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Let's explore fractions, simplifying fractions, and equivalent fractions by creating fraction kits! Math teachers and parents can use this awesome hands-on fraction activity to explore the topic and actually understand how fractions work--which is a critical skill for being successful at higher levels of math!

MASHUP MATH VLOG-EPISODE 01: Making Fraction Kits

Hands-on activities are an awesome way for students to engage in exploratory activities and develop a concrete understanding of difficult math concepts. Fraction kits have been around for a while and many effective math teachers use them to help their students gain a stronger grasp of fractions. This video demonstrates my approach to creating a fraction kit and was designed to serve as a follow-along activity.

Unlike our animated math lessons, this VLOG will walk you through a hands on, real world math activity that explores fractions, equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, number sense, and even as a decimals introduction activity later on. This fun math activity is perfect for homeschool, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, and middle school and even high school as well.

The required materials for such math activities include construction paper, markers, scissors, and a ruler.

Our lessons are perfect for flipped classroom math teachers and students. This lesson is aligned with the common core learning standards for math and the SAT math curriculum as well.

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I used this activity the morning of receiving the video. I teach fifth grade, I precut the strips, gave basic directions, listen, execute, and listen again. I did pause the video so everyone could keep up and not get frustrated. I gave NO verbal directions. They really enjoyed the hands on activity, then concluded with the worksheet. Once again, little verbal instructions. I am extremely pleased at the independent learning going on right now in my classroom.
We began months ago with a Mash Up math puzzle, it was quite laborious. Now, we do numerous puzzles a week, and they whip right through, making it a competition with the winner receiving a food prize. Thank you for your dedication and creativity to teaching.


I'm 33 years old, and you just showed me how to make fractions make since!!
Thank you very much!


I just did this activity yesterday and used the fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/8. There are great games you can play with this fraction kit such as 'cover up' or 'uncover' where you make fraction dice and kids work with a partner to play one of the games. You must have exact fraction to move or can trade equivalent fractions to make a love it.


Perfect hands on lesson for conceptual learning. I was looking for something to use with adults and this is just the thing.


I like this hands on training. I like the flexibility of the training. Very easy to add different denominators to equal one whole.


I've used this strategy as a flap book for several years and found it to be useful, especially for ESE students. It gives a visual, hands-on look at fractions. Thank you!


Love the video. This is exactly I would do with ny primary students when in the classroom.
Thank you!!


I had Math workshop and this channel and websites were recommended. Glad I found it!!!👍👍👍🕶🕶


Thanks for telling me how do I make the best hand-on fractions activity! I appreciate it very much.


im in 6th grade and this helped me with understanding how to do a fractions wall


Great video! I'm a Special Education teacher and I have been looking for a simple (and inexpensive) hands on activity for my students to help them get the concept, and engage them. This is perfect! Thank you!


You made my heart smile and thank you. Teachers need to find simple ways to teach math that helps students to grasp concepts and not simply leaning how to find the correct answers Fractions are difficult to teach for many of us. This activity is great for all learning types. No more excuses. We will get students to start saying "I love math." Yes we will. Thanks again.


Great video! I do this activity with my 4th graders every year and it always helps me learn about my students. We have some great discussions. It's a very visual way to find equivalent fractions.


SO helpful! i will be doing this tomorrow with my class as i introduce fractions! THANKYOU!


Just came across your videos. As a homeschool mom, with a child struggling in math, I am super excited to implement some of your resources. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your passion and talents.


Love that you said to let kids make mistakes becuase they may correct themselves or if not once they realize they have made a mistake you can have a great discussion about what went wrong and what the student can do to fix the mistake. Great video! thank you!


THANK YOU x a million. So happy I came across MashUp Math. I'm a first grade teacher...but currently homeschooling during this Covid-19 Pandemic. I was never great at math, so teaching my third grader fractions has been interesting. I guess he inherited my math brain, lol. Anyway...great stuff. Will definitely share this page.


I will definitely be using this and sharing it as well. Thank you for being on our side!


THANK YOU!!! please continue making these incredible videos. you have no idea how much we appreciate your time making them.


thank you for the video, i want to try this with my kids right now!
