterns—he remembers all of them.
His mind is incredibly sharp. If he had been born into a wealthy family and had received proper education, I believe he could have been a prime minister, if not a president. His mind is truly exceptional.
Now, tell me, can any of you use a computer as well as our monk? Keep dreaming. It’s unbelievable!
Seeing this, I realize how brilliant he is. Now, I’m not someone with a bad memory either, am I? Isn’t that true? But even I am amazed by how good he is.
The other monks cannot even compare.
I know about 5, 000 monks.
I know them all. But when I interact with them, I realize how rigid they are in their thinking.
It’s not that they are unintelligent, but they are too caught up in their fixed ideas.
Do you understand?
It’s not that they are foolish and unable to learn. There are many monks who are quite intelligent.
But they are stuck in their fixed ideas.
And what must they do? They must break free from those fixed ideas.
Do you understand?
Do you realize how precious it is for a human to be born into this world?
Shaving your head and becoming a monk is not a bad thing. It is a noble path.
But one must break free from fixed ideas.


Thank you to Yonghwa Maitreya who came to the Sabah world for saving sentient beings with the light of light. He cured the disease, gave the dead spirituals a life of eternal life. I praise the precious light of light that will become a cutting-edge science in the future world. I wish Maitreya Buddha, Tae Myung-hyewoo, the governor of the state-of-the-art world, always healthy and long life. I wish you all the best. 🙇 🙇 🙇


이게 없으면, 많은 모든 인간이 이것을 믿지 않으면 지구는 편할 날이 없어요. 늘 싸우고 죽이고 전쟁하고 이러고 살판이다. 니가 잘났냐 내가 잘났냐 해쌓고 싸우면 결국에는 인간만 죽어나가고 희생하고 그렇다 그얘기야, 그렇죠?

싸우면 뭐해 남는 것은 피해만 보는거지, 그래안그래요? 인간이 얼마나 소중한지 아시요? 그래서 인간 하나 세상에 나오는게 창조다, 창조가 굉장히 소중한 말이요. 소중하기 때문에

여러분들 지금까지 창조란 말을 쓰는 사람 여러분들 아직까지 한번도 못봤을꺼야 아마, 나밖에 없어요.


새해도 살아있기 때문에 새해가 오는것이고, 그렇지? 그러니까 연기법이다 그 뜻이요, 그래서 이제 새해가 왔으니까 올해도 여러분들이 한해 살아가는데 첫째 건강해야되고, 몸아프면 절에 못와요, 건강하고 가족도 편안하고 집안도 무사무탈하고, 하는일도 잘되어서 돈도 많이 벌고, 사는것도 윤택하게 잘 좀 이루어지면 좋겠다 하는 뜻으로 오늘 법문해드릴게요, 내가 지난주에도 법문했는데 창조다 하는 것은 2025년 새해도 창조요, 그렇죠?


This is an undeniable truth.

Those who run factories, businesses, or manufacturing, listen carefully.
Many of you have never worked in manufacturing, so you may not understand, but I have been in manufacturing for decades—I am an expert in it.
If you produce a defective product, even if it’s missing one single component, it is not a complete product.
If it is sent overseas, complaints and claims will pile up, causing serious problems.
Isn’t that true?
If you buy a product and one part is missing or broken, would you still use it?
Would you accept it?
A product must be complete—whether it is a human, a manufactured item, or anything else, it must be perfect.
Even the slightest defect or imperfection is unacceptable—do you understand?
The same applies to success.


여러분들 공장을 하고 사업을 하고, 제조업을 하잖아요 제조업. 여러분 제조업을 안해봐서 잘 모르지, 나는 제조업을 오래했어요. 수십년 했기 때문에 제조업에 대해서는 박사요. 그러면 제조업을 하는데 물건을 만들었는데 한가지만 부실한게 들어있으면, 이것은 완제품이 아니야. 가져가면 불량품으로 나오게 되있어요. 외국으로 보내면 클레임을 막 맞아요. 큰일나는거야. 그래안그래요?

