Introductory Rust programming language | Rust tutorial for beginners

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Let's learn the basic concepts of Rust language in 8 hours. We will discuss the following concepts: ownership, structures, enumerations, match expressions, error handling, vectors, Strings, hash maps, packages, crates, modules.

00:00:00 - Why should we learn Rust?
The references used in this video are listed as well.

00:03:34 - How to execute Rust projects with Cargo

00:11:25 - Basic programming concepts of Rust
We will discuss the following:
Use of variables, constants, shadowing of variables, scalar types, compound types, relational operators, logical operators, functions, control flow statements, loops, formatted prints, differences between a statement and an expression.

1:36:17 - Exercise 1: Basic programming concepts

1:49:54 - Ownership and reference
Ownership is an important concept of Rust language. We will discuss the three ownership rules are discussed. We will understand the stack and heap for memory allocation as a result of ownership mechanism. References are a way to access variables that is helpful to tackle ownership mechanism.

2:41:56 - Exercise 2: Ownership and references

2:55:40 - Structures
We can create structures and make instances of structures. There can be methods and associated functions that belong to a structure.

3:31:54 - Exercise 3: Structures

3:35:33 - Enumerations and Option
We can make an instance from an enumeration by picking up one of its variants. If a variable can be a null value in Rust, we can wrap a variable with an Option enumeration.

3:48:37 - Exercise 4: Enumerations

4:02:54 - Exercise 5: Option

4:12:34 - Match expressions

The match expression returns the first pattern that matches the enumeration. In using matches, the variants have to be exhausted. The if-let expression can be used for pattern matching.

4:30:36 - Further match expressions
We will discuss the use of if-let, else-if-let and while-let expressions that are helpful for destructuring a pattern to match. We will define refutable and irrefutable patterns that affect the pattern matching techniques to use. We will talk about a number of pattern syntax and the ways to ignore unused variables during matching. Match guards can solve the shadowing problem with match expressions.

5:37:34 - Error handling
Unrecoverable and recoverable errors are handled differently in Rust.

6:12:23 - Vectors, Strings and hash maps
Vectors allow us to change its size at runtime. A String is a mutable, growable, owned, UTF-8 coded string type. A hash map stores the key-value pairs. We will learn the ways to manipulate these data types by considering the ownership mechanism as well.

7:12:17 - Packages, crates and modules
These are the units that store and reuse the code in Rust. Absolute and relative paths are required to specify the location of these units. We can group some code and reuse them in other source code files by linking all source files together.

8:04:22 - Ask for comments

English subtitles are available for viewers to choose.

Visual Studio Code theme: Bluloco Light Theme by Umut Topuzoğlu

Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

This video is not affiliated with Rust Foundation. The creator of this video is not a member of Rust Foundation.

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