America's Student Debt Crisis: Jessie's Story | Consumer Reports

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Go to a community college first then transfer your credits. It will save you at least $25000


You should not be able to get a loan approved for more than your degree’s average income.


We need to stop this idea that kids need to start college right after high school...They need to continue to develop and obtain life skills so they can see what degree they should pursue and how they can afford it...Education is the new Military Industrial Complex


There's no point in beating a dead horse. She was kind enough to share her story for others to learn from her mistakes. Going to college today and entering today's job market is vastly different than it was 10-20 years ago. In fact, going to college or graduate school for any major could be a huge gamble. I have friends who went to law school, med school, got their MBAs who are in a similar situation as her. Stay positive, keep your head up, and don't let these other people pull you down Jessie.


I pay about $300-$400 a month for my student loans. The payment is really only $85 but that's how they get you. The interest will increase and that $85 won't do shit. I'm happy I finally have a great job that helps me pay them off. My credit is looking pretty awesome too ;)


I used to have a really hard time when I saw photos posted by friends of mine who went to college out of state. A lot of my friends all moved to New York City together to go to arts school and for years I felt like I was wasting my life on in-state tuition in Albuquerque. But now that we've graduated, I realize those poor friends of mine took out $100K+ in loans each, and those four amazing years really cost them. I have a good job with my economics degree making 57K a year. I graduated 2.5 years ago and I only have $2400 left to pay back until I am debt free.

As a result I plan on going back to school to get my MBA soon so I can learn even more. Being a debt-free 25 year old with a good salary means I will get to travel all over the world, buy a house, and start saving for retirement at a young age. All those things I missed out on right after high school are now things I get to enjoy.

College is ABSOLUTELY worth it. I wouldn't trade my experiences at university for anything. Just (and I know this hurts to hear) DO NOT major in something unless you see a clear path to repay your loans ahead of you. Liberal arts degrees are a risk, and there is nothing wrong with picking a practical major and minoring in something you really love. Never be afraid to take a gap year after high school. Never be afraid to spend your first year or two at a community college to get your life in order before you go into debt. Being cautious from a young age will oftentimes buy you much more freedom as you get older.


In the words of Dave Ramsey: "Broke people should NOT be going on vacation!"


People need to look at Community College and State schools. I worked with a kid who got his engineering degree at a state school. He had just graduated and had NO loans. The state school was $10k a year and he lived with his parents and worked part time to pay his way.


Babygirl needs to have a talk with Dave Ramsey


Financial literacy is more important than taking AP calculus. Everyone should understand the basics of a loan because our society is fueled by debt


This woman has $90, 000 in loans to pay and she takes a trip to panama? she needs to learn priorities.


Just so all of you know, she just paid her student loans off in Nov 2018 and just did her debt free scream today on Dave Ramsey's show. You can stop harping on her as she stepped up the plate and bettered her life instead of living the life of a victim. Proud of you girl!


$90, 000 for a criminal justice degree. Well, there's your first problem right there.


Ehh, community college is a thing yo.

I never got this urge to go to the most expensive college possible


College is outdated. You don’t need to go a big fancy campus.

Solution is to go to community college (2 yrs), major in something that is in demand, sign up for scholarships, file for govt grant, WORK during the summer full time, and get some help from family. Avoid expensive universities.


She is taking responsibility for her actions. The video appears to be a well timed warning. College decisions are taking place for fall quarter. The video does not mention Government involvement. Bad Government policy has allowed increased student debt. Bad Government policy seems to have allowed colleges to increase the cost of college well above inflation. Why not trade schools? She could have a respectable trade job with solid pay and less debt.


More people should consider community college or in state college so you don't pay so much when youre not sure about the degree.


We need to go back to trade schools. A lot of people are going to university and studying courses that have little to no return value.


It’s neat how they figured out how to put “adults” into huge debt as soon as they turn 18.


Why do I get the feeling she was like all those girls at my university who went out every other night partying while I was busting my butt studying for my engineering degree? I didn't go on any vacations to Panama either, my summers were spent working to save up for school. Then guess who's tax dollars would be paying to bail her out of her loans? No sympathy from me.
