NextJS 14 Server Action Controversy!
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Learn five system design patterns that you can use with various combinations of server actions, APIs and microservices.
👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and Operator Mono
👉 Terminal Theme and font? oh-my-posh with powerlevel10k_rainbow and SpaceMono NF
0:00 Introduction
1:27 Short Postgres/ Clerk Setup
4:10 Server Action Direct to DB
7:24 Server Action To Local SQL Module
10:10 API to Local SQL Module
14:02 Application And Microservice
17:38 Application to Microservice Proxied
20:31 Outro
👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and Operator Mono
👉 Terminal Theme and font? oh-my-posh with powerlevel10k_rainbow and SpaceMono NF
0:00 Introduction
1:27 Short Postgres/ Clerk Setup
4:10 Server Action Direct to DB
7:24 Server Action To Local SQL Module
10:10 API to Local SQL Module
14:02 Application And Microservice
17:38 Application to Microservice Proxied
20:31 Outro
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