«CHERISHED SOUND» - Poem and recitation : Dimitris Victor - Translation: Philip Ramp

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A melody is heard through the half-open window
which tenderly lullabies the colors of early youth,
as the rhythm changes pleasurably captivating the mind
and I feel the first kiss which is given without taking a breath…

Now the chorus of memory is taking me far away
back to my adolescent dreams that were unjustly lost
I return to the loves the longing and the subsequent doubts
making comparisons with the beauties of splendid suffering…

The losses of love, memories this music lives over
the sudden change of rhythm upsets me painfully
shuts down quickly like a fairy that flies off and disappears
and leaves behind silence in the dense dark…

Now I have the feeling that something chilly is governing me
it’s time I close the window
to silently and nostalgically remember without interruption
and carry on adding my own happy end…

It was a dream! A dream deep in winter,
I was hooked to a rock like an anemone
I relived life like a cherished sound
maybe I even imagined the music, who knows? Perhaps…

Dimitris Victor
September -- 2013
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