How Does Narasimha Sadhana Help The Human Body? Vinay Varanasi Explains #shorts

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In this episode of The Ranveer Show, we welcome Vinay Varanasi. He is a Bengaluru-based storyteller and artist who has accumulated vast knowledge about Sanatan Dharma, spirituality, and Indian culture. In this episode, we will talk about Vishnu and his Dashavataras.

In this episode, we talked about the concept of Vishnu and his various avatars, exploring how he is seen as the sustainer of the universe and the source of life. The hosts discuss the intricate details of Vishnu's avatars, highlighting the symbolism and the stories behind them. They also discuss the importance of sadhana and how it can help people connect with the divine.

This was an amazing episode about Lord Vishnu. I am sure that with this episode, we will gain a bit more understanding of Indian mythology and more. I hope you will enjoy this episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

#vishnu #dashavatara

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BeerBiceps by Ranveer Allahbadia is the ULTIMATE self-improvement & self-help channel. We began as a channel only for fitness & health enthusiasts. Eventually, we started covering topics such as fashion, grooming, personal finance, etiquette, meditation, mental health, communication skills & even entrepreneurship.

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Рекомендации по теме

Who is he man? Such a sweet voice, the way he is describing 😍💙


Happy to see this channel explore our Ancient Religion 🕉️❤


Every time I feel scared ... I automatically chant narasimha mantra and it always gives me a lot of strength and courage


I am die hard bhakt of narasimha😌
Om namo bhagavate narasimhayaa |


But Narashima is also very loving and powerful. My whole life changed after reciting Narashima mantra everyday. I used to be very anxious and scared for no reason. After knowing this mantra, I'm happy, calm and living a beautiful life. Jai Narashima.


"Ugram Veeram Maha Vishnum Jvalantam Sarvato Mukham Narasimham Bheeshanam Bhadram Mrityor Mrityum Namamyaham". I’m grateful to you Narasimha Swamy for blessing my life and family’s with all the positivity and always guiding us on the righteous path, I’m very grateful and thankful to you for always keeping me safe and protected under your divine grace ❤❤🧿🧿🙏🙏


This is one of my favourite podcasts. He introduced such aspects of Lord Vishnu which most people are not aware of.


I feel Blessed whenever I am watching Vinayji relating the Scriptures to educate us. He’s so inspiring and full of conviction, Blessings to You Vinay, may You continue on this path with much success. ❤💛🌺🌼🙏🏻🕉🙏🏻🕉🙏🏻🕉


Really I asked him to protect me he did and we got Darshan after getting land near his temple we all went to him for his blessing after all hardships and bcz of his blessings we are like this and im not giving up on anything that matters to me alot its very important to have that light within u❤


From Srimad Bhagavatam its when He tore Hirankashipu open the intestines literally jumped out and landed around His neck like a mala
Jai Shri Lakshmi Narasimha ❤🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I experienced narasimha swami blessings when i was going through near death experiences now i'm completely alright..he strengthens mars i guess bcoz i had become too weak mentally & physically 🙏


This person is best in all his interviews . This guy explaining all about gods so true and well deeply said .❤❤❤❤ very happy listening in his words


Very true, There is a place called Saligrama in Kundapur, near Mangalore, there is Narasimha Temple and exactly to his opposite there is Anjaneya temple, where the Anjaneya murthy is coated with butter and Chandana to cool off the drishti of Narasimha


All this preserved for us from millennia... These people who died protecting must have experienced something so intense to give up their life for it... 🙏


Southern people have kept our culture intact...and doesn't give sh*t what other thinks...having pride in culture and ways of our ancestors make who we are...


Lord Narsimha is kind there's no doubt about it whenever in danger or fear just chant his mantra he calms the mind like magic Jai shree LakshmiNarsimha 🙏🙏


Ashtadhatu Narsingh Bhagwan mandir situated at Narsinghgarh, MP. 80km from Bhopal. Must visit.


One feels heaviness in legs and don't feel like smiling..I know how He feels like.i adore Narsimha..


Every morning i listen to Narasimha karavalambam it gives u courage & strength to face the world


Through grace of lord Narasimha successfully came against most evil forces
