Reincarnation: Reborn Again on Another Planet? Past Lives and Past Life Memories - Paul Wallis

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Thank you for the excellent question GoranRobson6243!

Question: Hi, Paul. I'd love to know your insights into reincarnation. I have seen some past life regression sessions where these people experience past lives as a different species on other planets. Some even have past life memories as being an Annunaki. Do you have an opinion on this or references to any ancient writings regarding reincarnation? Thank you. GoranRobson6243.

Goran. That's a great question. And as you know, my background is from a Christian start point of 33 years in church base ministry as a theological educator and from the perspective of Christian theology, reincarnation doesn't get much of a look in. In fact, it would really be regarded as a heresy. But through the years, I've heard so many very compelling examples of memories of former lives shared by children, memories of lives in great detail. And one possible explanation for that is the idea of reincarnation of a soul or conscious being living a sequence of lives on planet Earth. So just from the point of view of people's experiences, people's testimony that has caught my attention, and I think there really are some very compelling cases of that kind.
When I began my research path that led to escaping from Eden and all my work in paleocontact, I was reminded of the great role that Plato played in early Christianity, and I was reminded of the fact that the ideas of reincarnation were part of platonic thought and early Christian thought. Now, elsewhere on the planet, there's no controversy around this.

If you go to the east, if you go to India, listen to the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism, ideas of reincarnation are really central to that worldview. The idea that we are primarily beings of consciousness, having a material experience that's central to those Eastern worldviews. And it was there in the grassroots at the dawn of the Christian era, as well. So it gets referenced in the Gospels, for instance, there's a moment where the disciples are asked by Jesus, Who do people say I am? And one of the answers is, Well, a lot of people think you are a reincarnation of one of the prophets, by which they meant the Jewish prophets. They think you are a reincarnation of Elijah or one of the other prophets.

And so we can see from that answer that even in first century common era Judaism, ideas of reincarnation were part of mainstream conversation and mainstream thinking. Jewish people thought Jesus might be a reincarnation of a previous master. So it's there, and it's there. In the writings of some of the church fathers, the founders of Christian theology. So if you go to Origin, he's regarded as the founder of hermeneutics. That's the principles of interpreting ancient texts. And he applied those to the Bible. Go to Origin, go to Clement of Alexandria, a foundational church father for the Eastern tradition of Christianity. They both had a ten positive belief in reincarnation. They talked about it. They believed it was possible. They saw it as being in no way in conflict with the teachings of Jesus.

And one of the reasons they were thinking about it and talking about it was because it was part of Greek thought by that time as well. So writers like Plato and Plato really is at the zenith of philosophical thought of that time. And and throughout time, really, he toyed with the idea of reincarnation as well, and he argued on the basis of what we might call science, logic applied to things We can all observe that we are primarily beings of consciousness having a material experience. And he suggests that after this material experience, one possibility is that we go on to a completely different kind of experience, perhaps somewhere else in the cosmos, or that we have to stick around to process the experience we just had here. Or there's the possibility that we might go on to another experience, but not elsewhere in the cosmos right here on planet Earth.

Reincarnation: Did We Exist as Aliens in a Past Life? - Paul Wallis
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Hi Paul will you be doing a full episode of reincarnation ❤


As a child and young adult, i dreamed of other lifetimes and somehow i understood then that these lucid exposures were something other than my psyche's clean sweep of daily events. Now that there is a greater acceptance and awareness of these types of experiences, i am so validated for somehow knowing these were real.
Thank you Paul for being so straightforward in a world with bunches of really sticky issues!


Praying to never come back to this hellhole.


We live many lives. We choose where to incarnate, Earth, Pleiades, other star systems. As spirits we are fractal beings. Part of our energy incarnates in an avatar body so that we may experience physical life. The rest of our energy stays in the spiritual realms. We are constantly learning and the veil between the Earth and other dimensions is thinning. We will soon rejoin our galactic families once the shift in consciousness raises our frequencies to rediscover who we really are.
We were never alone.


I remember when i was a baby, probably about 1 year okd. I was in the crib and awakened from my sleep. Shocked and angry to be sent into a new world. I was taken away from possibly another wirkd that i was very very unwilling to part with. Being forced to be here, in the current reality. Ive had vivid dreams throughout my life that kept repeating. I have about 5 dofferent lives that i keep returning to over the years. I wake up confused, often mistaking the things of the other worlds as the things of this world. Almost bringing secrets over here as well. Big secrets. And i was so sure that this time i could remember the those things but i never could. Its just a blurry image. And always fragmented pieces and vague storylines. To me, its true and i know this existence has more to it than we are told


What a nightmare. The mere thought of having to live another lifetime on this rock fills me with trepidation. Once I'm gone I want to stay gone!!


Paul, many hands-on sessions targeted on revealing health issues (pain, illness) show past events to past individuals as stuck form of memory/energy that causes all mess. These past events are mainly related to torture, sudden and unexpected death or concious dying by hanging or burrying alive. Please talk about it one day. Greets from Poland


Reincarnation is in the Bible, although they have tried to "translate" it out. You just have to dig deep for it.


Even more interesting was Jesus' response which was "Elijah had already reincarnated- he was John The Baptist."


A very learned Rabbi I once knew said;” Many Jews don’t believe in the afterlife. Some believe the afterlife is the grave. Some believe that if you cannot be pleasing and worthy to God by keeping the 10 Commandments and fulfilling all 361 Mitzvahs you will be reincarnated until you can do so “. Only then will you get into heaven and the presence of God”


Well done, and I agree with this presentation. I even had an intense dream many years ago (I’ve never forgotten it) about an ancient cataclysm I was in. One question that still needs to be resolved in my mind is Hebrews 9:27 which states “it is appointed to man once to die, then comes judgement.”


Well done Paul, Gotta keep pushing that boat out. Now read a Dolores Cannon book.


Reincarnation occurs when the ego part of you clings to resentments and lower human experience emotions that are attached to 'wrongdoing", fear of being punished for something, etc.
It also occurs for the opposite spectrum; loving the human experience, nature, animals, or just being bored as a Spirit.


Has Paul ever addressed the work/perspective of Dr Michael Heisner (Old Testament scholar)?


If we have but one life, the enormous differences in living conditions, our place in society or lack thereof make it a totally senseless is a bitch and then you die my brother used to say...the only thing that makes sense to me is reincarnation, so our souls can develop and strengthen. Otherwise life Is a useless and often cruel, meaningless experience...


FYI- If you study the history of Biblical texts, Emperor Justinian I of the Roman Empire removed the teachings of reincarnation from Christian orthodox doctrines in 543 AD. And frankly, the OT talks about Elijah being reborn in the future as a other references to other prophets and subjects in the Bible. To me, if you 'actually' read the Bible instead of taking others' word for it you would know...


oh no, this is my worst nightmare, my idea of hel is to die and then have to come back and go through this all over again....please NO


The script uses the word, regeneration.


Reincarnation yes it's true, , in multiple world and in this world, , 🌍🙏


[lest ye be born again] [There be some standing here, which shall not taste death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom]
