Joe Rogan: Graham Hancock Shows NEW Photos of ANCIENT CIVILIZATION Remnants in the Amazon

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Graham Hancock is a researcher, journalist, and author of over a dozen books including "magicians of the Gods" and "Visionary". He can be seen on the Netflix series, "Ancient Apocalypse."

Clip taken from JRE #2051 w/ Graham Hancock

Host: Joe Rogan
Guest: Graham Hancock
Producer: Jamie Vernon

#jre #joerogan
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When I was a kid, my dad’s friends who were pilots in Bolivia would talk about “thousands of glyphs under the jungle” that were visible while flying over the Amazon jungle.


@1:25 as soon as he said DMT, joe rogan woke up and wanted to know his name. 🤣


Weird how they say “these were only found as a result of clearing”for farming. But for the earthworks to be there at all in the first place, there must not have been any trees there to begin with. They’re so old, when they were made it was open land sort of like it is in the photos, that a rainforest grew over them to be hidden for millennia, to only be seen again after clearing the land of trees had once again taken place. That’s just crazy! How long does it take for a rainforest to grow? And not just any rainforest. Only the largest and grandest of them all. The Amazon. A rainforest bigger than India itself… mind blowing


That "square inscribed within an octagon with rounded corners" at 1:35 reminds me of what was described by the whistleblowers in the recent congressional UAP hearings as the most common UAP sighting; "a cube within a sphere". Just sayin'..


3:16 looks like a Roman fort. The entrances and all… very cool


No matter what you think about Graham Hancock and his ideas/hypothesis, you have to admit that he raises very interesting questions and brings thousands of "laymen" into archeology and thinking about the past.


I agree with the geometric visions idea, but the 1st thig that came to mind in beginning with the square within a circle was the pilots describing the UAP's that were squares with in a circles.


Rogan- Hancock have to be the best conversations of our lifetime. Joe's interest in this subject is so genuine, he lives for this kind of stuff. Probably because he's smoked so much weed 😂 but we all know weed expands your mind and makes you ask questions.


Please come back to YouTube. I love watching the podcast.


These patterns look more like a fortification, a castle like structure. A square made of an inner palisad sorrounded by an external wall. So long ago no one remebers who made it. Later, the civilisation that created it disappeared and then the people living there later, gave it a religious meaning.


Only begun to scratch the surface on civilizations going back thousands of years. Thank Mr. Hancock, Randall Carlson and even Joe Rogan uncovering earth’s ancient mysteries - incredible. It’s biblical work like no other


dude mentions DMT research immediately perks up! "so whats his name again?" 🤣🤣🤣


Rogan with a staggering amount of "whoas"


It's not southwest of Brazil, it's southwest of brazilian amazon forest. In Brazil's southwest we have Pantanal, not Amazon forest.


Can you talk more about the amazon tribes with their warriors and techniques, habits, drug use etc. would be cool


So strange ancient cultures considered true astronomical north, like what direction a building was facing was so important to them for some reason.


I have a feeling that there will be few discoveries in Indian subcontinent in coming decade that will baffle the world in a way that no one would have ever imagined. If you know, you know.


Hancock set me off down the road to truth about our origins and history. We have since diverged as I have found out more from other sources.


I do not agree with every theory Graham presents every time, however I do share his opinion that it is important to investigate all of these ancient ruins. I think if we new how advanced many of the ancient cultures were in math and physics it would be easier for all of us to see each other as equally intelligent. Intelligence being the ability to use the knowledge you have to solve problems, not merely the possession of knowledge. I have known many educated idiots in my 60 years so I know first hand that just being educated does not make you intelligent, it merely provides more tools to use when facing problems to solve.


One aspect of ancient knowledge was the identification of different geological areas with distinct and different personalities or energies. This can be easily understood today as we observe the distinct different personalities of cities. We assign animals to them the same way they did, but they had a much deeper understanding of time and function. We are just getting that knowledge back, and a paper was just published ..The Law of Increasing Functional Information.