아내 내가 이걸 돈주고 샀는데 이게 한쪽에가서 이빨이 빠져보소, 누가 이거 사겠어? 뭐든지 완제품이 되야된다 이거야, 사람도 완제품. 물건도 완제품. 뭐든지 완제품이 되야해. 이만큼도 미스가 있고 티가 있으면 안된다 그얘기야.


Through the examples of body parts and war, he reminded us of the preciousness and perfection of the Gong Thought.
All humans should learn the teachings of the Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha and realize how precious the created life is.
Only the Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha's Gong Thought will lead the world to the path of peace.
I hope President Trump will recognize this and put it into practice.
Thank you for teaching Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha's Gong Thought


뭐 좋은일이 있다, 새해에는 뭐 공을 많이 들이면 좋은일이 있다, 공을 어디다 들여요? 공 들일데가 없어요, 공이란 자체는, 들인다는 것은 무상한거에요, 들인다는건, 알았지요? 그러니까 새해에는 공을 많이 들여서 좋은일이 있다, 부처님전에 공을 들이면은 올해는 좋은일이 있다는건 다 거짓말이라니까, 왜그러냐? 죽은건 죽은건 연기가 안되는거에요. 그러면 자기가 열심히 공들이고 열심히 한다고그러면 죽은사람이 다시 돌아오나? 안돌아와요 그래서 거기에 가장 소중한 요점이 있어요. 그게 뭐냐? 공사상이야, 알았어요? 그러니까 여러분들이 살았을 때 공사상으로 창조돼서 세상에 왔잖아? 그러면 떠날 때는 어떻게 해야해요? 공사사으올 떠나는거야, 그렇지않아요?


이 소중한 인간을 전쟁을해서 싸우고 죽고 총맞아 죽고 맞아죽고, 아 그거 말이 되겠어요? 인간이 얼마나 소중한건데, 이 소중한 인간의 생명체를 전쟁한다고 데려다가 죽이고 총쏴서 다 죽이고 이게 말이 되겠냐 그얘기야, 그렇죠?
또 부모가 자식을 만들어서 세상에 나오는 것도 창조인데, 그 얼마나 소중한지 아시오? 그 소중한 몸을 함부로 해가지고 죽는다던지 다쳐서 몸이 불구가 된다든지 어떻게 몸이 아파서 불구가되고 이러건 관리자가 관리를 잘 못했기 떄문에 그런것이다 그얘기야, 그래안그래요?

그러면 손가락이 5개를 가지고 세상에 태어났는데 하나가 모잘라 떼먹어버리고, 그러면 4개만 갖고 있으면 이건 부모한테 아주 큰 불효자 불효자, 그래안그래요? 5개를 만들어 놨는데 왜 하나는 갖다 떼내버려?

4개만 있으면 부모한테 불효자다 그얘기야, 불효자는 공사상이 안되는거야 생각해봐요. 5개가 되야만이 공사상이 되는거야, 그러니까 수계받고 부처님한테 수계받고 용화세계를 가더라도 정상적인 사람은 못되는거지, 4개만 갖고 가는거지, 하나 떼먹었으니까,

공사상은 있는 그대로가 공사상이지 반쪽이나 하나가 부족하고 이런건 공사상이 완전히 될수가 없는 것이지, 그래안그래요? 그러니까 내 몸을 잘 가지고 살아야된다 그얘기야


여러분들은 내가하는 말을 잘 들어야돼요. 그러니까 공사상이란건 없어지지도 않고, 항상 내가 보고싶을때 볼 수도있고, 볼수가 있으니까 뭐가 돼? 확인이, 그렇지 확인이 되는거야, 그렇기때문에우리 인간이 살아가는데는 공사상이 되야, 언제든지 내가 하고자 하는 길을 갈수가 있고 할 수가 있다 그얘기야,


