Dr Peter Osborne Origins Healthcare Story

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Dr. Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD is a pioneer in the field of functional nutrition. Author of the international best selling book, No Grain No Pain, he has been featured on PBS, CBS, Fox, Netflix, and many other nationally recognized forums.

He sees clients at his practice outside of Sugar Land, TX.
His mission is to help save 100 million people from the misery of chronic autoimmune health issues using the power of functional nutrition and lifestyle modification.

You can contact Origins Healthcare at 281-240-2229

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College. He is a diplomate with the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, and licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
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WOW the best spoken video about spoken


In Canada there are no functional medicine Drs., what is available is hopeless for those in need. Can't wait for the expansion to Canada. Love your work, following it in depth, as I am a retired nutritional consultant, your educational skills are perfection. Love it.


Dr. Osborne, I have listened to a number of your youtube videos and I truly wish you were here in Hamilton, Ontario Canada instead of where you are.  I would be at your clinic in a flash.  Alas, I have not yet found anybody similar or even close, here.  Near me.  Keep up your most excellent work.  it is sorely needed.


Dr. Osborne has helped me understand the WHY’s through his informational videos. Now I am learning the HOW’s in overcoming my autoimmune diseases and cancer as his patient. Don’t let distance deter you if you need his help, I live in a different state than where his practice is located. I believe in his methods, appreciate his compassion, and trust in his wisdom and experience, to help get me through.


There are functional medicine doctors in Canada. I have a friend in Toronto who has been a Family Medicine practitioner for 30 years, does acupuncture and is a Functional Medicine doctor. Also Dr. Jason Fung in Scarborough ON is a Functional Medicine doctor.


Hey Doc, this is a brilliant exposition of your healthcare model which I feel should be the template for all medical service providers.Unfortunately, the dominant medical care paradigm is focused on a sick care system in support of the pharmaceutical industry where the patient is the passive recipient of medical advice and the passive consumer of medications.I believe everyone should take personal responsibility for ones health and consult with providers such as yourself.I use a standard GP but I question all of his advice, I decide to take it or not based on my own non medical gut instinct and researched knowledge.He has advised me that I am the only patient who questions him, the remainder just want a pill and carry on as before with no change in lifestyle.So all though we may disagree on issues, I look forward to your continued analysis!


I have most all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism; bradycardia (on my 2nd pacemaker), fingernails splitting into the quick, and vertical lines, nodules on both lobes of thyroid, recently trouble swallowing, coughing thick mucus...and a partridge in a pear tree....sigh. Thyroid test always comes back normal. What can I do to get a doctor to listen to me?


I support all you're doing and how you operate your practice, but our health care system (the insurance companies) DO NOT COVER YOUR DETAILED FORM OF EVALUATION AND TREATMENT! One visit to any functional or naturopathic doctor runs $150-$200, and follow-up visits are expensive as well. Plus, the costs of all the comprehensive blood testing needed aren't covered by insurance either and can run into the hundreds, even thousands of dollars, so how is a patient of average or low income ever supposed to take advantage of your services? Seems to me only the wealthy can get the kind of care you provide.


Nutrients lost from soil& water Youngevity Cannabis or moringa


Dr O, how come you never blink, you look like a robot, a little scary. But I like all your knowledge! Thank you!!!
