eCommerce Vs. Brick and Mortar Business

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I don't know how you are gonna do it, I mean how did you figure out that you can outsell an eCommerce store with your brick and mortar business? It is relatively impossible as you will soon find out that the overhead cost for running a physical store far outweigh that of an electronic store. And you will get to reach more people online thereby bringing about higher turnover.

This is the reason why if you need to start a business today, get the internet version of it, in fact start online.

We shall create an entire eBusiness experience for your business and your customers will be amazed by such giant leap which will eventually pay off in multiples of what you're getting right now.

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well said brother.. i just commented on a video which claims the opposite this;
"Rubbish. Does not apply. Each case is different. I am online only, don't have any employees, own 3 online businesses with a customer base of 3000 regular customers
I am able to run and administrate it completely alone, do not have to worry about people stealing goods in a brick and mortar storefront, as a dot com owner english citizen living in Thailand as a non immigrant, and not taxable in any country because i have no country of official residence, and can earn up to 20, 000$ a month without the problems of employees and the overheads of a brick and mortar business, fire insurance etc.. Absolute rubbish.
Other examples; Lazada
millions of smaller and medium large retailers, who are comfortably making good earnings with high growth trajectory. TYhe future of retail is virtual. Brick and Mortar is only useful for consibles that require eating or drinking on the spot such as fresh foods and restaurants, Hotel rooms, clothes you wish to try on, and live shows such as theater, which actually could also just go online too if they prefer.

Believe me, the future of human self finance is that each person will run their own product or service from home online, and the concept of enslavement as an underpaid employee will end. The amount of new professions, services and virtual goods allows for the creation of an original profession for each person on the planet. 

You dont have the vision  to see where the future is going, and how it is about to free people from a whole series of things that will become uneccessary;
1. Spend half your youth and most of your parents savings on an ":education' that is in truth just the fulfilment of a curriculum to get a piece of paper so that you can go and be employed by some company, who makes ten times what you get paid, from your efforts.
2. Wont need to be enslaved and underpaid working for someone else to make them rich, whilst they pay you just enough on friday, to get you to come back again on Monday.
3. Pensions which you wont need because you are affluent enough to pay your own way.
Somebody or some group or interested infuential organisation is paying you to influence the movement of internet merchants to make them think they need to put them self visible to the taxman. I think it is the taxman in the US who seems to be worried about ecommerce, But i dont think that Ecommerce entrepreneurs consider the viability of a Brick and Mortar establishment.. high overheads, low profits, extreme liability.. Not attractive at all. Fools Gold"


Nice propaganda with heavy use of strawman and presentation of assertion as fact. The truth of the matter is that the most effective strategy involves having trustworthy brick & mortar stores combined with a strong online presence and the ability of buyers to do in-store pick-up (which gets them into the b&M to buy more stuff).


93% of retail sales occurr in physical stores. this fact settles the issue.


Online businesses will eventually wipe out the retailers. One day trying on those shoes before you buy will be a thing of the past. You can always rely of the opinions of others to decide if something is good for you. It’s a very popular trend now. Everyone is doing it!
