3 Really Creepy TRUE Arcade Horror Stories

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There's a real sense of nostalgia thats comes from arcades, perhaps becasue they may remind us of the freedoms and lack of responsbilites of childhood. But, any place where children congregate, there's bound to be some creeps walking around...

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The second guy is the smartest and got the best ending probably out of every mr.nightmare story. Had a gun and used it wisely, wasted no time charging the intruder, had them drop the tough guy act, called the police asap and got him arrested. Not a single dumb decision made.


I have trouble with anxiety as a grown 25 year old male. Mr Nightmare is my favorite bed time story reader. Thank you for all your work !


My favorite Arcade horror story of all time is still the one of the kid who was playing a game and then discovered that a cop was looking for him. He ran from the cop only to run into a psycho with a shotgun. The psycho then said "Get down!" and shot the cop, who turned out to be made of liquid aluminum or something. The cop later chased him in a truck as he tried escaping on his motorbike. Classic.


"I grabbed my Glock 19 from my nightstand and charged downstairs" - One of the best and most satisfying sentences I have ever heard in a home invasion story.


The second story is probably the most satisfying story I’ve heard on this channel. Every time I hear one of these stories I always think “If only the person was armed they would’ve been so much safer” and in the second story the guy was. It just puts a smile on my face that this man seemed prepared and ready to defend himself unlike the people who couldn’t in other videos.


I'm glad to finally hear someone in your stories owning a gun. It fixes most of these issues real quick


It's always a good thing when Mr. Nightmare uploads on a Friday night


If you’re ever feeling alone, just watch these videos. No more feeling alone anymore


glad the guy in story 2 had a gun to tell the stalker he's not to be messed with.


I have bad anxiety disorder and yet I find Mr nightmare a great story teller. Love his stuff. He creeps me out but I cant stop watching or listening - thankyou Mr nightmare


I get goose bumps every time mr nightmare post let’s show respect for this man for staying at it for almost 10 years


I've got a quick Arcade story:

When I was 7, maybe 8, I was playing in a small arcade in our local movie theater. My parents and sister were preoccupied with the pinball machine in a different corner facing away from me, and I was playing The Simpsons Beat Em Up ( a great game, I may add. ) alone.

The theater was pretty empty this day. Then, all of a sudden, a homeless looking older man stood there in front of me, facing me. He stared at me for what seemed like forever, though it was more of a few uncomfortable moments. I started feeling like I was in danger.

I then acted quickly and called my older sister over to come look at my game. Luckily, she listened and came right over. She started back at the man as well, almost like a bold " what do you want" sort of look.

The man smiled widely, nodded his head, and walked away. Looking back at it now as an adult and knowing the real dangers of this world, I'm glad I took that sense of danger seriously. If there's anything I've learned from Mr. Nightmare is that shit can happen at any time.

Be safe out there. And watch your kids.


I just wanna say how much I appreciate Mr. nightmare actually talking and communicating with his fans. It says a lot about your character. ❤❤❤


Arcade's have been freaking me out since Big was released in the 80's. I love the retro content, when everything seemed so much more innocent. Brilliantly narrated and love the video - mesmerising. An inspiration for us all.

Looking forward to the next upload already.


From pizza deliveries to arcades? Mr. Nightmare can make any topic into a horror story.


One that I've been wanting to hear about for a long time. When I worked at an arcade, the hours right before closing would have the weirdest and creepiest events.


i kinda feel bad for the brother in the second story because he actually believed his sister was in danger, but he's completely crazy "standing up" for her like THAT, but i kinda see him as a victim of an obsessive sister


It's rainy, windy outside I'm laying in bed and this is so perfect for ending a work week. Thanks Mr Nightmare sincerely


ive been listened to mr. nightmare to sleep ever since i was a freshman in high school, and have just graduated college. hes truly gotten me through some tough times. thank you for everything


this guy is the definition of dedication. hes been making content like this for years
