Большой Зеленчук - красивая горная река

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Большой Зеленчук — река на Северном Кавказе, левый приток Кубани. Длина реки — 158 км, от истока реки Псыж более 180 км, площадь водосборного бассейна — 2730 кв.км. Протекает по Карачаево-Черкесии, Ставропольскому и Краснодарскому краям. Берёт начало истоками — с горы Пшиш 3790 м и горы Псыш 3489 м, Кизгыч и Архыз с северных склонов Главного Кавказского хребта. В верховьях расположен посёлок Архыз, являющийся местом отдыха и паломничества туристов самой разной подготовки и направлений. По левому берегу располагается одна из частей Тебердинского заповедника. В посёлке Нижний Архыз располагается памятник архитектуры Архызское городище, недалеко от поселка — обсерватория РАН. У станицы Зеленчукской река выходит на густозаселённую равнину. Впадает в Кубань в городе Невинномысске. Часть стока реки забирается в деривацию Зеленчукской ГЭС и перебрасывается в Кубань.
Bolshoi Zelenchuk is a river in the North Caucasus, the left tributary of the Kuban. Its length is 158 km, from the source of the Psyzh River more than 180 km, its catchment area is 2,730 km?. It flows through Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. It has its source in the mountains Pshish 3790 m and Psysh 3489 m, Kizgych and Arkhyz from the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range. In the upper reaches is the village of Arkhyz, which is a place of rest and pilgrimage of tourists of all kinds of training and directions. On the left bank is one of the parts of the Teberda Reserve. In the village of Lower Arkhyz is a monument of architecture Arkhyzskoye settlement, not far from the village is the observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the village of Zelenchukskaya, the river exits onto a densely populated plain. It flows into the Kuban in the town of Nevinnomyssk. Part of the river flow enters the derivation of the Zelenchukskaya hydroelectric power station and flows into the Kuban.
Bolshoi Zelenchuk is a river in the North Caucasus, the left tributary of the Kuban. Its length is 158 km, from the source of the Psyzh River more than 180 km, its catchment area is 2,730 km?. It flows through Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. It has its source in the mountains Pshish 3790 m and Psysh 3489 m, Kizgych and Arkhyz from the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range. In the upper reaches is the village of Arkhyz, which is a place of rest and pilgrimage of tourists of all kinds of training and directions. On the left bank is one of the parts of the Teberda Reserve. In the village of Lower Arkhyz is a monument of architecture Arkhyzskoye settlement, not far from the village is the observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the village of Zelenchukskaya, the river exits onto a densely populated plain. It flows into the Kuban in the town of Nevinnomyssk. Part of the river flow enters the derivation of the Zelenchukskaya hydroelectric power station and flows into the Kuban.