Ighina and his simplest device - Explained DIY (sub-EN-FR-ES-IT-DE-HI​)

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How to build the Ighina's Harvesting Antenna and its transmitter plus a brief introduction on the whole theory and some important general rules (and personal thoughts)...

00:46 - Chapter 1, Does it work? - Should I build it?
04:24 - Ighina's theories - A rough guide through the whole concept
11:01 - What exactly did Ighina get wrong? - Conclusions
15:03 - Chapter 2, Build your own - Walkthrough on building Ighina's harvesting antenna and transmitter
18:03 - The receiver
24:27 - The transmitter
37:20 - Construction step by step - Pictures and videos timeline
37:26 - Harvesting antenna - Solar helix
39:16 - The transmitter - Pulsating rotating discharger
45:58 - Rodin coil - Ighina Elios - Transmitter's best top
47:27 - Harvesting antenna - Earth helix
48:14 - The whole apparatus - Natural harvesting antenna and transmitter
49:39 - Special thanks;)

Рекомендации по теме

Nice to see somebody have the Same Passion, greets from Swiss


Visto molto su Ighina anni or sono, ma la vita porta ad altro, ora trovo la vostra nuova documentazione, grazie per l'info e buona attività .
PS registrato...


WoW! Beautiful work my friend, thanks for taking time to simplify and explain the science and the process of building it...Now its my turn to follow on your footsteps...Blessings to you and your family!


I was waiting for this video for a long time... thanks for the effort, it's a beautiful christmas present ;) happy christmas btw!


thanks brother this really opened my mind


This looks like a lot of devotion, I'm not so electrically inclined and am leaning towards a cross of Trevor's work and Ogonite Austin's. Any way we can do this is all that matters.👊 Get the flow moving!


Estupendo vídeo, eres un autentico Genio y me encanta que utilizas materiales normales y de los que se suelen tener por casa más o menos, lógico que haya que comprar algunos. Tambien me ha gustado la forma de explicar el vídeo y con gran Humildad, diciendo en muchas ocasiones que otros lo podrán construir mejor. Pero tú eres el que está realizando los experimentos, y es lo que tiene más importancia. Lástima que mis conocimientos sean muy limitados. Gracias por tu trabajo.


Très interressant, je me penchais déjà sur l'electroculture, et je trouve se travail très complémentaire.

Electroculture pour renforcer les plantes et aider à l'absorption des énergies, et cette machine pour créer le climat nécessaire aux plantes, ce serait génial.

Merci beaucoup pour vos travaux inspirant.
Je testerai sûrement bientôt ( peut être à plus petite échelle) mais le sujet des énergies est passionnant.

Bonne journée, et merci.


Hi, i can finally understand what pierre was saying.Thanks so much for your video .Ciao from oz.
You have to look up walter russell . and ken wheeler ( magnetism) they have similar theories. Walter is a legend. you need to look him up. Ken is pretty fantastic also.


Try mercury in the copp3r tubes! Way better than Aluminum for attracting magnetized particles.


I think its fatalistic you are continuing his work! i'm super keen to explore this (based in South Africa). will continue to watch the content for more advise and keep you posted.


Thanks for sharing, I will come back to get a better understanding when building. Can you share any plans, it would be very helpful ? And I don't quite understand why the discharge antenna function, could you go into more detail ? What kind of effects mostly from negative and positive energy discharges ? Happy holidays, all the best !


Hola, te escribo desde España, llevo tiempo investigando, quería fabricar esta máquina, pero aquí en España es imposible conseguir el libro de Ighina, tus vídeos son muy esperanzadores, este vídeo es muy bueno pero yo por ejemplo tengo varias dudas principales:
El aparato de las espirales tiene toma a tierra no? Pero que se unen las dos espirales a tierra? En la misma pica?
Y a la vez esta máquina va enchufada a la antena?
Lo que no entiendo son los cableados, y supongo que los receptores de la antena serian láminas de aluminio.
Por cierto podrías mandarme un enlace donde pueda comprar el libro de Ighina?
Gracias por tu dedicación.


I encountered video on Net claiming that clockwiseness rule is different for northern hemisphere vs southern. What is clockwise for Italian conditions maybe would have to be readjusted to anticlockwise in Perth. Can you provide feedback on this?


Davvero ben fatto e con ottime spiegazioni.E' dà un paio d'anni che mi sto interessando ad Ighina e al suo punto di vista che ha avuto su madre natura. Prenderò spunto nel leggere i due libri che hai mostrato, approfondendo la teoria per poi metterla in pratica. Sei una persona davvero in gamba. Continua così.


Complimenti per tutto il lavoro svolto, fatto molto bene, ..sarebbe interessante inserire 2 materiali dalle differeni caratteristiche (elettriche ? magari anche 1 coil Rodin ?) Dentro alle 2 grandi spirali. Alla base di ciscuna spirale, per valuatre un possibile effetto ampificatore...?


Sto provando a costruirne uno anche grazie delle spiegazioni!!
Abito al nord Italia, spero di scriverti presto e poterti mandare degli aggiornamenti.
Ciao Luca


So thunder rumbling after you demonstrate?!


Ho un terreno dove installare il tutto.
I materiali + o meno.
Volevo capire, ma la spirale sole, terra vedo che si muove.
Non è fissa a terra?
Spero che mi rispondi.
In teoria siamo in 4 a costruirla.
E vogliamo fare 3mt di raggio e l'antenna "floreale" di 2mt di raggio e 3 di altezza.


Plus, copy nature. Make the big spiral with little spirals similar to the broccoli images.
