Desired Physical Appearance POWERFUL Law of Assumption Meditation

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Yes, you CAN manifest your desired physical appearance... And using the Law of assumption you really can change things fast.

Everything that you are, begins with you and your thoughts. What you believe and what you think yourself to will be.

It really is that simple.

The physical arises from the metaphysical, change the metaphysical and the physical will change.... and it can change FAST!

This meditation will help you to feel and live in the end result, where you have your desired Physical appearance. Continue to feel and live from this place where these beliefs and feelings are held and it will all be reflected back to you.


⭐️ You never need to be anything other than the YOU you are RIGHT NOW.

I believe in you. I love you. Have a beautiful day.

Much love


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🌸 For POWERFUL Affirmations:

🌸 Specific Person Meditations - Manifest the relationship you want.

🌸 Telepathy Meditations - Connect and Send Messages 💞

▶️ Connect with me on IG: @awakenwithalice
I hold licenses for all content used on this channel.
Thank you for the music:
Dex 1200 licensed by Epidemic Sound
This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.

Do not drive or operate machinery whilst listening to these meditations.
Рекомендации по теме

THIS WORKS!!! I started using it 3 days ago for my desired face and body, and today I look in the mirror and my eyes completely changed colors to my desired ones! And my skin is getting clearer


This meditation definitely works! Seriously, all that I envisioned while listening to this meditation came to my reality. The trick is not just imagining it but also feeling it. Manifestation does work if you stay consistent and positive. ❤️🙏🏻😌


I finally have my desired face. Dude I feel so amazing and confident. I feel like I have conquered the world. And I’m no longer a boring person. My life is awesome because I look amazing everyday


OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I LITERALLY MANIFESTED THIS MEDITATION. Almost every night I scroll through YouTube trying to find an ideal body meditation, but all I can find is weight loss meditations which is kinda the opposite of my problem. I’m perfectly thin and I love my slim figure, but I would like to gain more weight in certain areas of my body so weight loss meditations are not going to help me. Thank you thank you thank you for making a meditation that encompasses every ideal body.


This got such a transforming effect on my appearance !!! My face is glowing my body is in perfect condition and looks stunning in a hectic stressful time. I just do this meditation and I look and feel great. ♥️ Thank you !! Excellent meditation. 🏹♥️ Love it.


I affirmate that i am in my desired body:
My skin is clear, glowy, like glass skin
My eyebrows are arched and beautiful
My eyelashes are very long
My eyes are shining
my nose is small and pointy
My lips are big and plump
I dont have any face fat
I have a jawline and my cheekbones are visible
My ears are clear and they have two peircing holes each
My neck is ladylike and beautiful
My shoulders and collar bone are perfect
My breasts are desired and just big
My back is clear and smooth with muscles
My tummy has abs and ive got a tiny waist
My hips are very visible
My butt is big and plump and doest have holes because of hips at the side
My legs are bigger, smooth
My feet are always painted and they are beautiful
My hands are long and thin
My nails are long and painted
I smell so good
But im so happy i have my desired self!


This actually works guys no kidding! I am like really tall and I’ve gained 10-11 kgs just within 1-2 months. I just do this meditation every night before sleeping and see my body turning into my desired body real quick. Now when I look at my beautiful body, I feel so confident and happy. I am so grateful that I am having my desired body now <3


Thank you, Alice! This is honestly much more than just appearance, you teaching us how our dream self is fulfilled completely body, mind and soul


I can't believe myself that it worked....I got my desired skintone, brown eyes and I'm beautiful 💗💗💗💗💗 forever u universe


Yes. It’s done ! Thank you! Thank you God Thank you Jesus Thank you Holy Spirit🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ Blessings to all😊


1 day of listening to this and i felt so fullfilled and happy, thank you for this and ill keep listening to this


I'm much more confident yet humble! I'm eating 🍐🍊🥬veggies and less fattening foods. My goodness, weight came off so easily😍thank you beautiful Alice👸


I’m grateful to be in my desired appearance which is super secure in her skin and body


You are absolutely amazing. Your voice, your cadence, your emotions, your insight all resonated more deeply into me than anyone I have come across. You are my mentor.


This is Done!!! Thisis Me!!! The Me I wish to I have prayed for this for soooo long You soooo much Alice! I can't thank you enough and the a Surprise for me Alice!!! I wish you knew how much I Desire to be beautiful the way I want to how do I accomplish this in 3 D Alice? do I accomplish this? Much Love.


Alice, I have never gotten such profound feelings and imagery as I have from this one. I can not only "see" the me I desire, but I feel as if I am in that person !!! I believe you to be the absolute best in this field. By far the best. I love this session and have a request. In order to prevent the 3D world from interfering with my inner manifestation, I avoid mirrors that present the 3D me. But your mirror is a game changer. I am beginning to become the ideal "me" I see in this mirror. I am amazed at the intense feelings I have that have lightened my load and brought such positivity and peace into my being.


Day 3 of this meditation and my skin is looking clearer and smoother plus my body is looking better too ... thank you for this meditation .. xxx


This worked for me I have my desired face and body and even hairr thank you to me and you


this is so freaking powerful broo, I started seeing so many shapes and colors. I saw this white glowing light and I had to open my eyes bc I was seriously scared. Def gonna keep using this <3


Full moon tonight, meditating throughout today and tonight . Thank you for your help 💖
