Millennial women working more and doing most of the housework, research shows

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The Pew Research Center found 78% of young adult women worked at least 50 weeks per year in 2017...with younger women getting paid more.
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They don’t mention the part where doing all of it is going to burn you out physically, mentally, and your health is going to decline.


Feminism!😆 now y'all are working, cleaning house, raising kids and not married!😆


So why are women blaming men for the behavior of other woman doing household activities voluntarily?

Here is a thought; STOP DOING


It's sad that men (not all, but most I encountered especially from my own people and other cultures) always take women for granted. They believe that men are superior than women and failed to realize it's 2019 now, not 1950.

Come on guys! Your mother/wife/sister/daughter is not your slave or servant regardless they're working/not or grad student with PhD/only completed basic education.
What is so wrong with men helping each other in the same house, share the responsibilities rather than them women doing all the work for you? (cleaning, taking care children, job at the office, cooking, laundry, etc)
Do you pay them extra for that? Some husband/men even asked these women their hard earned money to spend on it.

To make it simple, imagine you have a job and earn your own money, financially independent does not rely on anyone, highly educated and live with your parents/own family. And the rest of family members are doing the same like you do, except that once you got home you need to do all the house chores.

REASON: because you're a WOMAN. Regardless you're working/jobless, too sick or tired, broke or financially supports house expenses, people will always expect you to do all the house chores. Failed to do so, you're a mother/daughter/sister/wife from Hell and not worthy as a woman.

REASON 2: because if you're a MAN, it's always okay not to do housework at all or taking care the house. Even if you're jobless/earn own money, busy playing computer games/watching tv/doing nothing at home, on your off day/just get home from work. No one will ask you to cook or clean the house. Or look down on you if you refused when asked to do so. Oh, even your dearly father/mother will ask your sister or wife to do all the housework and remind them to cook to feed you  (again refer reason 1). Your reputation and ego as a man like an eagle soaring in the sky. As usual your mother/wife/daughter/sister continues doing 'their job' while crying inside.

See how some fucked up cultures and parents educate their son or men with this kind of mentality? SMH. Truly unfair.
Come on, guys. We're human too. And you're not the only tired in that house.
P/s: this got nothing to do with Feminism. Only lazy, self centered, narrow minded, bigoted, intolerant men who think this is cool and totally okay.


I wonder if the household chores include the outside chores also


The thing is though, women, on average, should be doing more house work. If not, it indicates a fundamental problem with your society. If guys are inside doing housework, then they're not doing what they're meant to be doing (physical labour at work).


Awesome, go to work, finally, someone else is stepping up and keeping this country going.
