What are the Secular Franciscans?

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Learn about the third order of Franciscans!


Who are we?
The Capuchin Province of St. Conrad was established in 1977 serving the people of Colorado, Kansas, Texas and the foreign missions in Papua, New Guinea. The province’s eight stateside friaries are located in Denver, Blackforest, and Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Lawrence, Kansas and San Antonio, Texas. Usually found in the poorer sections of towns and cities, the Capuchins have a special charism for working among the poor and marginalized and taking assignments that others refuse. “When times were at their worst and help was sorely needed, in places that were abandoned and where no one else would go, there you will find the Capuchin.” ~ Pope Pius XI

What is a Capuchin Franciscan?
In the 16th century, a group of Franciscans were inspired to live the Franciscan lifestyle in a more radical manner, returning to the original emphasis on prayer and poverty. These men broke away from the Franciscans and began a reform movement which stressed the priority of contemplative prayer and a more rigorous austerity. Wearing habits with large hoods, they soon garnered the name cappucio, the Italian word for “hood.” The Capuchins received approval of their way of life and were recognized as an official, independent branch of the Franciscans in 1525 in the papal bull Religionis Zellus.

Produced by the Capuchin Province of St. Conrad
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Awesome thank you for the concise video, I really enjoy this style of animation


There is the Confraternity of Penitents (CFP) association of Diocesan right approved by the Bishop of Forth Wayne Diocese, who live the rule of 1221, and posses a very interesting proposal for a secular Franciscan life.


Not all Third Order Franciscans are Secular Franciscans; besides the TOR (commonly associated with Franciscan University of Steubenville), there are many religious men’s and women’s communities who are classified as “Third Order.” Some developed from the Secular, but others are converts or choose not to live under the Rules of the First or Second orders.


sister, is it possible to become a member of third secular only if you take admission before 14 years of age?