용화대불미륵부처님 감사합니다 태명혜우주지스님감사합니다 지금사는동안 어디서도 배울수도없고 들을수도없는 안양수리산용화사성전에서만 꽉찬공사상 변화지도않고 사라지지도않으며 끝이없는 영원한 불생불멸의 창조로 새로태어날수있는생불이될수있는 (환생)이세상 모든사람들이 태양의빛광명의빛으로 수계를 해주실때 지금소중한순간을놓치지 마시기를 발윈합니다 모든만물도 자연도 다 때가 있다고배웠습니다 용화대불미륵부처님감사합니다태명혜우주지스님감사합니다~^


I was so surprised and thankful for my first experience of chronic pain disappearing just by getting close to the Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha. And after receiving the precepts, my terminal illness was completely cured. This is because the light of light radiated from the top of the Yonghwa Maitreya Buddha’s head. Thank you, I admire you.


요즘 내가 유튜브를 보니까, 많이들?(9:06초) 모두 내가 하는 법문을 써먹더라고, 교회에서도 그냥 엄청나게 써먹고 앉아있어, 그러면 그동안에 교회가 뭘 가지고 종교를 폈냐 그얘기야,

순전히 거짓말만 한거지, 가만히 들어보니까 기가막히거든, 이야 우리가 이놈을 갖다 써먹어야겠구나, 그런 뜻으로 써먹은거지. 써먹은건 좋은데 이 말씀은 수리산용화사 미륵부처님께서 하시는 말씀이다 이렇게 써먹어야하는데, 그렇지않아요? 그런데 자기들이 그냥 아는 것처럼, 자기들이 그냥 갖다 써먹고 그러면 나쁜사람들이지. 여러분들 봐요 하나님이 어디가있어?


그러면 나만이 가야할 길이 어디냐? 바로 공사상. 내가 가야할길은 공사상길이요, 공사상이 어디냐? 내가 수계를 받고 용화세계 가는게 공사상이다 그얘기야, 이해가가죠? 틀림없어요. 뭐든지 과학적으로 풀이해도 내말이 정답이야, 틀림없어요. 이게 온 세상 사람이 내가 하는 말을 다 믿고 따랐을때만이, 세계가 지구가 평온이, 평화가 오는거야, 알아요?


It’s truly sorrowful. So when I thought about the people who perished in the recent plane crash, I couldn’t help but shed tears. Just thinking about it—how unjust and tragic their situation must have been—doesn’t it break your heart?
Once a person dies, that is the end. That is why we must do well while we are alive. (44:28) If I have time and my body is in good condition, I go to visit my mother and father first. I go to the Bodhisattva of Light’s resting place first.
Why? No matter how much one claims to be the Buddha, without a physical body, what is left? One needs a flesh and bones body to be the Buddha, isn’t that so?
If there is no flesh and bones, what is left to call the Buddha? Even if someone were the Buddha, what good is it if they have nothing to know, nothing to teach, and nothing to share? What use is it to call someone the Buddha when there is absolutely nothing there?
That is why my beliefs are clearly established. I believe that parents are precious. Because they are precious, I must honor them through the thought of ‘Gong’ until the day they pass away. Do you understand?
If my mother and father had not created me and brought me into this world, would I have ever been able to meet you all? Isn’t that true? By what ability could we have met?
That is why when we come to the temple, we must express gratitude to the Bodhisattva of Light. Do you understand? We must be grateful.
I am grateful. When I conduct Cheondo ceremonies for you all, I don’t say much, but you must know that I perform them with deep sincerity. Do you understand?
Because when you come to the temple, I cannot engage with each of you one-on-one, as so many people come. But in my heart, I still hold you all dearly.
That is why, whenever you have difficulties, you call the monk, the head monk, and consult with them, don’t you? You listen and think, "Ah, this situation is urgent, " and when something is truly urgent, you speak about it.
When it comes to life and death, think about it carefully. That is why I pour my heart into these matters. Sometimes, I truly think, "Being the Buddha is no easy task."
I think, "This is difficult." I only seem fine because I keep going back and forth, moving here and there. But, in truth, I read everything carefully.
Even if someone only comes once, I remember their impression. I continuously watch over those who regularly visit this temple.
Do you think I don’t?


