Could Zuko Beat a Sane Azula?

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Could Zuko have defeated a sane Azula in Avatar the last airbender without Katara's help? Well.. My take on things is a little different than what you may have heard in the past..

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Fun fact, Zuko said that the only reason he thought at the moment he could take on Azula alone was because he noticed that something is wrong with her.


The show made clear that the bending skills are no departed from mental/spiritual state. That's why Zuko was weaker than Azula in the beginning - he was traumatized, lost, didn't know who he was, and Azula was confident and powerful mentally (that's why he couldn't lightning bend). The final agni kai is the moment when Zuko faced his destiny calmly and unafraid, knowing his duty and his place in the world, which makes him stronger than the paranoic and cracked Azula.


Azula was still doing great at the boiling rock, especially considering she was being double teamed


i think azula still has him beat in technical ability, but there's also the question of how far they're both willing to go. zuko is probably not willing to inflict lethal damage on his sister but you bet your ass azula has no such qualms


I think zuko and katara would of destroyed those guards and got to azula to fight her.


There’s this fanfic name “Scars” and it’s sequel “Healing” by the username “moonbird.” It’s a WHAT IF: Zuko join The Gaang after “The Chase.” Due to Zuko coming around early Zuko had enough time to recreate the meaning of Fire Bending, and through the course of the story Zuko begins to surpass Azula, while she begins to crack under the pressure of it. Instead of getting a Zuko vs Azula Final Fight, Zuko gets the right for a Zuko vs Ozai Round 2, in which Zuko was about to WIN, if it weren’t for Azula’s intervention. But due to intervening in a Agni Kai, she made Zuko win by default, enraged Ozai turns on Azula almost burning her face if not for Zuko’s, Mai’s, and Zhau-Li’s intervention, and Aang’s sudden arrival. Making Azula finally crack, loosing pretty much all her power and skill due to her now inner turmoil. Eventually she gets her bending back thanks to Zuko’s guidance in “Healing.”

I FUCKING LOVE, this FIC some much, I’m crazy enough to say it’s way better than the OG story, for it’s everything that the OG story should have been. The kinship between Zuko and The Gaang is just beautiful, and Azula’s fall to insanity, and recovery in the sequel is just WOW. I recommend a read, y’all will not be disappointed. 😉


This is good and everything but yall are forgetting Azula beat zuko AGAIN in the comics AFTER zuko became fire lord. Azula just too badass


Fair point but to answer the question without answering it really lol, I think full potential azula beats full potential zuko. But with the peak its implied zuko reached before korra and nothing about azula I guess we cant know for now. Because the azula we see zuko beat at the boiling rock and stuff was one who didn't have dragon meaning of fire buffs.


Azula'll use her trump card, lightning, after Zatara tear through the Dai Li; and considering Zuko could've killed Ozai by redirecting it, he could do the same to Azula


Nah this is a good point tho, if Azula was sane there would have been ALOT more opposition to face alongside her in that final fight. I’ll still die on the hill Peak Azula is above peak Zuko based off EVERYTHING shown in current lore. In the sequel comics she DOGWALKED him again after regaining her sanity so I think the answer is pretty clear.😭🙌
Azulas one of the best firebenders EVER to have lived by FOURTEEN, Zukos a prodigy and a phenomenal fighter 100% one if the best of his current generation but are we really gonna say he’s one of the best combatants to have EVER lived in verse?? Nah fam, he’s still a tier or so below Azula in the grand scheme bending🤷🏻‍♂️😤👏


Irohs training and education.
Real world experience, both with and against the avatar.
Meeting with the dragons.
And, of course, Zuko gained perspective, maturity, and restraint.

He would've wiped the floor with her.


That’s wasn’t the question we asked if azula was sane who would win not what the most likely scenario was if she was sane and in my opinion no I don’t think zuko would’ve won 1v1. Zuko did close the gap but azula with her sane is just to much of a problem she’s more agile and quick for one and even when she was insane during the fight her and Zuko were still pretty much even with Zuko mostly gaining the upper hand towards the end of the fight and even in that fight Zuko is kinda the reason he lost he got cocky and provoked her when he shouldn’t have. Now take a more calm and calculated azula and put her against Zuko she clearly still the more skilled of the two. Even insane still being able to keep the fight pretty even is crazy on her part.


Zuko learned to fight as the original Firebenders and his Uncle Iroh; both styles bein basically unorthodox for the current Fire Nation warriors. That's big disadvantage for Azula because Zuko could be unpredictable and force her to slow down in order to learn the patterns.


Zuko's plan wasn't to fight against Azula. His plan was to overthrow her reign with Katara's help. If Azula hadn't gone insane, Zutara would have seen her guards and hadn't tried to fight her head on. They would have used cloud cover, to fly into the capitol city and then sneak into the palace. They've shown us all how effective they can be just a few episodes earlier.


He could use swords and the dust stuff from when he broke aang out of prision


Your forgetting that Zuko had sozin comet to take out the di li and not just that but katara would have blood bend the di li as well


"Would Zuko beat a sane Azula?" and "Would the fight have still happened?" are two different questions. The resolution of this short is a copout to not discuss the first question.


"but even you admitted to your uncle that you needed help facing Azula" "there is something off about her. i cant explain it, but she is slipping"


Although Azulas mental decline makes sense narratively, im kinda disappointed we couldnt see zuko and azula fight one another when theyre both at their peaks! It wouldve been so satisfying watching zuko beat aza at her best.


Azula was being double teamed at the Boiling Rock, and was already betrayed at the air temple. Pretty sure she's still decently far ahead Zuko, especially if you consider how powerful she becomes in the comics.