When you come to Yonghwa Temple, doesn’t your home life feel more peaceful?
There was an elderly couple who used to come here regularly, and they always asked me, “Where do we go when we die?”
They would ask again and again.
The old man would say, “When we die, we’ll go wherever we’re supposed to go, won’t we?”
But the old woman, as she felt her time coming closer, would clasp and unclasp her hands anxiously, saying, “I’m going to die soon.”
She kept asking me over and over again.
What was there to ask? I had already explained everything to them, but she kept asking.
And now? She doesn’t come anymore.
Maybe she has already passed away.
When a person’s time to die approaches, they start saying nonsensical things.
That’s how it is when death nears.
That means they haven’t truly studied—because if they had, they wouldn’t be acting like that.
Many of you don’t understand this, but when a person dies, their soul still exists.
If you don’t believe me, go ask one of the female Buddhists who attend Yonghwa Temple.
She once told me that after her husband passed away, she felt terrified to be home alone.
Why would she be scared if the person was already dead and gone?
Think logically.
She said she felt a chill down her spine every time she was about to enter the house.
Because the deceased person’s soul was still lingering and giving off a sense of fear.
So, what does it mean when the deceased makes the living feel fear?
It means that the dead person has not let go of the living.
They still cannot erase their spouse from their heart.
Perhaps the husband loved his wife too much to leave her behind.
He might have thought, “I had so much fun in this world with my wife, but now that I’m leaving, how will she survive on her own?”
The deceased probably had these thoughts.
Just because a person dies, it doesn’t mean their soul disappears—only their physical body dies.
That’s why ghosts keep lingering around, sending their energy to the living, making them sense something.
That’s why the living feel fear at home.
I know someone who had an experience like this.
There was a man whose wife passed away before she even turned fifty.
But whenever he entered his house, she was sitting on the couch in the living room.
The moment he opened the door, she would suddenly stand up and say, “Why are you so late? You should come home early and rest.”
She spoke to him just as if she were still alive.
He was so shocked that he collapsed at the entrance, completely losing consciousness.
When he woke up, he realized he had hit his head so hard that it was bleeding, but he hadn’t even felt the pain.
Terrified, he ran out of the house, shouting, “I’m going to die!”
He had a son, but he was so frightened that he didn’t even think to call him.
His son, who had been coming home from work, arrived and had the same experience.
The moment he walked in, the ghost of his mother spoke to him too.
He was so horrified that he wet himself right there in his clothes.
That’s how scared he was.
After that, they couldn’t enter the house anymore.
They ended up staying at a motel for 49 days.
At first, they sought a shaman to perform a Cheondo ceremony, but it didn’t work.
So they went to a place called Surisan, a spiritual site, to try again.
Even after the ceremony, the ghost kept appearing in dreams, making life unbearable.
Why did this happen?
Because the woman had been young and lively, and her husband’s soul was deeply attached to her.
If you truly study and attain enlightenment, this won’t happen to your own children when you die.
Think about it.
If you die fully prepared, your soul will immediately depart to Yonghwa world, and your children will never experience such things.
Do you understand?
That’s why this is so important.



용화 대불 미륵부처님의 광명의 빛은 불치병을 치료하는 기적의 빛입니다.
수많은 난치병을 치유해 주셨습니다.
세상 사람들이 알지 못하는 공사상과 연기법으로 깨우침을 주시는 자비하신 미륵부처님 존경하고 찬탄합니다.
태명혜우 주지스님 용화 미륵부처님께 인도해 주셔서 감사합니다 😊
